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[VIDEO]: Master Hypnotist Steve Roehm Uses Milton Erickson’s Non Awareness Set To Uncover The Unconscious Mind

milton ericksons non awareness set hypnosis demonstration

milton ericksons non awareness set hypnosis demonstration

Perhaps one of the most phenomenal things about the unconscious mind is how it automatically communicates with, and responds to, the outside world…

How it gets your body moving without you even being aware of the movements you’re making.

Or the way your body language continuously changes, while you remain completely oblivious to these subtle nuances.

But when it comes to hypnosis, the most significant benefit of this “autopilot” mode is how the unconscious mind constantly learns and improves – often without you even being aware of the need to do either.

Which is precisely why hypnosis is such a powerful tool – because it sets the optimal conditions for this learning process to take place.

To see how, check out the above 27-minute video with two of our hypnosis trainers – Steve Roehm and Karsten Küstner.

This unrehearsed (and highly engaging) hypnosis demonstration shows Steve doing Milton Erickson’s Non-Awareness Set on Karsten.

But what makes it even more impressive is how they do content-free hypnosis (Karsten doesn’t reveal what he’d like to work on – only his desired outcome), to further show the power of unconscious learning.

NOTE: As this video was filmed at one of our live hypnosis training seminars, there’s a brief interview between Igor and Steve for the first few minutes so the actual demo starts around the 4-minute mark. And if you’d like to find out more about this training seminar and be trained by the likes of Steve and Karsten, check out the events below:

Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy Training Certification
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery Certification Live Training Program

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