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Want To Become A Great Conversational Hypnotist? Here’s Why You Should Play The Role Of Merlin… Not King Arthur

how become great conversational hypnotist 1

how become great conversational hypnotist 1


According to Arthurian legend, Merlin was the wise wizard that engineered the birth of Arthur through magic and intrigue.

Once born, Merlin carefully coached and prepared Arthur to take center stage and becomebecome a great conversational hypnotist the legendary figure that he did.

But without Merlin’s wise teachings and magic – Arthur never would have existed – let alone become king.

What’s this got to do with conversational hypnosis, you might be thinking?

Well, everything.

Because if you want to become a great conversational hypnotist, you need to play the role of Merlin… not Arthur.

Your job is to transform your subjects into becoming the heroes of their own stories… which can only be done if you empower them to take center stage.

Watch the video above to hear Igor explain more on this.

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