Have you ever been hypnotizing a subject and were concerned they weren't in trance?

You're not alone.

This is a common fear that hypnotists of all levels experience.

But don't get too caught up in worry, because you've got two things working in your favour:

  1. Everyone has experienced a state of trance at some point in their life, whether they're consciously aware of it or not. If you as the hypnotist can remember that anyone that you work with has been in trance at some point in their life will make it a lot easier for you to remain confident.

    Because their unconscious mind has already gone into trance countless of times in the past, so it's not a state that your subject's mind is unfamiliar with.

  2. It's easy to spot a person in trance, if you know what to look for.

In this report, you'll have not just one or two ways to know when your subject is in trance, but 14!

Ok, let's get started...

Trance Signal #1:

An easy to spot sign of trance is a change in the pattern of breathing.

Typically this will be a slower pattern of breathing. But sometimes, even when they're relaxing, their breathing will speed up.

So when you’re looking for the change of breathing, wha t you’re really being aware of is: “Are they breathing at a different rate compared to how they normally breathe?”

If they are, they're in an altered state, because breathing is directly linked to people's state of mind.

Now, before you go off and stare directly at people's chest, especially if you're looking at a woman's chest, that kind of thing is going to get you into trouble.

So, to be able to observe someone's breathing without having to be obvious about it, use your peripheral vision. Use your expanded sense of awareness, and look out of the corner of your eye.

Out of the corner of your eye you can now see the rise and fall of the chest and determine the breathing rate.

One more indicator to look for is the rise and fall of someone’s shoulders; as they breathe in and their rib cage lifts, their shoulders will have a tendency to lift as well.

Trance Signal #2:

Another thing you can look out for is slowing down of the pulse. There are certain points on the body where the blood vessels actually come very close to the skin. And you can actually see the pulse ticking away.

One such place is the side of the neck.

With a lot of people, and not necessarily everyone and not necessarily all of the time, but with a lot of people, if you watch the side of their neck, you can actually watch the pulse ticking regularly.

Which means you can see the pulse speeding up, and slowing down.

Now, whilst the pulse is usually slower in trance, sometimes the fact that it's speeding up can also be a suggestion that they're going into a hypnotic state.

And the reason for this has to do with: 'What are you communicating?'

If you are communicating things to do with excitement, or danger, well then it's appropriate for the pulse to speed up, because they are responding to your communication.

And I hope you understand what I mean by that. Another place that you can see a pulse is on the ankle.

A lot of times there's a vein that crosses the ankle bone itself, particularly easy to spot in ladies who are wearing skirts.

Of course, with every person that you meet, you may find other areas where the pulse is just naturally more obvious.

Trance Signal #3:

Another sign that people are entering into trance is that their facial features begin to smooth out, as the facial muscles begin to relax.

As a rule, people's faces will tend to become more symmetrical as well. If you look at a person's face straight-on, you'll notice that a lot of times there's a sort of dissymmetry; the left side and the right side of the face will very rarely match on people.

But as they go into trance, the facial features tend to smooth out and become more balanced.

Trance Signal #4:

Something you might have already noticed if you’ve done the exercise before, is that people’s attention becomes absorbed.

For example, their eyes are fixed on one point in space or glaze over slightly – there tends to be no movement in the eyes.

These are all good signs that the other person's attention has been fixated, which means they are beginning to go into a trance.

Trance Signal #5:

Another subtle sign is a change in the blink reflex. Now, what kind of changes are we looking for?

Both faster blinking and slower blinking is a good sign. In fact sometimes people stop blinking altogether.

Don't let that disturb you. It's just a sign that their eyelids have become what's called "cataleptic". In other words, the muscles in the eyes have frozen for a moment in time.

It’s one of the signs that someone is responding to hypnosis and entering a state of trance.

Trance Signal #6:

Another example of a trance feature to look out for is a change in the swallowing mechanism.

Typically, when someone first goes into a trance, they'll begin to swallow more frequently.

And then, after a few minutes, their swallow reflex will slow down, sometimes stopping altogether.

Trance Signal #7:

Other signs of trance happening are immobility of movement.

When people stop moving, there's a tendency they'll be in trance.

So, if you meet someone who at first has a lot of hand gestures and mannerisms and head movements etc, and gradually those movements slow down, and then stop altogether, that is a sign that they've entered an altered state of mind - and are responding to you hypnotically.

Trance Signal #8:

On slightly similar note, people will have involuntary muscle twitches. Sometimes when someone goes into a trance, you’ll find like a facial tick beginning, or maybe their shoulder begins to twitch.

These are all signs that they're relaxing, and their muscles are going through a sort of cathartic process.

Trance Signal #9:

One of the more subtle signs that a subject has entered a trance state is a visible change in their skin color, or skin tone itself.

As people go into trance and relax more, the blood tends to flow more freely, so they will typically look a little darker, with a little bit more colour in their hands and face.

Sometimes the opposite will occur. Sometimes they'll become a little paler, as the blood withdraws from those areas.

Either way is fine. It's just a physiological response, telling you that they're going into a trance.

Trance Signal #10:

As a rule, people's voices will also change as they go into trance.

Typically their speech will slow down and their voice will have a slightly different tonality.

Trance Signal #11:

The next trance signal in the list is called limb catalepsy.

Catalepsy refers to a state in which a person's limbs stop moving and become rigid. For example, when an arm is lifted to a height just below the neck. After the arm is lifted, it stays there. It doesn't fall or drift back down. It stays in the same position until you tell the person to move it or you move it yourself.

Limb catalepsy is also called "waxy flexibility." It's possible for the hypnotist to move the arm into another position, but when catalepsy is present it will simply stay in that position until it's moved or until the person is taken back out of hypnosis.

When a limb such as the arm stops moving like this, almost as if it's suspended in mid air, it's a sign that trance has been achieved. The person's too busy focusing on the unconscious world inside their head to take any notice of what's going on with their external world. Even if it’s one of their own limbs.

Limb catalepsy is a sign that their attention has been fixated internally. That means they're either going into a trance or they're already in a trance state.

Trance Signal #12:

Another good sign to watch out for is pupil dilation.

When this happens the pupils of a person's eyes get wider. Typically this is a good indication that the focus of your subject’s attention has changed.

Instead of concentrating on what's in the environment outside them, their thoughts are turning inward. And one of the ways this shows up is in the widening of their pupils. It's like they're defocusing their vision.

Even though their eyes are open, they're not actually looking at anything.

This is a great way to spot that they're shifting their energy from their conscious mind to their unconscious mind. In other words, they're already well on their way to a trance state.

Once you see this happening, you know that whatever you're doing in terms of hypnosis is working.

Trance Signal # 13:

Another sign that someone's going into a trance is eye fatigue or closure.

People's eyes can naturally get tired when they're focusing on one spot on the wall. It can also happen as a result of your suggestions, when you tell them that their eyes are getting tired, or that they're finding it harder and harder to keep their eyelids open.

When their eyes partially close or even all the way, that's a sign that they're moving into a hypnotic trance. It's also a good indicator that their attention is moving away from the outside world and toward the inside world, or the unconscious mind.

Typically you can influence eye fatigue simply be telling someone that their eyelids are getting heavy and might want to close. Traditionally people experience hypnosis with their eyes closed anyway, because that helps to shut out the outside world more quickly and makes it easier for them to focus on the hypnotist's words and suggestions.

Trance Signal # 14:

The final and most important trance signal is an increase in passive responses. This trance signal is the most important of them all, as it’s the most telling of a person in trance.

As a rule, as people go into a trance, they become less argumentative and more agreeable, which makes them more willing to follow your lead.

One relatively “reliable” way to detect this is that they are happy to accept your suggestions - it means the critical factor has been bypassed.

For example, if they first came into the room slightly guarded or argumentative (with you or others) – and they then shift to have a more relaxed demeanor and are more willing to follow your lead, this is a good sign that they’ve entered a hypnotic state.

So now that you've got these 14 trance signals, it's time to go out there and spot as many of them as you can while you work with your subjects. Or even just start by observing people in everyday situations.

Because one thing may surprise you: People are going into trances all the time.

So the better you get at spotting these signals, the less work you have to do, because you'll be able to essentially "borrow" people's trances to make your job that much easier.

Now that you’ve got 14 signals to look for as proof that your subject is in trance, the next part of the hypnosis puzzle comes into play:

Knowing what to say!

When a person is in trance, you're more able to bypass their critical factor. So you'll be able to reach the part of their mind that's that much more willing to accept your suggestions and make positive change happen.

Because with hypnosis, words are massively important.

That's why hypnotic language is so powerful.

Just by knowing what words to choose while you're subject is in trance, you'll be empowered to influence others, get people to listen to your thoughts and ideas, plus strengthen your relationships to the people in your life that are most important to you.

Plus, it's a skill almost anyone can get good at quickly and easily.

All you need is the Hypnotic Language Shortcut System.

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