Have you ever heard of a hypnotic gift?
A hypnotic gift is a random act of kindness to help subjects feel good.
Gifts can be anything from inducing laughter, feelings of happiness, gratitude or reliving a happy childhood memory. However, it’s important to be aware that hypnotic gifts are not therapy – but rather a little hypnotic bonus.
Developing this core hypnotic skill and using it as a force for good will leave your subjects feeling better about the work you’re doing. Let’s face it, people are always looking for a reason to feel better, and the concept of a hypnotic gift is a very powerful one.
Typically a hypnotic gift will be given at the end of a session or demonstration once the core suggestions have been put in place.
As a hypnotist, your goal is to empower your subjects to understand the power of their mind. These little gifts are like the icing on a cake, and your subjects will remember them long after the session is over.
The Heart Massage
A hypnotic heart massage is centered on your subject’s emotions. You can give someone a hypnotic heart massage by asking them to focus on a pleasant experience, usually something centered around love.
For example, someone they love or a happy memory from their past. What you’re really doing is revivifying an emotional experience so that the memory comes back to life. The goal here is to help the person re-experience this memory from their head down to their toes.
This kind of internal massage will make someone glow, and when they feel emotionally charged you can then give them a trigger to anchor this warm and happy feeling.
Triggers can be anything from asking subjects to place their hand on their heart or having them gently touch their thumb and index fingers together. If someone has a wedding band or other kind of ring, you could also ask them to gently touch or twirl the ring on their finger as they focus on the warm and happy feeling.
A Mind Massage
Hypnosis is a great way to help subjects ease away stress and tension and the idea behind a mind massage is to do just that by emptying their mind of any worrying thoughts. Once their mind is clear of stress, you can then implant any kind of pleasant thought you want.
A mind massage can help someone feel refreshed, relaxed, free of stress and tension, and even relieve headaches. Any kind of pleasant or relaxing experience where you take subjects through a kind of mental exercise like walking, relaxing on the beach, or enjoying some time off from their daily routine works great for a mind massage.
One thing to keep in mind is that the relaxing suggestions should always be put in context with things a person likes or enjoys. For example, if someone dislikes the beach, you wouldn’t want to suggest that they walk on the beach for a relaxing experience.
Self-hypnosis is a great tool that can help subjects make long-lasting changes. There are many who theorize that all hypnosis is basically self-hypnosis because no one can be hypnotized against their will.
It is a commonly known that each of us goes in and out of hypnosis on a regular basis every time we get lost in thought or engrossed in a great book.
Helping people use the power of their unconscious mind is really what self-hypnosis is all about. Our unconscious beliefs and thought patterns literally shape the world around us every second of every day, so empowering people by giving them a tool like self-hypnosis is really just good business.
The best way to use self-hypnosis as a hypnotic gift is to give subjects an anchor by asking them to squeeze a finger with the fist of their other hand. Whenever they want to put themselves into hypnosis they can use this trigger and focus on any issue or concern they want.
A good rule of thumb is to give subjects a time limit for the self-hypnosis so they’ll automatically return to normal waking reality after a short time. The time limit doesn’t have to be long, as it can even be as short as 30 seconds or a minute.
Self-hypnosis is also an effective tool to use before going to sleep. Subjects can tell themselves that they will sleep the whole night through and as they do, they can instruct their mind to focus on a problem or issue they would like to resolve.
Pain Control
Pain is a signal from your body that something needs attention. Pain is often misinterpreted as something bad when in reality, it serves a great purpose. Without pain, someone would not be aware that something requires attention.
Taking this into consideration, there is something to be said about helping someone learn how to control their pain.
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This technique should not be used as a remedy to help someone get rid of long-term pain. Pain control as a hypnotic gift is something you can use to help someone get rid of a headache, for example.
It’s really more of an emergency tool than anything else. You really have to be careful when playing around with pain, because eliminating pain is not safe or recommended if the core issue hasn’t been addressed.
This kind of technique could also be used for a toothache, assuming someone already has seen a qualified dentist to address the underlying issue.
It is recommended that you obtain a doctor’s note if you’re helping a subject lesson long-term chronic pain where there doesn’t seem to be any other solution. Having said this always be very cautious when using pain control as a hypnotic gift.
There are many techniques that can be used for pain control, and it really doesn’t matter which one you choose. The idea is to reframe what the actual pain really is. Most of the time pain is only a small part of someone’s experience, because the bulk of the pain experienced is built around the emotional constructs one creates in support of it.
Try using these three steps to help a subject deal with pain:
- The reframe
- The contract
- A hypnotic technique
You can begin by reframing and asking your subject to accept their relationship to the pain. Once they accept and acknowledge their pain, you can then move on to the contract. The contract is all about getting the conscious mind to stop giving someone the pain and allowing the body to do whatever it has it do to control it.
This connection is an important one to make. Another way to do the contract is to have someone say: “You stop giving me the pain and I will take care of this. I will do whatever it takes to make it better.”
The hypnotic technique can be anything from having subjects imagine their pain as a bright color and dimming it to relieve the pain, to having subjects put their pain into a balloon and sending the balloon away.
You can also do a clap, put them in trance, and then tell them when they come back out of trance that the pain will be gone. Another good technique is having them lift their arm slowly and then drop it signifying the pain disappearing.