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How To Get Other People To
“Influence Themselves” And
Agree With Your Suggestions...

March 07, 2025

From: Igor Ledochowski

You’re about to get the inside track on subconscious influence (and how to evoke it and control it) that few people in history have ever been able to figure out on their own...

What kind of new experiences will you be able to create in your life with the revelatory insights about subconscious influence that follow?

I'm going to tell you.


Very soon.

But first, just one "big insight" in 18 words:

By Understanding How To Frame How
Someone “Sees” You... You Can Turn
The Influence Dynamic On Its Head

On. Its. Head.

No longer will you have to "work" at influencing others.


You and your ideas will get readily chosen.

Favors and special opportunities will be given to you.

Invitations and acceptance will be granted to you where they are not to others.

And don't be surprised if someone you spend just a few hours with starts confiding things in you that they've never felt comfortable divulging to anyone else in their life.

Not because you made them do it -- or anything particular you said.

But because you will be one of the very, very few people on Earth who actually knows how to consciously frame the way other people “see” you and respond to you.

That is known as FRAME CONTROL.

As in: Having conscious control over the point-of-view (POV) of how others “see” you and respond to you.

As well as having conscious control over other people’s expectations about you (i.e., with frame control you get to set an expectation that you are worth listening to and your ideas are the best to follow).

Frame control also allows you to create your own meaning or "own reality" out of any experience... out of anything that is said to you... and... by extension... allows you to...

Make Others "Work" For Your
Approval And Acceptance

So they try to please you; instead of you trying to please them.

Once you know how to "switch" the frame (the POV) through which people see you and respond to you -- you get to take back control of the dynamic of any conversation... any communication... and every... human interaction.

That gives you POWER. (You must use this ethically and responsibly)


It also gives you access to life experiences that are beyond what most other people are able to create for themselves.

Of course, it's one thing to talk about all this frame control stuff "on a computer screen"; it's very different to show how frame control is used in REAL LIVE "high-stakes" situations.

So here’s an intriguing story I was involved in that gives you an idea of just how powerful this frame control stuff is in crucial real life situations -- let’s call it:

The Story Of How “Mr. Boring” Became
The Most Influential Accountant
In The World...

Back when I was doing Executive Coaching I was hired by an accountancy firm in the United Kingdom.

It was there that I taught my frame control techniques to an up-tight accountant guy.

He had a problem.

First off, he was boring. B-O-R-I-N-G.

So, let’s call him here, “Mr. Boring.”

Definitely not charismatic or naturally influential in any way.

That was bad enough.

But “Mr. Boring” also had a second problem:

His accountancy firm wasn't one of the "big 5".

That might not mean much to you but to the accountancy firm it meant they were "closed out" from bidding to do the auditing work for the large Public Limited companies – i.e., where the BIG MONEY CONTRACTS are to be got.

So my Executive Coaching team and I were hired to help “Mr. Boring” (and his “2nd Division” accountancy firm) to make a presentation to the Public Limited companies for the BIG MONEY CONTRACTS.

Long story short:

I created a presentation (based on many of my frame control techniques) that “Mr. Boring” and his accountancy firm could use to present to 7 Public Limited companies.

“Mr. Boring” and his accountancy firm had never even got so much as a look in before – but…

…with the presentation based on many of my frame control techniques…

…They Ended Up Getting Hired By
6 Out Of The 7 Public Limited Companies

(Completely side-sweeping the "big 5" accountancy firms).

And the 7th Public Limited company they presented too?

Well this is the really fascinating bit:

Because although the 7th company turned down my client on grounds that it did not have specific expertise in the Oil and Gas Industry -- they did come back to my client and go out of their way to hire them for other accountancy related work. Meaning…

They Literally "Invented" A
Reason To Hire My Client!

ALL BECAUSE of the frame control techniques I got “Mr. Boring” to use in his presentation to pitch himself and his accountancy firm.

That gives you just an inkling of just how powerful and effective these frame control techniques can be.

But it wasn't just the frame control techniques I instigated for that accountancy firm client that won them $1,000,0000 worth of business with the major Public Limited companies.

There were two other important factors at play.

Two other things I got the accountancy client to "mix-in" to their presentation.

The first of which were elements from what I call THE DYNAMIC PRINCIPLE.

Here’s what you need to know about The Dynamic Principle:

It’s all about communicating in a certain “hypnotic” way that the person (or group of people) you are talking to create the most meaningful images in their head (for them!) out of what you are saying.

The “magic” of The Dynamic Principle is that another person cannot really “deflect” anything you are saying.

They cannot shoot down what you say or punch holes in your argument.

That’s because the way you communicate your ideas via the means of The Dynamic Principle requires that the recipient(s) of your message have to put it into a picture in their head to make sense of it.

And because the picture in their head will be THEIR picture – they will not resist it or reject it.

The picture will be THEIR IDEA after all.

By the way – here’s a secret insight hardly anyone knows about:

When you speak and communicate information in verbal form you are activating the frontal part of your brain (which is also called the neo-cortex if you want to get all fancy about it).

The frontal (the neo-cortex) part of your brain is the logical, analytical, thinking part of the brain. It’s necessary for you to “think through” what information you want to verbalize and how you want to structure the information you deliver.

Which is good, right?

We wouldn’t be the modern human beings we are today with iPhones, mathematical equations, feats of engineering and so on, without the frontal lobe (neo-cortex part of our brain).


...(and here’s the BIG BUT)...

When your verbal message is RECEIVED by another person it FIRST goes through the most primitive part of the brain (the brain stem – or what is often called the reptilian part of the brain).

And the reptilian part of a person’s brain makes instantaneous reactions – i.e., whether to let your information in or instinctively reject it) based on...


Only when the primitive (reptilian) brain accepts the information (based on VISUAL IMAGES that get created) does it kick the information up for more analytical assessment in the frontal lobe (neo-cortex) part of the brain.

Now here’s the really interesting thing (that makes this whole subconscious influence -- through the use of The Dynamic Principle -- so freaking powerful):

We “think” we make our decisions by reasoning and assessment in the “thinking-part” (the frontal lobe or neo-cortex part) of our brain. But the thinking that happens in that part of the brain only confirms or reaffirms what has already SUBCONSCIOUSLY been decided by your primitive (reptilian) brain –

Based On The IMAGES It Creates

It happens so fast and so instinctively that we’re not even aware of it happening.

But it does happen that way.

And now that you know that (by knowing something about how people process information and ideas that they themselves are not ever aware of)...

You Can Subconsciously Influence
Other People WITHOUT Them Ever
Being Aware Of It

All it takes is talking in a way that others have to create mental images out of.

Here’s the thing though:

The mistake people often make when they find out about the above is that they try to “put” pictures in other people’s minds by the way they describe their information and ideas.

Good idea in theory – not so effective in practice.


Because everybody creates THEIR unique pictures (mental images) based on their experiences, perceptions and beliefs.

And any picture or image you try to “put” in the mind of another person is going to be based on YOUR experiences, perceptions and beliefs... and therefore... is probably going to “feel off” to another person. Accordingly, you will be instinctively rejected by the person you are trying to influence.

That’s where The Dynamic Principle comes into play to save the day.

The Dynamic Principle is NOT about putting images or mental pictures in other people’s heads.

The outcome?

More Effortless Agreement To
Your Ideas & Suggestions

That’s what subconscious influence is really all about.

Having other people instinctively agreeing with your ideas and suggestions because they “think” that it was their idea all along.

So anyway, The Dynamic Principle (conversing in a “below-the-surface” hypnotic kind of way) was the second element I got the accountancy client to use in their presentations (along with the frame control techniques I taught them).

But there was one more vital element I taught that accountancy client that allowed them to land clients that would ordinarily have “been out of their league.”

Before I tell you what that 3rd vital element was... let me say this:

When you combine frame control techniques with the use of The Dynamic Principle AND this third element... oh boy...

You Are On A Completely Different
Level To Anyone Else When It Comes
To Being A Subconscious Influencer

So... the third element?

It’s Group Conversational Hypnosis.

Remember: My accountant client had to influence the decisions of a group of “head-strong” executives.

And when you are communicating with a group (instead of a singular person) and the group members have big egos – you have to be able to take control and lead the dynamic of the group.

Once you control the group dynamic – the individual members of the group tend to fall into line with the dynamic you create and control.

Now, you may never want to or need to influence groups of people – BUT, by understanding group dynamics (and how to control it) – which is what Group Conversational Hypnosis is essentially all about – you naturally have a calm yet powerful presence that others favourably respond to.

And guess what else?

The added perk is this:

The Better You Are At Engaging, Communicating And Controlling The Dynamic Of A Group Of People... The More Engaging And “Listened To” You Become In Individual Interactions

Which is what you want, right?

So: The million dollar question:

Well... here’s the thing:

As a result of my journey into the exciting world of all things related to hypnosis and subconscious influence, I have created a body of work through my comprehensive seminar and training programs that covers just about every aspect of hypnosis.

My quest to always break new ground in hypnosis training and how I deliver that training has taken me deeper, wider and further than most any other hypnosis trainer.

Yet lots of people (maybe you included) have said to me:

So I have.

That ONE “SuperCharger” program is called:

The Dynamic Hypnotist
Supercharger Program


There are 3 MASTERCLASS TRAINING components to The Dynamic Hypnotist Supercharger program -- including:

MASTERCLASS (1) "How To Create Powerful Hypnotic Frames To Win Any Argument And Get Your Suggestions Easily Accepted, Even During The Lightest Covert Trances"

Part 1 - Hypnotic Frame Control

18 Different Techniques of Frame Control – so you can always take one or more of the different techniques and “switch frames” on someone and out-frame them.

No matter how much of a weak position you find yourself in, no matter how much credibility you lack – just use one or more of the 18 different frame control techniques I will give you (and explain to you how to use) and you will be able to out-frame anyone so they are suddenly “working” to please and impress you.

The frame control techniques allow you to always “switch” the dynamics of any human interaction in your favour.

As John Finis (who has learnt the 18 different frame control techniques from me), says:

"You Won't Find Anything Close To As Powerful As What Igor Has Put Together In This Masterclass"

"As a therapist and continual student of quality information, I can tell you that you won't find anything close to as powerful as what Igor has put together in this masterclass.

"It is true that if you were only going to learn one concept, frame control would be your most valuable and beneficial knowledge.

If you don't have this right, everything else doesn't work as well, it's as simple as that.

"After hearing the information, one cannot help but make immediate changes to their personal and professional lives for the better."

John Finis
Windsor, CO USA

MASTERCLASS (2) "How To Use The Dynamic Principle To Easily Get Inside People’s Minds And Change Attitudes, Feelings & The Inner Landscape"

Part 2 - The Dynamic Principle

The Dynamic Principle – so you can talk in a conversationally “hypnotic way” that causes the person (the group of people) you are talking to to create their own mental picture (image) in their mind that “matches” the conclusion you wish them to make.

Remember – people will ALWAYS AGREE with the pictures they create in their OWN mind.

Therefore The Dynamic Principle is subconscious influence at its most stealth and effective.

Here’s what one of my students Craig Slee says about his experience of using The Dynamic Principle:

"The Dynamic Principle Is Something I Use Every Day"

“The Dynamic Principle is something I use every day. "As a writer and creative person who is fascinated by hypnosis, I've long known that people develop rich inner lives.

"Creating a place for them to explore and interact with in new and interesting ways, is my bread and butter. "So to learn from from somebody who has dedicated their life to navigating and enhancing people's inner worlds is a wonderful opportunity.

"The Dynamic Principle is a wonderful way to guide and shape yourself and others, to enable you to understand that the change you so deeply desire is just around the corner.

"It opens doors to opportunity like nothing else I've ever seen, by allowing you to understand your own natural forms of communication and thinking, as well as that of those around you. "We've all heard that there are powerful metaphors for change. We've all heard that you can access your inner resources.

"The Dynamic Principle as Igor teaches it provides you with a clear and easily understandable method for developing and understanding just that - the path and way that is uniquely yours. "Not only that, but you can help others find theirs as well! There's a reason it's called the Dynamic Principle - if you learn how to use it, then you'll never be 'stuck' again.

"Thanks so much to Igor for putting it out there.”

Craig Slee
Writer & Creative Content Developer
Lancaster, Lancashire, UK

MASTERCLASS (3) "How To Use Group Conversational Hypnosis To Make A Killer Presentation, Influence A Group, Close Any Deal And Even Get A Standing Ovation!"

Part 3 - Group Conversational Hypnosis

Group Conversational Hypnosis – so you can be a dynamic speaker and be naturally “hypnotic” in front of groups of people.

You don’t have to use the Group Conversational Hypnosis secrets in front of groups – the secrets work just as well when talking to two or three people and even when talking to just one person at a time.

Therefore, you can also use the covert hypnosis secrets in the Group Conversational Hypnosis component to:

Here’s what Anne Scoville says about the Group Conversational Hypnosis techniques she learnt from me:

"I Had 100% Closing Ratio Today! Thank You.
Thank You. Thank You!"

“I spent all weekend listening to the audios and studying the material. I'm soooo excited to implement the hypnotic suggestions in my sales presentations which I give Realtors all over the country selling a marketing package.

I was AMAZED at the things I was doing totally wrong and have since revamped my presentation to be more efficient and look forward to increased sales. This product has literally resparked my passion for what I've been doing for 10 years now.

Thanks to Igor and the Hypnosis audios, I have a renewed excitement for my business and CAN'T WAIT to deliver my first 'Hypnotic' presentation tomorrow morning!!! Thank you, again, for the wonderful information! I look forward to ordering more products from you soon!”

UPDATE: “Oh My God!!! EVERY SINGLE agent bought my marketing today!!! My presentation was fresh and exciting...even to me!

Thanks to your Group Conversational Hypnosis masterclass, I had 100% closing ratio today! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I have a renewed passion for my business and can't wait to share what I've learned with my friends and family.

Y'all truly have helped me get my life back and helped breathe new life into my business.”

Anne Scoville
Owner, ABC Master Marketing
Beaverton, OR, USA

Here is just a small sampling of what you will learn from the 3 masterclass components of the “Dynamic Hypnotist Supercharger Program”:

Plus a whole LOT more.

Dynamic Hypnotist Supercharger Program

The “Multi-Dimensional” Learning
You Get With The Dynamic Hypnotist
Supercharger Program:

  • The “Dynamic Hypnotist Supercharger Program” comes with in-depth masterclass training that’s a total of 16 hours and 26 minutes (which you can download or stream onto your laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone in just a couple of minutes from now)...
  • ...PLUS you also get 3 Exclusive Hypnotic Inductions (1 hour and 38 minutes in total) for each of the masterclass training components of the program (a hypnotic induction that puts the information into you at an unconscious level – just relax and listen to the hypnotic inductions)...
  • ...PLUS you also get 3 Executive Quickstart Manuals (in PDF format - 54 pages in total) for each of the masterclass components of the program that can act as quick reference guides you can refer to at a moment’s notice.
  • ...PLUS you also get 3 FULL TRANSCRIPTS as PDFs (498 pages in total) for each of the masterclass components of the program. That way you can quickly locate any part of the program whenever you need to dive into more detail.

Your Investment?

Ordinarily you would have had to pay $197 for EACH of the 3 components of the Dynamic Hypnosis Supercharger Program.

So it would have cost you $591 for the 3 components – (which you CANNOT buy separately anymore, by the way).

But that’s okay because...

If I hear back from you today -- your total investment to get exclusive online access and go through the full online “Dynamic Hypnotist Supercharger Program” is just $591 just 3 simple monthly installments of only $79.

You can, of course, go through the entire online program completely risk-free.

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Go through the entire program. As many times as you like. See the positive difference unfold in your own life.

And, only after 60 days, fully decide if the program is for you.

If you decide it’s not for you – for whatever reason... you will get a full and prompt refund.

No explaining to do on your end. And no questions asked by us.

But I urge you to hurry.

The “Dynamic Hypnotist Supercharger Program” is ONLY available during this FLASH SALE until Tuesday 11th of January!

$591.00 Just $79 x 3 (Instant Access)

Sorry, Offer Over

Warmest Regards,

Igor Ledochowski
Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer

Author Of Over 100 Different Hypnosis Training Products & Seminars
Author Of The Best Selling, "The Deep Trance Training Manual"
Internationally Acclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer
Certified Master Hypnotist & Trainer
Accredited & Certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
Certified Success Life Coach & Trainer

PS. Here are more comments from people who have gone through one or more of the individual training components that make up the Dynamic Hypnotist Supercharger Program:

"The Results Have Been Amazing"

“THANK YOU SO MUCH- this program is fantastic! You see, I have been helping raise my three grand-children for the past year.

Two of them are autistic and one is ODD. The techniques in this program have helped me so much. By framing the conversation and using positive suggestions- I find that they are more receptive and are doing better every day.

I would highly recommend this program to every parent-but especially to parents with problem children.

The results have been amazing.

Thanks again.

James Stricklin
Retired RV Tech
Meridian, Idaho USA

"I Also Learned To Recognize When Someone Is Using Frames With Me"

“Hi Igor, I really enjoyed your audio class How to Create Powerful Hypnotic Frames to Win any Argument.

I originally thought it would help me with talking to my teenage son. It does more than that, I also learned to recognize when someone is using frames with me.

The manual with the class is great reference too. Thanks for another great product.”

Kathy Dempsey
Graphic Designer/Hypnotist
Foxboro, MA USA

"How to convince others that they
thought of the idea"

“Re-framing or how to convince others that they thought of the idea – brilliant.”

Laurence Jones
Aesch, Basel land, Switzerland

"...another wonderful tool Igor has provided to ensure highly effective persuasion techniques."

“I had never heard about working with ‘frames’ until discovering Igor’s in-depth presentation on How to Create Powerful Hypnotic Frames.

I found it very interesting and something I will certainly make a lot more effort to employ in the future.

Working with customers, I am always seeking an edge over the competition.

The information contained in this masterclass provides me with the solid foundation I need to be more effective.

They are yet another wonderful tool Igor has provided to ensure highly effective persuasion techniques.”

David Pendleton
Santa Clara, CA USA

"Framing and reframing are extremely important to the success of any hypnotist and the Master Class is superb"

“The Hypnotic Frames Master Class is a wonderful addition to your hypnosis toolkit.

Framing and reframing are extremely important to the success of any hypnotist and the Master Class is superb.

Specifically the "unintended loophole" and the "tyrannical principle" are great to know and use in a hypnotherapy session or in a more covert situation.

Knowing hypnotic frames is one of the keys to being a good hypnotist and this course does a good job of teaching hypnotic frames. Thank You.”

Jean-Marc Hebert
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

"The Dynamic Principle Allows You To Call On
The Client's Own Subconconscious Resources To Create Permanent Change"

“If you've ever been curious about how to work in a way that elicits direct unconscious response then this is the class for you.

"The dynamic principle allows you to call on the client's own unconscious resources to create permanent change.

"This class gives you a step by step process to working with the symbols the client uses to interact with themselves and the world around them.

"I have used this process in a number of different circumstances including helping individuals move beyond anxiety, pain, and confidence issues.

"I have even used the methods outlined in this class to help someone overcome an undefined problem.

"To this day I have no idea what change occurred but I do know they experienced a dramatic positive shift in their life.

"This class will give you the tools you need to interact directly with someone else's unconscious to create bright and wonderful present and future.”

"All of which means, there's nobody quite as uniquely qualified as Igor is to help you become more successful through self-hypnosis. (Not to mention, you're going to love his style and delivery technique - he's one of a kind.)

Jess Marion
Philadelphia, PA, US

$591.00 Just $79 x 3 (Instant Access)

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"Igor's Hypnotic Induction Gathers
The Material Together And Forcefully
Makes The Material Part Of The Learner's
Life From Now On."

“Igor's master class on the dynamic principal is a massively meaningful exposition of the range of active and passive; overt and covert hypnosis practices and principles.

"The telephone participation of hypnosis students who serve as both subjects and audience brings the material alive.

"Igor's hypnotic induction gathers the material together and forcefully makes the material part of the learner's life from now on.”

Robert Riddlemoser
Hypnotist, teacher and architect
Denver, CO USA

"A Very Clever And Thought Provoking Masterclass..."

“A very clever and thought provoking masterclass that gives you confidence to experiment and explore with your clients. A definite one for the collection.”

Stephen Tierney
Sales Trainer
Fareham, Hamshire, UK

"Not Only Is This An Effective Therapeutic Technique, It Also Helps The Hypnotist To Better Understand The Unconscious Mind."

“Igor's master class on the dynamic principle is wonderful!

"You learn a content free hypnotic technique using symbols.

"Not only is this an effective therapeutic technique, it also helps the hypnotist to better understand the unconscious mind.

"I have helped people overcome phobias, anger issues, and more. This technique is a non-evasive way to make unconscious change.

"Igor also teaches how to use the dynamic principle covertly so that you can use isomorphic metaphors to make changes in the people around you.

"I highly recommended this to anyone!”

Benjamin Walden
Attorney and Coach
Atlanta, GA USA

"The Masterclass is Incredibly Effective In
The Way It Elicits Nuance And Gives
The Techniques Life"

“The masterclass is incredibly effective in the way it elicits nuance and gives the techniques life through the application of context.

"Igor is excellent at setting the stage allowing the play between student and master to creatively unfold.”

Chuck Kespert
Currency Trader
New York, USA

"The Dynamic Principle Is Something
I Use Every Day"

Rob Smith“The Dynamic principle is easy to use and is very effective and is especially useful for new hypnotists wishing to use conversational hypnosis.

"If used correctly and it's hard to do it wrong then the subjects sub conscious mind id doing the bulk of the work.

"It is also a lot of fun.

"I am more than happy to recommend this to anyone be they newbie to hypnosis or seasoned hands at it.”

Rob Smith
Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand

"The Technique Is So Effective That My Effectiveness Rate Has Skyrocketed"

“The dynamic principle has been a great tool to improve my ability to help people stop smoking.

"The technique is so effective that my effectiveness rate has skyrocketed since I use it in my sessions.

"Thanks Igor for making available this great tool and help us achieve our highest potential as hypnotists and therapists!”

Andres Aranda
Guadalajara, Mexico

"It Has Had Great Impact In My Hypnosis Sessions With Clients"

“I particularly liked the instructions in how to use Dynamic Mental Imagery and it has had great impact in my hypnosis sessions with clients.

"And it is SO beneficial for people because they get so much out of it. And my clients are a LOT easier to work with and are just better clients.”

Richard Moore
Business Coach
Norwich, Norfolk, UK

"I Feel Better About Future Challenges Because I Know I Have These Tools Available"

“Since becoming aware of this process, there has been an improvement in my ability to have satisfying and productive conversations with people.

"Much of the resistance and argument that once was a routine event in communicating with certain people has disappeared.

"Listening to others is more interesting and engaging, as well as productive, when you can "hear" the stories people are telling you.

"It helps in realizing the richness of people's inner worlds, and this can make even mundane interactions more pleasant and involving.

"There is much more practice ahead for me, as there remains much I'd like to try.

"I feel better about future challenges because I know I have these tools available.”

Holly Soutar
Arts and Crafts Professional
San Jacinto, California, USA

$591.00 Just $79 x 3 (Instant Access)

Sorry, Offer Over

"Excellent program, great value!"

“Excellent program, great value!

I highly recommend it!.”

Raluca Radu
Chief Financial Officer
Bucharest, Romania

"I Am No Longer Looked Over
Or Talked Over"

“Just a note of appreciation for all the help I have received from listening to and putting into action the training information found in this program.

Now talking in groups is a piece of cake (well, almost). I am no longer looked over or talked over.

Every person wants to now hear what I have to say...thanks to Igor.

Also, I have a group presentation scheduled soon and I am actually looking forward to it instead of trembling out of my boots.

Thanks tons for this life changing experience.”

Brynda Johnson
Wholistic Life Coach
Beltsville, MD USA

"This Course Is Essential For Anyone Who Needs To Speak To Or Lead A Group"

“As a frequent speaker and presenter, I have long recognized the effectiveness of using hypnotic techniques to deliver a captivating and motivating message.

So, I am always searching for new tools to enhance the effectiveness of my presentations. Imagine my surprise when I found this course.

In it, Igor leads you step-by-step, conditioning your mind in how to develop your message, connect with your audience, have them hanging on your every word and motivating them to action.

I especially like the attention given to understanding group dynamics and using them to secure and maintain your leadership role.

This course is essential for anyone who needs to speak to or lead a group.

Thank you Igor for another great class!”

Don Sauder
Trainer & Coach
Bald Head Island, NC, USA

"I Feel Greatly Empowered"

“This Masterclass filled all the blanks for me where my teacher training failed.

Igor explains group dynamics and how to influence them so well that I could easily and successfully translate ideas into the classroom. I feel greatly empowered.

There are even specific examples for the teaching environment - very good stuff; I believe that should be part of teacher training. Many thanks.”

S. Gebauer
Worcestershire, UK

"This Course Is Invaluable..."

“This course is invaluable for anyone who presents to groups of people, whether that be in a classic hypnotic format or group training in general.

It includes information on arranging, organizing and remembering your content, creating connections with the audience, recognizing group leaders and using them to facilitate your own process, as well as elegant closing procedures to reinforce your content and audience appreciation.

Having this information builds one's own confidence through knowing definite procedures for content delivery as well as a knowledge of group dynamics.”

Carolyn O'Sullivan
Essendon, Victoria, Australia

"I Wish I Had This Information When I Started Teaching All Those Years Ago."

“Having been in adult education for over 7 years, I thought I knew all there was to know.

I was absolutely floored by the quality of the content given and how precise and specific Igor was in describing word for word, exactly how to influence a group using conversational hypnosis.

Now in my classes, I've become so much more consciously aware of group dynamics and how to influence those groups to work in my favor. I wish I had this information when I started teaching all those years ago.”

Jon Petruch
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

"Amazed At How Effectively This Information Has Improved My Communication Skills"

“Outstanding! I am amazed at how effectively this information has improved my communication skills.”

Mark Heilman
Grad student/Counselor
Saint Johns, Michigan, United States

"I Have Found This Training A Real Stunner"

“I have found this training a real stunner especially as I am spreading my wings a little next year and need all the support I can get.

This is truly living up to its name of how to make a killer presentation and influence a group. The more I listen the more I hear, Thanks Igor.”

Valerie Ruzzier
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Victoria, Australia

"Another Must-Have"

“This one is an awesome class on several counts: Any sort of presentation or training session, any sort of group hypnosis, and awesome refinement of the hypnotic gaze! Another must-have!”

Paul Harrison
IT Consultant / Change Agent (Hypnosis, NLP - Master Certifications)
Trenton, Ontario, Canada

$591.00 Just $79 x 3 (Instant Access)

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