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The 4 Action Steps You Must Take To Master Hypnosis

steps to master hypnosis


If you want to master hypnosis – or any other skill for that matter –then I think you’ll find this message to be especially helpful.

There are four steps involved to master hypnosis and in mastering anything.

STEP #1: Learn the Fundamentals 

The first step to mastery is to study and learn the fundamentals of your subject material.

This is where you learn the basics, the core principles and techniques of your craft.

The groundwork you lay here will serve you for many years.

 Never skimp on Step 1.

You want to make sure you really grasp the fundamentals before you take on more advanced material.

STEP #2: Practice 

Learning without doing – sometimes called “book smarts” – isn’t worth a whole lot.

 So practice is key. 

Make sure you practice the fundamentals as much as you can.

Practice them until you are able to execute them without conscious thought.

You’re aiming for what some people call “unconscious competence” — that moment when you are able to perform your craft without even thinking about it.

STEP #3: Model an Expert 

Learning and practicing only takes you so far.

At some point you need to model  somebody who has already achieved the level of success you want to achieve.

Watch how they do what they do.

Observe them carefully.

Make note of what they say, how they speak, how they move.

And begin to emulate them.

This is how you can pick up some of the advanced techniques that aren’t taught in any courses or books.

This is because so many masters do things subconsciously. They don’t even realize what it is they’re doing.

So modeling is key.

STEP #4: Teach Others

Last but not least, teach others what you’ve learned.

Pay it forward.

Help other people get better.

This is not strictly an act of altruism. There is a HUGE benefit  to teaching.

Experts say that teaching something is the #1 best way to retain that information.

You will retain 90% or more of whatever you teach to others. 

So, to recap, the four steps to master hypnosis and mastering anything are:

1) Learn the Fundamentals 

2) Practice 

3) Model an Expert 

4) Teach Others 

Do these things and you’ll be a true expert before you know it.


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