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Uncover The Hypnotic Rapport Secrets That Even Crack FBI Investigators Don’t Know!

If you ever walk away from conversations wondering "what went wrong?!" this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read... Here’s why:

Igor Ledochowski, The Hypnotic Rapport System From: Igor Ledochowski

Dear Friend,

For 20 years Robin Dreeke worked in the FBI Counterintelligence Behavioral Analysis Program, including becoming the head of the program.

His job was to build ROCK-SOLID relationships with agents and potential informants.

And more often than not... he only had ONE chance to do it.

The crazy part?

Robin was NOT a natural-born communicator.

In fact, he used to be pretty terrible at it.

Robin rubbed people the wrong way.

His communication style put others off within seconds of talking to him.

He walked away from conversations feeling self-conscious and awkward.

So what changed?

When Robin got a job with the FBI he started working alongside the country’s top counterintelligence operators.

These are elite-level experts when it comes to rapport.

And Robin realized that he could break down the techniques they used so he too could learn how to build natural rapport and mutual trust with ANYONE in ANY room he walked into.

As soon as Robin started putting these new methods into action things started to change.

Robin’s career took off.

And he was even appointed as the head of the ELITE Behavioral Analysis Program of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division..

And Robin became…

The FBI’s Go-To Expert on Building Rapport

Perhaps even more importantly, Robin formed an UNWAVERING sense of confidence in himself that he could win over anyone he talked to and live a more exciting and fulfilling life.

Because it all comes down to this:

Rapport is power.

And if like Robin you’re not a “natural born communicator” you too can master the techniques of building rapport so anyone you talk to will walk away from you feeling…

... more intelligent…

…more understood...

…more valued…

Because once you do this, you’ll be able to easily influence others so they want to help you succeed.

However, despite the effectiveness of FBI-level rapport building techniques, it works even better when you create what I call…

Hypnotic Rapport!”

Who I am & Why
I Can Help You

Igor Ledochowski is a world-renowned hypnotist, author, lecturer, teacher, coach, Fortune 500 consultant and...

The world's leading authority on covert conversational hypnosis.

Accredited & certified master hypnotist & trainer. Accredited and certified NLP master practitioner and trainer.

Certified success life coach and trainer, black belt martial artist and former International lawyer.

Preferred trainer for hypnosis organizations such as the London College of Clinical Hypnosis and the Hypnotherapy Association.

Creator of the No.1 best selling hypnosis course in the world, as well as over 100 other hypnosis training programs, including the most advanced hypnotic rapport formula ever developed as revealed on this page...

This method was developed by me, Igor Ledochowski. I am a widely acclaimed Master Hypnotist & Trainer, and co-founded the world’s most cutting-edge international hypnosis training academy.

The method I developed shows you how to tap into the ancient tribal drive others have to feel validated and accepted that even the FBI does not know about.

This vastly increases your confidence so you can go into ANY conversation with the charisma and reassurance of knowing you can FLOOD someone’s brains with the “feel good” chemicals (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin) in the span of ONE conversation...

In fact, creating Hypnotic Rapport means others become SO engaged in your conversation… that their “normal” filters that make them defensive simply FALL AWAY…

Which means they will readily accept your ideas and suggestions… so you can influence their decisions and way of thinking.

And to prove the above statement is true, I would like to send you (with your permission) the breakthrough new Hypnotic Rapport System which includes 55 hypnotic cards plus instant access to a 14 hour training that can transform you into an expert-level master of hypnotic rapport… and… create unforgettable connections with anyone you meet from now on.

All you need to do is go through the training and use the cards I’ll send you.

And, armed with the fun and easy techniques you’ll discover, I believe you too can effortlessly improve your career, relationships, social life, hypnosis work and every other area of your life that depends on relationships (so, basically everything!).

Even if you’re a naturally shy introvert who hates initiating conversations or feels awkward meeting new people.

Plus… if you act right now… for the next 60 days….

You Can Program The Secrets of Hypnotic Rapport Into Your Mind And Change Your Life Completely RISK-FREE!

Yes! I Want To Get Started Now!

You won’t shy away from starting conversations with new people.

You won’t struggle to connect with others in meaningful or memorable ways.

You won’t fear getting your ideas rejected or not taken seriously.

… because conversational blunders, awkward exchanges and failing to relate to others is a thing of the past!

…. because the usual stress and discomfort you might experience will vanish!

….because you will finally have a deep sense of confidence knowing you can build solid, lasting relationships with anyone you meet and gain respect and admiration from anyone you talk to.

A Word Of Warning!

This is NOT for anyone who is uncomfortable with clients, colleagues, friends, family and new acquaintances opening up to you in new ways.

Because once you create hypnotic rapport there’s an amazing psychological effect that draws others to you…

Which means...

People feel so comfortable and trusting around you that they get to a point where they really, really, really want to talk with you.

They want to share what’s going on inside their heads.

Which also means…

Unless you have a STRONG ethical and moral compass then this is NOT for you either.

If you do fulfill the criteria above then these cards (and the training) is going to be transformational for you!

By the way, I call this the… “Hypnotic Rapport System.”

The Hypnotic Rapport System

In it I reveal the truths and little-known secrets of building a level of hypnotic rapport with just about anyone you talk to. These are the methods few people will ever discover about how to guide others into conversation they will remember as “life-changing”.

In fact here’s a small taste of the secrets revealed in the 55 Card Deck and 13 hours & 53 minutes of in-depth audio training:

    You will discover:

  • How to navigate conversations with anyone, anywhere with supreme confidence and charisma.
  • The secret to leaving people energized… clear-headed…inspired… after one conversation! (In fact, people will break off other conversations just to talk to you again).
  • The easiest and most authentic way to become the most fascinating person in the room.
  • Powerful questions that create deep rapport with hypnosis clients… friends… family… coworkers… new acquaintances... and leave them mesmerized long after your conversation ends
  • Dissolve mental barriers using 9 mind-bending thought experiments. I’ll show you how to use these little-known techniques to get deep inside someone's mind – below the conscious level – to make them want to comply with your requests!
  • The secret pattern hypnotic conversations follow. Best part: You’ll effortlessly guide others into a state of complete fascination. (These are the most powerful rapport tactics known to man… and now… they’re yours!)
  • Instantly become a better hypnotist. The hypnotic rapport secrets revealed in this program let you uncover deep rooted beliefs, desires and fears… and conversationally guide your subject into a trance state… where you can embed powerful suggestions!  
  • How to "magically" bond with the right people. The trust you create will magnetize better relationships… incredible opportunities… will naturally flow your way.
  • The simple technique to put people completely at ease so they feel an intense desire to share their deepest thoughts… in fact, they will discover previously hidden areas of their mind. Talk about memorable!
  • Why you will enrich every area of your life by simply following the steps outlined in this training (armed with these techniques you’ll easily “click” with others on a subconscious level to enhance your… career... relationships… social life…)

Others Will Come Out Of Conversations With You Feeling Like a HERO!

  • Plus: How to train your mind so creating hypnotic rapport in your everyday conversations becomes second nature. You may know a few of these techniques... but doing them correctly is nearly impossible without an experienced guide. Like what you'll find in this exciting program.

Yes! I Want To Get Started Now!

And a whole lot more!

For example: If you've ever struggled to start a conversation with someone new... then... the “Instant Rapport Technique” is what you've been searching for.

Because when you know what to do BEFORE you start a conversation, you will easily establish a natural bond with anyone you want to talk to… without saying a single word!

And this works in any setting - hypnosis sessions, sales, teaching, leadership coaching… you name it.

You'll see... instantly... how people become more receptive and open to you.

And using this you’ll be able to guide them even deeper into hypnotic rapport… where their resistance to you evaporates into thin air as they'll gladly accept new ideas and respond positively to your suggestions.

Listen closely: No matter how charismatic you think you are...

And no matter how influential you've been before...

The stone-cold truth is: Unless you're one of the lucky insiders who discovered these closely-guarded secrets of my hypnotic rapport method...

... then you're only tapping into a small portion of your full natural ability to bond with others and induce them to follow your lead and suggestions.

This program helps you dig into the deep reservoir of hypnotic influence and irresistible magnetism lying dormant within you.

Yes! I Want To Get Started Now!

Hypnotic Rapport DeckAnyway, now you know a few of the secrets you’ll discover, I think it’s time to tell you what you get in the Hypnotic Rapport System Program

First of all, you get a deck of 55 cards… divided into 6 suits...

...With each card designed to encourage the mind to “slip into” unconscious territory where you can easily develop deeper, more intimate levels of rapport…

No Matter Where, When or Who You Meet!

Plus… I’ve included a special introduction walk-through and an entire training to show you exactly how to use and get the most of out of the Hypnotic Rapport Deck System that includes over 13 hours of added training that you will get INSTANT ACCESS to:

Here’s a preview of what you’ll cover:

  • How to use the Hypnotic Rapport Card Deck to guide someone’s mind into “unconscious” territory (this is where you’ll make the transition from regular rapport… to hypnotic rapport and open up new dimensions in your relationships).
  • The difference between hypnotic rapport and “normal” rapport (once you know this, you’ll operate on a completely new level in all your conversations)
  • Why building hypnotic rapport is worth every second you take to build it.
  • The 3 essential stages of hypnotic rapport. This is a must-know so you can tell when you transition into deeper levels of rapport building… and… what to do once you get there.
  • The “5-stage formula” of a conversation and the vital purpose each one serves (ignoring any one of these stages is why most people fail to build deeper levels of rapport).
  • What to expect when you start to intensify and deepen your relationships with hypnotic rapport (make sure you’re ready for others to eagerly seek you out from now on!)
  • How to mix hypnosis with rapport to turbo boost your powers of influence and persuasion.
  • The 2 core emotions rapport really comes down to (this is what decides how someone feels around you… and holds the key to shaping your conversations from the start.)
  • How to leave people with the extraordinary feeling that they’ve discovered new areas of their mind by combining these 3 things together in your conversations.
  • The REAL test of whether you successfully built hypnotic rapport with someone (pay close attention to these signals from others!)
  • The truth about why you feel more confident speaking with some people more than others (and I’ll reveal how to bring out the best in yourself no matter who you meet).
  • How to ask questions designed to filter for unconscious content - this will make your conversations exponentially more stimulating!
  • The GOLDEN RULE of what to listen for when you want to build hypnotic rapport in a conversation (use this for an automatic advantage in your hypnosis sessions…sales meetings… networking events…you name it!)
  • Simple and easy greeting ritual you can use to open ANY conversation and get rid of self-conscious or awkward feelings when meeting someone new.
  • How to get better at small-talk (and why avoiding small talk is a HUGE mistake)
  • How to handle a situation where your conversations gets unexpectedly interrupted… and effortlessly bring it back to the same level of rapport with ease and charm.
  • The “mental warm-up” you should do before starting a conversation to build positive momentum from the very start.
  • 2 types of voices you should use and when to use them (this what FBI negotiators do when they want to maximize their influence and persuasion!)
  • The 5 most stimulating things you can do inside of a conversation that all but guarantee others will find you irresistibly fascinating and won’t want their conversation with you to end.
  • Watch a panel of real-life coaches, business owners and hypnotherapists test out each technique to give you a feel for how astonishing your own exchanges will become.

In fact, you’ll know how to make anyone you talk… leave the conversation...

Feeling Like a Hero!

What’s more, you’ll get 55 step-by-step demonstrations so you know exactly how and when to spark unforgettable conversations.

You’ll also discover....

  • What core emotions to tap into so your mind naturally formulates follow up questions -- you’ll never have to worry about being at a loss for words again!
  • Why you must never ever bring up “big” topics in conversation too soon. (This mistake will cost you! Here’s how to talk to someone so they comfortably open up about even the most personal topics)
  • The conversational offers principle top communicators use to determine if someone enjoys and wants to continue a conversation.
  • The signs to pick up on that tell you whether your conversational partner is ready to go deeper hypnotic rapport… and why this gives you the “green light” to introduce new ideas and suggestions!
  • The little-known tactic the world’s most influential people use to signal to someone’s subconscious mind that they are SAFE and TRUSTWORTHY
  • How to recover a conversation if you notice your topic or question doesn’t strike the right chord with someone. Knowing this will remove stress and anxiety from your social interactions for good!
  • How to use the power of questions to let your subject believe they are in complete control of the conversation… This is the key to getting others to willingly open up and dive into deeper levels of hypnotic rapport.
  • Ask THIS question when you want to make someone feel superhuman… and rekindle their inner drive. (Plus, you’ll cement yourself as the kind of person who has a “magical effect” on others)
  • Look for these body language signals to know if you’ve overstepped your ‘conversational’ boundaries. This will quickly become second nature and you’ll navigate every conversation with ease.
  • How to adapt each question to the person or context you find yourself in (this is what FBI negotiators, top sales people, and high-powered executives do when they want to increase their influence!)
  • Real-life examples of reactions someone might have to your questions…and how you can smoothly guide them through each phase of a conversation until you reach… hypnotic rapport!
  • Ask these questions when you want someone to reveal how they see and process the world. (This will give you a gold mine of information you can use in your hypnosis sessions!)
  • How to turn disagreements into a tool that makes your rapport with someone even stronger.
  • The secret to making anyone feel special, valued and appreciated on a deep subconscious level (Once this is revealed to you… you’ll instantly become more charismatic and fascinating to anyone you talk to)
  • Discover how to slowly but surely develop conversational mastery using my surefire formula... starting in low-pressure everyday situations... "working your way up" to building your hypnotic rapport and influence in bigger and bigger settings.
  • The 3 levels of intensifying rapport. (Once you reach the third level, whoever you’re speaking to will want to follow ANY idea you put in front of them!)
  • How to create "loaded questions" using the Hypnotic Rapport questions in the training deck so your point of view becomes virtually irresistible.
  • Hypnotic thought experiments that tap into a person’s deepest motivations… knowing this gives you leverage to… “move the world”!)
  • How to pre-frame your questions so your subject knows something exciting is right around the corner… so… you’ll have them on the edge of their seat hanging on every word you say.
  • How to ask the right questions that gently push people down a "slippery slope" of agreement until they can't stop giving in to your demands. (You'll discover how to use a mix of strategic questions that nudge people closer to total agreement in any situation.

Yes! I Want To Get Started Now!

You’d have to agree… this is the most reliable way to improve relationships, make new friends, inspire and influence others with... your ideas...suggestions... or whatever you want to communicate.

But I’m well aware that's a bold statement to make. So, to make sure you know exactly how this training works I’ll show you how to get really good at using your new skills...

In The Real World...Where It Counts!

I’ll show you how to use 6 fun and easy practice games that guarantee all the techniques and tools covered in the training naturally fuse into your conversations from now on.

Here’s a preview of what to look forward to:

When you finish this program you will have one of the most useful life skills available at your fingertips whenever you need.

I guarantee it!

Yes! I Want To Get Started Now!

Well, there you go.

A complete explanation of my Hypnotic Rapport System. This is the MOST detailed and comprehensive training you’ll find on the market.

So if becoming as fascinating… charismatic… confident… influential and in control of ANY conversation is important to you… then…. You should at least take this program for a test drive on a risk-free basis.

I’ll tell you how in just a moment.

But first, let me tell you…

Anyone… who is a hypnotist or hypnotherapist (or any kind of coach or therapist) helping people make powerful positive transformations.

Anyone… who is a naturally shy introvert and wants to finally ban the fear of meeting new people or engaging in spontaneous conversations.

Anyone… who owns or manages a small, medium or large business and wants to win more loyal clients and have happier more productive staff.

Anyone… who is tired of having awkward conversations that leave you wondering what went wrong.

Anyone… who is sick of feeling like they’re missing out on all the exciting fun and adventure life has to offer.

Anyone… who wants to become more persuasive and influential so others want to help YOU succeed.

Anyone… who wants to deepen or improve existing relationships with friends, family or colleagues.

Anyone… who craves deeper social and personal relationships and is ready to build stronger and more intimate connections.

Remember, I am considered the world's leading authority on conversational or covert hypnosis... and... I am also a number one best-selling hypnosis author.

It's my "job" to build rapport with people!

I have used these secrets of hypnotic rapport to build relationships that led to multiple business contracts with several zeros on the end of them. I’ve them to help hypnosis clients. I’ve used them to build international training organizations starting from scratch.

And I've used them to live an exciting, fulfilling life and loving every minute of it.

So now it's your turn!

For a limited time while stocks last...

You Can Get This Brand New Hypnotic Transformational Program...

Here's how:

The secrets revealed in the Hypnotic Rapport System are priceless because they’re critical to my success, and just about any other person you see at the TOP of their field.

Which is exactly why a fair investment for these 55 Hypnotic Rapport Cards and almost 14 hours of training would be $197 + Shipping.

However for a limited time, I'm slashing the investment to just $49x2.

Plus I'm also going to throw in FREE Worldwide Shipping too.


Because I want as many deserving people to get their hands on it as possible.

Keep in mind: This limited offer will NOT last forever. Because my programs are best-sellers the world over, they regularly end up "out of stock".

Besides, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Because I'm putting all the risk on my shoulders.



By giving you a…

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


I'm so sure this package will transform your life... and... live up to every single promise made on this web page... that... I'm happy to offer you a "more-than-generous" guarantee.

Go ahead and test-drive it for 60 full days risk-free. If at the end of that time you don’t feel these secrets can make you more influential no problem. Simply return the cards and we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund.

So now it’s down to you.

I highly recommend you seize this opportunity to give yourself a truly wonderful skill that very few people in the world know anything about.

So all that's left to do is click the "Add-To-Cart" button below, follow the simple instructions and your cards and training will be whisked off to you.

Pure Gold TrainingGet Started With This New
Hypnosis Technology Today!


Rush me my Hypnotic Rapport System & the accompanying Training Sessions! I absolutely want these tools to build fast, lasting and life-changing relationships using conversational hypnotic rapport!!


I understand that:

I will receive a Deck of 55 Hypnotic Rapport Cards I can use to “break-down” mental barriers of anyone I talk to!

I also get instant access to 13 Hours and 53 Minutes of in-depth training I can use to maximize my results

Plus I get FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the whole training as 4 PDF files totalling 418 pages

My investment is $197 + Shipping just $49x2 including FREE Worldwide Shipping!

I also have 60 days with a 100% guarantee to try out these cards. If I'm not completely happy during this time I can simply return the package for an immediate 100% refund.

The Hypnotic Rapport System  
  Based on the above, I am clicking the "Add-To-Cart" button below…

$197 + Shipping Today Just $49x2 & FREE Shipping!

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Thank you for giving yourself the life-changing gift of hypnotic rapport.



Igor Ledochowski - Creator Of The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis

Author Of The Best Selling, "The Deep Trance Training Manual"
Author Of Over 100 Different Hypnosis Training Products & Training Seminars 
Internationally Aclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer
Certified Master Hypnotist & Trainer 
Accredited & Certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
Certified Success Life Coach & Trainer

P.S. Although Hypnotic Rapport can be used as a "stand alone" hypnosis technology it also adds a whole new dimension to all other hypnosis inductions and processes. As a matter of fact, Hypnotic Rapport will make all your other hypnosis skills many times more powerful.

“I absolutely love Igor’s new Hypnotic Rapport Deck.

He has cracked the code for TRUE rapport, that is Hypnotic in nature, as opposed to just normal rapport.

"It is something I have struggled with my whole life and now, after listening to all the audios, I am now totally confident that I will naturally develop Hypnotic rapport that will help me engage potential clients better for sales and in executive coaching!

"As always... another top notch product from Igor!!!”

  Robert Marsi
Las Vegas, Nevada

It’s time to join the other insiders who have been using this advanced hypnotic rapport technology...simply click the “Add-To-Cart” button below to get started today.


$197 + Shipping Today Just $49x2 & FREE Shipping!

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