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[VIDEO TRAINING] The MetaModel – Part 1: How To Create the Right Conditions for Personal Transformation

the meta model part 1

the meta model part 1

Get started with Part 1 of a new video series, all about the NLP MetaModel.

When it comes to hypnosis, doubt is extremely important.

Because for any hypnosis technique to work, you need your subject to let go of the certainty they have around their problem so they start to doubt their previously held beliefs.

This way, your suggestions for personal transformation will be much more impactful.

In this training, Master Hypnotist Igor Ledochowski introduces you to the MetaModel, an NLP questioning model, you can use to frame your subject’s mind so any hypnotic technique will work better for them.

Watch this fascinating video now to discover:

And a whole lot more.

Curious to discover how you can become even more effective as a hypnotist? Then don’t miss this month’s video training!


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