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Can Hypnotherapy Help You Heal After A Breakup Or Broken Relationship?

The Dalai Lama is quoted as saying that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.

What that means is that a breakup (for example) can be a good thing, although it probably won’t feel like that at the time.

When it happens you can be inconsolable, and there’s not enough ice cream in the world to make you feel any better.

No amount of hugs or reassurances will make the slightest bit of difference. So what will?

Here’s something to consider: can hypnotherapy help you heal after a breakup?

It might sound strange at first, until you think about the many uses there are for hypnotherapy.

The process makes use of hypnosis to help you make changes in your life by finding answers to questions and solutions to problems.

It lets you see things from a different perspective so you can focus on moving forward.

The truth is that, when you have a problem, simply ignoring that problem won’t make it go away.

You need to confront it, head on, say it out loud and deal with whatever issues it throws up.

In the normal course of events that might be difficult for you to do.

Using hypnotherapy, however, you have someone to guide you, someone to give you permission to let it all out and to clear the air.

Of course, there’s a lot more to hypnotherapy than that. Before examining it in some detail, let’s find out more about how a breakup might affect you in general.

Emotional Challenges Of A Breakup & How To Heal Through Hypnotherapy

A breakup can be a devastating time. Your emotions are all over the place.

You feel sad, frustrated, angry, confused, worn out and anxious about the future.

And these feelings can be so intense that you don’t have the energy for anything else.

One of the reasons for feeling this way is because you’ve lost something, which as this article points out could be:

Or it could even be all of the above.

One important point to remember is that it’s okay to feel this way, because that is part of how you’re able to work through it.

Healing your broken heart with hypnotherapy will probably involve a range of techniques to discover any limiting beliefs you might have about relationships.

You’ll likely learn techniques that will help you manage your emotions and identify any negative thoughts.

Just talking about how you feel, expressing your anger or feelings of loss, can be invaluable in your efforts to heal.

Your therapist will help you examine the good and bad aspects of your relationship and use reframing techniques to enable you to think differently about it.

The end result will be a calmer mind and the sense that you’re regaining control.

It will take a bit of time for the pain to subside, but with hypnotherapy you’ll have practical tips you can use to focus your energies on what lies ahead rather than on what you left behind.

How Hypnotherapy Helps To Process Grief, Reduce Emotional Pain & Regain Self-Confidence

Going through a breakup is very similar to experiencing grief, being as it is the death of a relationship.

Hypnotherapy is an effective process that will enable you to deal with underlying conflicts and issues, using powerful techniques such as the following:


A method for reliving positive experiences and happy times when the relationship was strong and ongoing. This is very helpful for getting rid of any negative feelings you might be holding on to.

The Non-Awareness Set

A method for making you aware of emotions and feelings thrown up by the breakup, so that you can embrace them rather than running away from them.

The Blitz

A method for empowering a person by helping them to remember times in the past when they were confident, self-assured and not reliant on someone else to make them feel fulfilled. The idea is to “blitz” them with positive messages about how strong they were, how together they were, how powerful they were, and how they can be like that again.

Dynamic Mental Imagery

Method for stimulating the imagination by taking you on a hypnotic journey to find symbols that can help you move on with your life. The symbols give you something new to focus on, taking your attention away from the old relationship and the pain and anguish associated with it.


A method for bringing opposing and conflicting parts together to resolve them, such as when you want a broken relationship to continue but, knowing it can’t, you also want to get on with your life.

These are just a few examples of the possible techniques that can be employed to help heal a broken heart. They can be used separately or together depending on the individual and on the therapist’s skill.

Benefits Of Hypnotherapy To Provide Closure & Facilitate Personal Growth

The fact is that hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for helping restore your mental health. It’s been known to help you:

Your hypnotherapist will help you enter a hypnotic trance, a deeply relaxing state where you’re able to shut out the everyday outside world.

That makes it possible for you to communicate with your unconscious mind and make the changes you need to make from the inside out, helping you break unhelpful patterns and instill more productive ones.

In this way it can help you find the closure you need, boosting your self-esteem and letting you grow as a person instead of being held back by your recent negative experience.

What To Expect In A Hypnotherapy Session For Breakup Recovery

Before any hypnosis takes place, your hypnotherapist will talk to you about what’s wrong and about what you hope to gain from the session. This conversation also gives you a chance to get to know the hypnotherapist and to establish a level of trust between the two of you.

You will then be brought into a hypnotic trance, which will feel like deep relaxation and a sense of great peace and calm.

You’ll be relaxed but awake, aware of everything that happens and be perfectly safe during the whole session.

Next the therapist will deepen the trance to help shut out the outside world and give you the chance to focus your thoughts inward.

The secret behind hypnosis is that it enables you to access your unconscious mind, a part of your brain that you rarely tap into on purpose.

This makes you more susceptible to suggestions and more open to new ideas which your unconscious mind helps you to realize, and that is why hypnosis is such a powerful tool to help change behaviors and break habits.

Your therapist will guide you to help you visualize how you want to think and behave from now on.

As one world-renowned researcher puts it, you’ll be able to “reduce attention” from the way you’ve always done things, which is one way to ensure you stop doing those things.

Hypnosis is particularly useful for people who feel stuck and unable to move forward. It helps you see things in a different light so that you’re able to focus on what’s possible and on what you want to achieve, instead of dwelling on events from the past that are no longer worth your time and attention.

Going through a breakup can be painful and distressing, and although friends and family mean well, there isn’t much they can do to help.

Hypnotherapy offers you practical solutions you can put to use right away. You’ll also be able to learn simple self-hypnosis techniques that you can practice in between sessions.


So can hypnotherapy help you heal after a breakup?

The answer is a resounding yes, with powerful techniques such as Revivification, the Non-Awareness Set and Reintegration to help you mend quickly.

One very important element is its ability to help you focus, because at this point in your life your emotions will be all over the place.

Hypnotherapy helps you to explore your relationship so you can recall what went wrong but also remember the good times.

By channeling your energies inward, you’ll be able to clear your mind and begin to look forward to what lies ahead in your life.

It’s a safe, drug-free and refreshing way to put a breakup behind you and regain your confidence and self-belief.

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