Ever heard of Clair Davies?
He has written a great book on relieving pain in the body based on a method he devised called:
Trigger Point Therapy.
Hundreds of thousands of people have relieved a bad back, migraine headaches, shoulder pain, etc., after trying (and failing) with every other type of pain relief.
But here’s the really interesting thing:
Clair Davies was (from a young age right up to 60-years-of-age) a…
Piano tuner.
Yep, that’s right – he had no involvement with working with the human body or with pain relief until he was 60-years-old.
Instead, he spent all his work time tuning pianos.
And he only stopped tuning pianos when his own back pain got too excruciatingly painful to continue his piano tuning work.
He went to osteopaths, chiropractors, physios, you name it he tried it to get relief from his back pain.
Nothing worked like it should.
So Clair Davies drew on his skills as a piano tuner to “re-tune” his own body.
And it worked.
It also worked for lots, and lots of other people with all types of pain as well.
And so “Trigger Point Therapy” was born.
The point?
Often the biggest and most elegant breakthroughs come from people who have experience completely outside the field in which the breakthrough occurs.
Another example of this is our own Igor Ledochowski and his hypnosis mindset.
He was a corporate Lawyer before he revolutionized many of the hypnosis protocols and the way in which they are taught.
His analytical, model-based approach allowed him to do that.
Maybe you too, can draw on your experience from another field to improve the way you practice hypnosis?
After all, who’s to say you won’t come up with your own breakthrough.
You won’t know unless you experiment.
Just know the rules first before you go out to break the rules!
That would be my advice to you.