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Discover Why Others Are Saying They’ve Found...

The Little-Known Formula Any Hypnotist Can Use To Create
A Highly Successful FIRST CLASS
Hypnotherapy Practice…

... even if you don’t know the first thing about getting eager new hypnosis clients…

Igor LedochowskiFrom: Igor Ledochowski

Dear Reader,

Whether you’re a practicing hypnotherapist with decades of experience or a budding hypnotist just starting out, I’ve created and honed a simple, dependable and repeatable system for you to get…

As well as the hypnotic tools to help others make life-changing transformations which naturally leads to you having… 

And if your goal is to earn a ROCK-SOLID, steady income from hypnosis while being a force for good in the world… 

Then you need a step-by-step plan you can follow to get you from where you are now to where you want to go.

That’s why I’ve created a proven training called “First Class Hypnotherapy”.

You start the training with your goals in mind (Like a sustainable and fulfilling hypnosis practice rewarding you with a 6-figure income) and I give you the complete blueprint to follow so you come out of it transformed into...

The Premier Hypnotist in Your Area Offering PREMIUM-LEVEL Services

The reason I have FULL confidence you will achieve all of this and more, is because I myself developed and personally used this process to build my own hypnosis practice. 

Not only that, but I’ve seen it work over and over again with hypnotists I have shared this training with. 

See, the power is in the step-by-step system designed to progressively get you to the point where you can effortlessly:

Speak about your hypnosis practice to the RIGHT people so they eagerly refer you to friends, family and colleagues in their network. I’ll even give you the EXACT scripts to use for every situation!

Communicate to the unconscious AND conscious minds simultaneously so you can easily move potential clients from “kind of interested” to completely and TOTALLY onboard without having to use any kind of sleazy sales tactics

RADIATE a “first-class attitude” others pick-up on subconsciously (you may be projecting a “poverty” mindset without even realizing it… and it’s robbing you of your true value)

Use advanced hypnotic solutions combined with symbolic language to give your clients “life makeovers” they will HAPPILY pay you for 

Grow a THRIVING and highly-respected hypnosis practice in your community 

And I’ll show you how to quickly use this system step by step, so that by the time you finish the training, you’ll be able to...

Confidently Achieve Your Hypnotherapy Practice Goals In Record Time!

With the tools you’ll master in this training, you’ll be able to walk into even the most hard-nosed business settings and STRIDE OUT with a list of prospective hypnosis clients!

Best of all, you will know exactly how to have your prospective clients feverishly booking sessions with you using a world-class client acquisition method blended with conversational hypnosis.

Now, chances are high that once you’ve started using this system, you’ll enjoy it so much you’ll use it full-time (and watch your income grow too). 

But all that is really up to you.

One thing’s for sure, you will never be able to go back to working as a hypnotist “on the side” without you or your community taking your work fully seriously.

Something else that’s important for you to know:

The First Class Hypnotherapy training is NO ordinary program. 

It’s designed around the Stop Smoking Protocol — and I’ll show you how to help people beat their addiction to nicotine for good

You can build your hypnosis practice around this high-value offer ALONE, if you choose to do so.

Or, you can apply the same principles to any other problem you’re passionate about helping people solve — from phobias to weight loss — it’s up to you. 

Whatever you decide to focus on, this system is designed to get you incredible results.

In Fact, There’s a Science-backed Reason to Explain Why It’s So Powerful!

See, the brain is equipped with an internal guidance system.

And when you set a goal, your inner “GPS”  actively seeks out opportunities to help you reach it.

The closer you get, the more neural circuits light up all over your brain so you feel motivated and inspired to keep going.

Incredible, isn’t it?

The only problem, is that getting to this point can take years. Even DECADES.

That’s because your brain has to do the heavy lifting to figure out the best way to build up these neural highways.

And that takes A LOT of trial and error. 

Now, imagine what happens when you have a concrete goal… PAIRED WITH… a complete blueprint to get you there.

Instead of all the zigging and zagging you simply…

“Install” A Network Of HIGH-SPEED
Neural Circuits!

From there, building your first-class hypnosis practice will just fall into place for you so you can...

To give hypnotists like yourself the tools to make all of this possible is the reason I created the:

Book Your Private 1-to-1
First Class Hypnotherapy Consultation Now!

It goes F-A-R beyond just laying out hypnotherapy practice theory and teaching hypnosis as a bunch of techniques.

Its sole purpose is to take you from whatever you’re doing with hypnosis NOW, to internalizing the system of creating a successful practice as a true SPECIALIST in your field so you can actually go out and GET RESULTS.

There are 16 main training modules included in the First Class Hypnotherapy program – including:

Module 2: The 5 Satir Emotional Avatars & How To Generate Clients For Free


Module 3: How To Become Memorable And Have A Constant Stream Of Referrals


Module 4: How To Influence People On A Social Level & DEMO 1: “Questions For Smokers”


Module 5: Setting Memorable Frames, Gaining Instant Rapport & Success Scripts


Module 6: How To Create A First Class Stop-Smoking Program & Get As Many Clients As You Like!

Module 7: Building Hypnotic Rapport, Willpower & Eliciting Goals and Demo 2: “Rapport In The Client Acquisition Process”

Module 8: The 4 Stages To A First Class Hypnotherapy Practice & The Differences Between Generative, Affective and Behavior Changes

Module 9: How To Overturn Doubt Using a “2-Loop” System & Demo 3: “Moving People To A Consultation”

Module 10: The Hypnotic Voice, Handling Objections & Demo 4: “Hosting A Successful Consultation”

Module 11: How To Hunt For Hidden Objections, Using Hypnotic Loops & Key Phrases To Remember

Module 12: Emotional Investments & How To Turn Someone’s Fear Into Positive Energy And Demo 5: “How To Use The Guarantee”


Module 13: 10 “Check-Ins” To Know Your Client Is On The Same Page & Demo 6: “Handling Objections Elegantly”

Module 14: The 3 Key Promises, The Magic Question That Unlocks A” YES!” And Demo 7: “Creating Powerful Generative Change”

Module 15: Framing Non-Smoker Identities, Digging For Metaphors With Mind Bending Language & Demo 8: “Priming An Empowered State Of Mind”

Module 16: Increasing Willpower Through Revivification, How To Master This Program And Use It For ANY Issue And Demo 9: “Handling A Subject’s Nicotine Cravings”

Book Your Private 1-to-1
First Class Hypnotherapy Consultation Now!

Here’s something else that is unique about the First Class Hypnotherapy Program:

It’s delivered to you as a modular training system...over 16 weeks via online video modules (which you can watch, pause, rewind and view multiple times at your convenience).

And divided up into easily-digestible “bite-size” training that progressively builds so you can start seeing results from the FIRST module.

And you will learn at a pace that is ideally suited to how the human brain absorbs, memorizes and internalizes new information.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention. 

Along with the 16 main training modules we’ve just covered -- you also get these special BONUSES:

BONUS #1: Monthly LIVE Coaching Q&A Calls With An Instructor!

BONUS #2: Monthly LIVE Coaching Q&A Calls With An Implementation Coach!

BONUS #3: 16 Recorded Weekly Coaching Q&A Calls With An Instructor!

BONUS #4: (VIDEO) How To Generate An Endless Stream Of Clients


Bonus #5: (AUDIO) How To Supercharge Willpower Demonstration


Bonus #6: (VIDEO) How To Handle Conversations With Couples


Bonus #7: (RESOURCES) Presentation Loops, Quick Networking Pitches, Call Scripts & More!

Bonus #8: (TRANSCRIPTS) 16 Weekly Main Training Modules


Bonus #9: (TRANSCRIPTS) Bonus Videos & Audio



Book Your Private 1-to-1
First Class Hypnotherapy Consultation Now!

This training is already tremendous value especially with all the bonuses including the 16 live Q&A coaching calls!

But I’m not done yet!

Because I want to ensure your success as much as possible with ONGOING SUPPORT…

Extra Bonus #10: (VIDEO) 8 Further Monthly Ongoing Support Training Modules


Extra Bonus #11: (TRANSCRIPTS) 8 Monthly Video Support Training Modules


Extra Bonus #12: (VIDEO) 8 Monthly Recorded Student Implementation Exercises

Extra Bonus #13:
8 Recorded Monthly Ongoing Support Coaching Q&A Calls With An Instructor!

Book Your Private 1-to-1
First Class Hypnotherapy Consultation Now!

I hope you can see I am REALLY committed to your success with this system and want to overdeliver for you. So with that in mind I am also giving you…

Mega Bonus #14:
(AUDIO) My Foundational
Stop Smoking Protocol System!


Mega Bonus #15:
(VIDEO) My Advanced
Stop Smoking Protocol Training!


Mega Bonus #16: Join The Private Community Dedicated To Getting Results From This Program

Mega Bonus #17:
(LIFETIME ACCESS) To All Training Units, All Updates, The Private Community & Ongoing Live Q&A Calls!


Book Your Private 1-to-1
First Class Hypnotherapy Consultation Now!


Also Do Check Out What Other Hypnotists Are Saying About This Training:

“I signed up several people at up to TWICE the rate I normally get.”


Joe Homs
Hypnotherapist & Business Consultant

“Within 24 hours of the last session, I had my first non-smoking client”


Karsten Kustner

"I have everything I need to make this happen"


Oresztesz Murgacs


What to do now?

Simply enter your details below and then on the next page you can choose a convenient time to have a live call to see if this is a good fit for you!

And to answer any questions you have…

YES Igor! I'm Ready To Be
A "First Class" Hypnotist!

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I'd like to have a 1-to-1 private consultation to find out if I am a good fit for this exciting training…

I can choose a convenient time to have a call that suits me on the next page on a phone number of my choosing

I’m looking forward to finding out more about this exciting High Class Hypnotherapy Program!

I’m filling out my details below and clicking the "BOOK YOUR 1-1 CONSULTATION" button so I can choose the most convenient time for me for the call

Registration Closed


igor ledochowskiSincerely,
Igor Ledochowski
- Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer
- Author Of The Best Selling, "The Deep Trance Training Manual"
- Author Of Over 100 Different Hypnosis Training Products & Seminars
- Internationally Acclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer
- Certified Master Hypnotist & Trainer
- Accredited & Certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
- Certified Success Life Coach & Trainer

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