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[VIDEO] Hypnotic Neurology: How The Brain Stores Problems & How You Can Help Your Subject Create Positive Pathways

hypnotic neurology problem solving 1

hypnotic neurology problem solving 1


Although it would be cool if it were, Mind Bending Language isn’t some kind of “magic” that supersedes how the brain works.

That said, when you understand the brain processes behind learning (and problem solving), you can use it to “hijack” the weak spots in someone’s thinking to create new, positive pathways in their mind.

And the good news is, you don’t need to be a neurologist to learn how hypnotic neurology works and how to turn a problem on its head.

But you will want to check out the above video with master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski to find out more.

Still want more Mind Bending Language? Watch this video: How Mind Bending Language “Stretches Out” Your Subject’s Problem So It No Longer “Fits” Them.


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