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    Exciting NEW TRAINING: The Hypnotic Negotiations System    

Please Note: Available Stock For This Special Offer Is Running Very Low…

Brand New Training

"How to Ethically Increase Your Influence, Confidence and Income Using The
Secrets of Hypnotic Negotiation! "

Igor Ledochowski, The Hypnotic Rapport System From: Igor Ledochowski
March 11, 2025

Dear Friend,

You know the one thing most people don’t realize?

It's this:

You negotiate all. the. time.

With your partner, kids, clients, colleagues, employees, you name it.

Even with yourself!

So just imagine how much easier your life would be if you could...

Pretty great, right?

Here’s the thing though:

MOST people (including many seasoned hypnotists) never reach these kind of exciting results I’m talking about and miss out on the opportunity to make life-changing moves in their careers, relationships, finances…


Because very few know how to go beyond the “traditional” negotiation frameworks taught in most books and courses that only give you a surface level understanding of "closing deals."

To get the kind of life-changing results I’m talking about, you need...

A Rare Blend Of Advanced Negotiation And Cutting-Edge Hypnosis

This is a unique and original method developed by me, Igor Ledochowski.

I am a widely acclaimed Master Hypnotist & Trainer, and co-founder of the world’s leading international hypnosis training academy.

Even if you have ZERO experience in negotiations or you’re a “novice” hypnotist, once you go through the program, you’ll come out of it:

You see, the system I developed (and personally use) takes an element of negotiation into account that gets overlooked so often that it costs people relationships,good deals and what would otherwise be successful outcomes.

Here’s why.

Because MOST people (even seasoned negotiators) tend to focus EXCLUSIVELY on their own point of view.

Most People Only Focus On ThemselvesTheir perception of the problem.

Their values.

Their model of the world.

Their desired outcomes.

Their concerns and worries.

Their emotions.

Sure, this type of negotiating can still lead to “acceptable” results.

But ultimately (and predictably) it fails to satisfy the deeper desires and motivations (the ones that matter most), leaving someone with the sinking feeling that they’ve been “taken for a ride”.

For what it’s worth, many people don’t even realize THIS is the reason they don’t win long-term clients… screw-up important relationships… or fail to get more exciting results.

And that’s also why Hypnotic Negotiation is designed to work on both an emotional AND rational level…so anyone you talk to will have INSTANT and COMPLETE trust in your desire to satisfy their needs…. so... naturally they’ll...

Spare No Effort To Give You What YOU Want

And to prove the above statement is true, I would like to send you (with your permission) the breakthrough NEW Hypnotic Negotiations System which includes 64 hypnotic cards PLUS instant access to more than 11 hours of training that give you the skills to come out of any discussion, deliberation or negotiation thrilled with the results!

All you need to do is go through the training and use the cards I’ll send you.

Armed with the new skills you’ll discover, I am confident you too can easily improve your relationships, career, hypnosis work and many other areas of your life.

Plus, if you act right NOW… for the next 60 days…

You Can Program The Secrets of Hypnotic Negotiation Into Your Mind And Change Your Life Completely RISK-FREE!

Yes! I Want To Get Started Now!

Fair warning: This program is NOT for anyone who feels uncomfortable gaining a reputation as a “razor-sharp” negotiator or “deal-closer”.

Because the powerful secrets revealed in this program increase your ability to influence and persuade others on deeply emotional and logical levels…

Which means people will be more willing to go along with your suggestions and happily agree to the deals, solutions and actions you encourage.

This also means...

Unless you have a STRONG ethical code guiding you, this program is not for you.

Then again, if you do fit the criteria described above then this system is going to be transformational for you.

By the way, I call this…

The Hypnotic Negotiations System

In this program, I’ll reveal to you the little-known secrets of combining top-level negotiation with advanced hypnosis so you can gain better outcomes in any area of your life where negotiation is involved (so, basically everywhere!).

In fact, here’s a small peek into the tactics revealed in the 64 Card Deck and 11 hours and 17 minutes of in-depth audio training:

    You will discover:

  • 4 fundamental principles of a negotiation (this training shows you how to make them second nature to you)
  • The art and science of keeping your negotiation partner happy and feeling like they’re in control… even though you’ll be guiding the conversation the entire time!
  • The FIRST principle of negotiating (fail to do THIS and you’re already giving away more than the other person)
  • Gain a powerful advantage in any negotiation using this GOLDEN rule (plus I’ll show you the natural way to do this every time)
  • Two different (but equally powerful) ‘voices’ you should use in a negotiation depending on the environment you find yourself in so you can lift fear and put others at ease
  • How to squash objections and overcome limiting beliefs -- this can transform how you work with your hypnosis subjects!
  • The ONE (and most important) question you MUST answer before going into a negotiation (if you skip this, you’ll be much less likely to get what you want)
  • How to use revivification during your negotiation to bring someone into a positive frame of mind and associate the GOOD feeling with you
  • Why making your negotiation partner feel safe is absolutely critical to your success
  • How to get others to ENJOY negotiating with you so much they will WANT to give you anything you ask for
  • The ‘Forced Empathy Question’ -- a foolproof technique that turns the tables on someone who is being unreasonable
  • How to use the hypnotic H+ Principle to create a genuine sense of goodwill the other person will FEEL on a subconscious level
  • The ‘Hypnosis’ framework you can use to effortlessly discover what someone truly wants on a deeper, unconscious level
  • Step-by-step negotiation demonstrations applying hypnotic negotiation techniques so you can see how you’ll adapt your skills to real-life scenarios

You’ll Transform Conversations, Discussions and Even Conflicts Into Life-Changing Opportunities

  • Plus: How to create ‘hypnotic’ rapport in your negotiations (THIS is what will ultimately decide how much someone trusts you and if they’re willing to reveal their true desires.)
  • And much much more!

Yes!  I Want To Get Started Now!

Just know this: Even if you’ve successfully handled negotiations in the past…

And no matter how good you think your outcomes were…

Here’s the cold hard truth: Unless you already know how to blend hypnotic techniques into the WAY you communicate...

...then you’re missing out on the life changing results that come from knowing how to create the right environment that inevitably and predictably leads someone to follow your suggestions….

and say ‘YES’ to your offer!

This training shows you how to tap into your natural ability to handle any communication with the talent and razor sharp skills of a natural born negotiator using the added power of covert conversational hypnosis.

Yes!  I Want To Get Started Now!

Anyway, now that you know a few of the secrets revealed in the training, it’s time to show you what you get in the Hypnotic Negotiations System Program…

First of all, you get a deck of 64 cards… divided into 7 suits… with each and every card designed to activate your counterpart’s ‘YES’ response so they naturally ‘slip’ into a mindset where they’ll readily agree with your suggestions… all while building trust and rapport…

Plus… I’m including a step-by-step walkthrough of how to use each of the 64 cards in the deck so you can get the most out of the Hypnotic Negotiation Deck System and effortlessly “install” the core principles and techniques into your mind.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll cover:

  • The specific words to use when you want to deepen your conversation and move the negotiation into trance-like territory
  • How to get exponentially better results by satisfying emotional needs FIRST (then follow in with logic and reason!)
  • The ONE thing should NEVER do when you’re negotiating
  • How to defuse a negotiation that starts to get heated without derailing it
  • The influence principle of “consistency and commitment” which reveals if the other person is willing to walk away from the negotiating table
  • Easy to follow breakdown of the 5 key negotiation axioms with examples of how to use them in real-life negotiations to MULTIPLY your powers of influence and persuasion
  • The different kinds of ‘YES’ to watch for in someone’s verbal or body language (hint: they don’t actually have to say the word ‘yes’ to be in agreement with you!)
  • When you should (and absolutely should NOT) use logic in your negotiation -- timing is everything here!
  • How your brain naturally protects your from making bad decisions... and how to use this little-known fact to avoid triggering someone’s “mental alarm”
  • How to activate someone’s desire to commit fully to the negotiation (and thus reach a positive outcome!)
  • The hidden meanings behind different ways people say “NO” and how each one should guide your next move
  • How to ensure others don’t away from you with buyers remorse regretting their decision
  • The must-know axiom of negotiation you can use to uncover someone’s deepest values (any world-class negotiator will confirm this!)
  • Why it’s important to acknowledge someone’s pain (if it exists) and how to do it elegantly so you create even deeper rapport
  • A classic example of what happens when you push the WRONG buttons (and how to make sure you don’t make this embarrassing mistake)
  • Hold THESE hypnotic metaphors in your mind before a negotiation to drop into the right mindset
  • Why you MUST get your own ego in check if you want to create the optimal environment for a successful negotiation
  • How to change your negotiation approach depending on the personality type of the person in front of you… doing this can TRIPLE your chances of success
  • The RIGHT WAY to bring up price or cost (mess this up and you’ll make the negotiation feel awkward and clumsy)
  • How to apply the PCAT formula to create hypnotic rapport and confidently move your negotiation partner towards ‘yes’.
  • Make THIS small shift in your conversations to control the attention, mental pictures, emotions (even memories!) of the person you’re speaking with

In fact, you’ll go into any interaction or negotiation with the confidence of knowing you can...

Solve ANY Problem or Disagreement!

On top of all that, you’ll also get in-depth demonstrations of each of the suits in the deck so you know exactly when and how to use each technique.

You’ll also find out....

  • The “magic” sentence to use when you want to make your negotiation partner (or anyone you’re talking to!) feel more intelligent and closer to you
  • The KEY personality types you’re likely to encounter AND the most effective way to negotiate with each one
  • 3 core ideas I’ll help you ‘install’ in your mind so you have a strong foundation to fall back on in any negotiation (even if you get nervous or don’t have time to prepare)
  • How to use and practice each suit of the cards so the language patterns sink in and become second nature
  • The KEY to staying in control and smoothly guiding your interactions -- I’ll walk you through exactly how to do this!
  • The bare minimum Baseline Tactics you must know before you go into any deal along with examples of how this plays out in the real world
  • The moment YOU should walk away from a deal
  • How to use numbers to your advantage (I’ll reveal which ones people find naturally more “magnetic”)
  • How to increase VALUE in your negotiation by discovering it in places you never thought to look
  • Use THESE ‘support’ sounds during your conversation to keep it going in a positive direction and keep someone’s mental guard down
  • How to establish and deepen rapport with someone so naturally and effortlessly they won’t even realize it’s happening… they’ll just know they feel good around you!
  • Discover mind bending language patterns in the ‘Deepening Suit’ (hint: you’ll find out how to ask questions… that don’t sound like questions!)
  • How to use Softening Language to approach delicate topics (including price) without triggering defense mechanisms
  • Three subtle reactions to watch for when using the inference tactic that reveal what someone values -- even if they don’t openly say it!
  • How to use the Infer Suit to draw out details you can use to create MUCH more value in your negotiation
  • Specific phrases to say when you want to build rapport, increase trust and form a deeper connection
  • How to “think outside the box” during your negotiation – you’ll be amazed at how this new way of thinking will unlock opportunities you never realized existed
  • Demonstration of what happens when you break the emotional flow of a conversation (and how to get it back on track)
  • The fascinating principle of Loaded Questions (and 3 questions to ask when you need to get out of a bad situation!)
  • How to use fairness as a strategy to easily build more trust and cooperation into your negotiation
  • The little-known influence tactics that solidify interest, show authority and move your counterpart to the response you want

Yes! I Want To Get Started Now!

So there you have it.

A complete overview of my Hypnotic Negotiations System -- the MOST complete training of its kind on the market.

So if handling conversations, conflicts, negotiations with skill, charm, elegance and class in ANY situation is valuable to you… then… You should at least take this program for a test drive on a risk-free basis.

I’ll tell you how in just a moment.

But first, let me tell you something else that’s important for you to know:

When it comes to mastering hypnotic negotiation, you won’t just be “thrown in the deep end” either.

Far from it.

That’s because the Hypnotic Negotiations System Training takes you all the way through from first foundational principles to the EXACT steps you need to take to have successful hypnotic negotiations in real-life scenarios.

Remember, I’m considered to be one of the world’s leading authorities on conversational or covert hypnosis... and... I am also a number one best-selling hypnosis author…

Which means I’ve had my fair share of negotiations!

The Power Of Hypnotic NegotiationsAnd I have used these secrets of hypnotic negotiation to close multiple business contracts with several zeros on the end of them… all while building better relationships. I’ve used them to build international training organizations starting from scratch.

I’ve used these skills to help hypnosis clients get much better results because I knew how to guide them to discover what they most want and value and “negotiate” with their unconscious mind to help them get there.

And I've used them to live a more fulfilling, successful and confident life, loving every minute of it.

So now it's your turn!

For a limited time while stocks last...

You Can Get Instant Access to This EXCITING NEW Program…

Here’s how:

The little-known secrets revealed in the Hypnotic Negotiations System are priceless because they can transform your success in hypnosis or any other area of your life where you apply them.

Which is why a fair investment for these 64 Hypnotic Negotiation Cards and 11 hours of training would be $197 + Shipping..

However for a limited time, I'm slashing the investment to just $77.

Plus I'm also going to throw in FREE Worldwide Shipping too.


Because I want as many deserving people to get their hands on it as possible.

Please Note: This limited offer will NOT last long. Because my programs are cutting-edge, they regularly end up “out of stock” quickly.

Besides, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Because I'm putting all the risk on my shoulders.



By giving you a…

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


I'm so sure this package will transform your life... and... live up to every single promise made on this web page... that... I'm happy to offer you a "more-than-generous" guarantee.

Go ahead and test-drive it for 60 full days risk-free. If at the end of that time you don’t feel these secrets can make you more influential no problem. Simply return the cards and we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund.

Now it’s up to you.

I highly recommend you seize this opportunity to give yourself a truly wonderful skill that will prove useful every single day of your life.

So all that's left to do is click the "Add-To-Cart" button below, follow the simple instructions and your cards and training will be whisked off to you.

Pure Gold TrainingGet Started With This Cutting-Edge Training Today!


Rush me my Hypnotic Negotiations System & the accompanying Training Sessions! I absolutely want these tools so I can go into ANY discussion or negotiation and build trust, rapport and deeper connections all while moving towards life-changing outcomes.


I understand that:

I will receive a Deck of 64 Hypnotic Negotiation Cards I can use to control the direction of any negotiation leading to incredible result

I also get instant access to 11 hours and 17 minutes of in-depth training I can use to maximize my negotiation skills

Plus I get FULL transcripts of the entire training as 4 PDFs totaling 363 pages

My investment is $197 +Shipping Just $77 today

Plus I also get FREE Worldwide Shipping!

I also have 60 days with a 100% guarantee to try out these cards. If I'm not completely happy during this time I can simply return the package for an immediate 100% refund.

The Hypnotic Negotiations System  
  Based on the above, I am clicking the "Add-To-Cart" button below…

$197 + Shipping Today Just $77 + FREE Shipping!

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Thank you for giving yourself the life-changing gift of hypnotic negotiations.



Igor Ledochowski - Creator Of The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis

Author Of The Best Selling, "The Deep Trance Training Manual"
Author Of Over 100 Different Hypnosis Training Products & Training Seminars 
Internationally Aclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer
Certified Master Hypnotist & Trainer 
Accredited & Certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
Certified Success Life Coach & Trainer

P.S. Although Hypnotic Negotiation can be used as a "stand alone" hypnosis technology it also adds a whole new dimension to all other hypnosis inductions and processes. As a matter of fact, Hypnotic Negotiation will make all your other hypnosis skills many times more powerful because you’ll get to the core of what someone wants and values MUCH faster than you would otherwise.

It’s time to join the other insiders who have been using this advanced hypnotic negotiation technology...simply click the “Add-To-Cart” button below to get started today.


$197 + Shipping Today Just $77 & FREE Shipping!

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