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What Is H+ And How It Will Instantly Make You A Better Hypnotist

discover what is h+ and how it makes you a better hypnotist

What if you could dramatically improve the success of your hypnosis sessions, whether you’re working online, in-person or performing Street Hypnosis?

One of the fastest and easiest ways to elevate your hypnosis skills is by using a concept known as H+. The core idea behind H+ revolves around hypnotic intent — a vital ingredient that breathes life into any hypnotic interaction. But what exactly is H+, and how does it impact the effectiveness of Hypnosis?

Read on to find out what H+ is, how it works, and why it’s the key to getting better results for your hypnosis subjects.

What Is H+?

At its core, H+ is about positive intent.

This intent represents the Hypnotist’s genuine desire for the subject to experience something profound, meaningful, and ultimately beneficial to them. It’s about creating an environment where the subject can truly feel the unique and powerful effects of Hypnosis, whether for therapeutic purposes or entertainment.

It’s the unspoken communication that says, “I want this person to have a great experience.” 

When this intent is clear and authentic, it permeates the interaction, influencing the subject’s ability to enter a trance state more deeply and naturally.

The “H” in H+ symbolizes this desire for the subject to experience Hypnosis fully. The “+” emphasizes the goal of a positive outcome, whether that means resolving a specific problem or issue, or simply leaving your subject with a sense of awe and well-being.

How H+ Makes You a Better Hypnotist

Hypnosis is about human-to-human interaction. It’s more than a set of scripts or techniques; it’s about forming a connection that facilitates change, relaxation, or inner discovery.

That’s why at the heart of H+ lies the concept of rapport — the connection between you, the Hypnotist, and your subject. Building rapport isn’t just about surface-level conversation; it’s about developing a subconscious connection that allows your subject to feel safe, comfortable, and willing to explore deeper levels of trance.

The relationship between Hypnotist and the subject is crucial because it sets the tone for the entire session. If you approach someone with genuine care and the intent for a positive experience, their unconscious mind responds more readily. This mutual exchange creates a feedback loop of trust and connection, allowing the hypnotic experience to unfold naturally.

What’s more, when rapport is strong and H+ is present, your subject becomes more open to suggestions and more likely to experience the transformative effects of Hypnosis, whether that’s relaxation, change, or a shift in perception.

On the other hand, when rapport is absent, the process can feel mechanical, and the trance state remains superficial.

As a result, as soon as you start using H+ in your hypnosis sessions, you’ll notice an instant shift in rapport with your subject and therefore the outcomes you’re able to achieve through hypnosis.

Why Hypnotic Intent Can’t Be Forced

One of the common mistakes aspiring Hypnotists make is trying to force rapport or hypnotic connection. It’s like trying to force yourself into a trance — it just doesn’t work.

This phenomenon is related to the Law of Reverse Effect, which states that the harder the conscious mind tries to do something that the unconscious mind is naturally responsible for, the more likely it is to fail. In other words, trying to force hypnotic intent only disrupts the natural flow of rapport and trance.

Instead, you must trust in the process, allowing your unconscious mind to take over and guide your session. When hypnotic intent is clear and authentic, and when the Hypnotist genuinely desires a positive outcome, rapport develops organically.

The trance deepens without effort, and the subject feels more connected, allowing for a richer, more profound hypnotic experience.

How To Master H+ In Your Hypnosis Sessions

For both aspiring and experienced hypnotists using H+ should become second nature. This doesn’t require complex techniques or additional steps — it’s about cultivating a mindset of care, connection, and intent.

Before each session, take a moment to focus on the intention of creating a positive experience for your subject. Allow yourself to get into a state of harmony, setting aside your own thoughts and opinions which can influence the way you speak, the way you behave, and the way you perform.

You need to get in sync with the other person, which can be difficult to do if you’re wrapped up in your own little world.

It means going with your instincts and channeling all your energy into resolving their issues. Trust in the natural flow of rapport, and allow the unconscious minds — both yours and your subject’s — to communicate freely.

By doing so, the hypnotic process will feel more effortless, and your subject will be more likely to reach deeper levels of trance.


H+ is a simple yet profound concept that reminds Hypnotists of the importance of intent, rapport, and connection. By approaching Hypnosis with a genuine desire for positive outcomes and allowing the unconscious mind to guide the process, Hypnotists can create powerful, transformative experiences for their subjects.

No matter what kind of hypnosis you practice, never underestimate the power of H+. It’s the human component that makes Hypnosis a meaningful interaction that ultimately leads to deep, lasting change.

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