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[AUDIO] Interview With A Master Hypnotist: Roland Berg Shares His Hypnosis Journey With Igor Ledochowski

roland berg interview with igor ledochowski

roland berg interview with igor ledochowski

Part 1 – Interview With Roland Berg

Nobody is born as a fully-fledged hypnotist, having developed all the necessary skills in the womb.

Although this would be incredibly useful, it’s not quite how the learning process into hypnosis goes!

Quite often (but not always, of course) an eye-opening experience gets people interested in hypnosis. And then what follows is a lot of practice, learning and perseverance.

But regardless of what first sparked your interest in hypnosis, or any subsequently successes and setbacks you’ve experienced, your journey is always a source of inspiration for aspiring hypnotists.

Which is why we wanted to share the above interview between master hypnotists Roland Berg and Igor Ledochowski with you.

In this insightful interview, Roland shares how he transitioned into hypnosis after spending 35 years in the IT world.

He also discusses how he’s gone on to specialize in helping clients advance their skills and achieve peak performance, in addition to working with those who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

But what also makes Roland’s journey so inspiring his how he’s taken what he’s learned about hypnosis to then go on to develop his own techniques and principles – a true sign of mastery.

To listen to part 1 of this insightful interview, just hit the play above.

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