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While attending the Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy seminar (my first formal hypnosis training), I realized that I've always been capable of putting people into covert trances.
Now that I have that awareness, I can be more graceful in pulling people out of them.
Additionally, my experience as a novice hypnotist at that seminar was incredibly efficient.
I was on par with experienced hypnotists by day 2, and by the end of the week had performed dozens of inductions.
Donna Wilson
Mesa, AZ, USA
I shouldn't brag about this but about 3 weeks ago I got out of a traffic ticket with a pattern interrupt.
I believe pattern interrupts are in the original Conversational Hypnosis set.
It was 3:35am and I was driving down a major freeway in Phoenix on Friday morning on my way to work.
I hold weird hours at the TV station.
I was going about 12 mph over the speed limit.
Out of the blue, lights are flashing and I pull over.
After checking my license, the officer asked me, "Mr. Brady, do you know how fast you were going back there?"
For some bizarre reason I figured at this time of night the officer must be going through the motions and really just trying to stay awake.
I reply without hesitation, "Honestly officer I was going about 77 or 78mph I know that it is a bit fast but aside from that I have to be at work at 3:45 and I needed to get gas.
Do you think gas is cheaper in Scottsdale or in Phoenix?"
"I could see the shift in his face and a glazed look appear."
Uh, well.
I'm not sure but I will be right back.
He went to his car for 2 minutes but of course felt like 10.
I was actually surprised how I delivered the line with total confidence and didn't think it would really help.
He came back to the car and said, You know Luke, you were very honest and honesty is very hard to come by these days.
I know you're just trying to get to work in a hurry so I will let you off with a warning.
Just please try and leave your house with plenty of time in the morning to go the speed limit.
Now I can't say for sure it was the pattern interrupt but I am willing to place money on it the way his face glazed over when I asked him a question.
I have many of Hypnosis Training Academy’s products because I can’t find anyone else that offers the same amount of value - that is why I keep buying more :)
I don't even know where to begin when it comes to sharing the techniques that I have learned.
My whole communication style has changed drastically over the years.
All of my relationships with people have become immensely stronger.
It’s funny how you notice life changing before your eyes as you implement these techniques in different ways.
Why, you might ask?
When you communicate efficiently, people can’t help but notice, and more opportunities come into life simply by the fact that people are "spellbound by your communication."
Igor has brought magic back into life for me and I can’t thank him enough for that.
Kyle Lautamus
Delivery Driver / Snow Removal / Hypnotherapist
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
The Power of Self Hypnosis was wonderful and gave a depth of insight I had not experienced anywhere else.
The Power of Conversational Hypnosis course was amazing because it was not only valuable in a clinical setting, but in everyday life.
Terry Mizell
Fort Worth, TX, USA
I use "The Power of Self Hypnosis" for everything I can think of: improving public speaking skills, personal development, relationships, & networking.
Although relatively recently trained in the art of hypnosis friends are claiming to see life more clearly after talking problems through with me.
Slowly it dawned on me that the insights learned from the Mindbending Language Course had become integrated with my thinking.
Without any conscious effort on my part I was offering alternative ways at looking at what seemed to be, at the time, insurmountable problems.
One friend in particular now declares, when she hears anybody complaining, 'Talk to Morag, she will sort you out!'.
The Money in Your Mind program should be a must in all secondary schools - if only to help prevent the high levels of debt that the young people seem to get themselves into.
Morag Campbell
English Teacher
La Villa Joyosa, Alicante, Spain
After listening to several of the programs I was able to change my attitude and use reason along with persuasion to help my ex-wife to stop fighting me over custody of my son.
I became focused on the method, and overcame the emotional baggage which, in turn, allowed me to convince her to allow me to bring him to the United States with me.
Joe Calabria
Author, Writer-Editor, Teacher Heredia
Costa Rica
The strongest benefit I have had from the Conversational Hypnosis program is the way that other people in my life now view me.
I had far less self esteem before to the program.
Since then I have realized that there was absolutely no need for poor self esteem.
When that started to improve, I noticed that other people started responding to me differently and I felt more respected and more valued.
The Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy program has taught me that people can and will fall into trance far more easily than I’d previously thought.
I got to see just how simple it was to induce a trance and just how effective it can be in helping them get the resources they need to solve their problem while at the same time enjoying a blissful hypnotic experience.
Andrew Johnson
Bus Driver
Sydney, NSW, Australia
One technique I am very pleased with is the training technique for the use of Power Words, inserting such words into random sentences as connectors.
This has enabled me to get some natural Ericksonian flow to my hypnotic delivery and effortlessly tailor my suggestions to meet the client’s needs.
Shirley King
Public relations Executive
Edendale, Southland, New Zealand
One customer, who has bought my car, complained that he smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day from 17 years of age and he is 38 years old now.
He admits that he is suffering from cough, and cannot quit.
However, he mentioned his 15 years of his son, as his pride.
Suddenly, he has seen my hypnotherapist diploma on the wall and was asking if I could help him?
It was my first experience.
The client was a Ukrainian.
I talked with him for 20 minutes, in Russian, tried to follow the protocol of Igor with some selected methods which were the most comprehensible to the client.
A month later the client came to Holland and said that he has quit smoking.
In addition, every time when he is coming on business to Holland now, he turns to me for any advice...
Although I am a bit behind in the Conversational Hypnosis Professional training, I always keep in mind the H+method and the use of power words when coaching my clients.
I got far better results while helping them to boost their confidence, solve their emotional concerns, getting relaxed using visualization processes.
Besides, I have found a great deal of improvements in my personal life thanks to the Money in your mind program.
I have been able to solve a huge debt issue and improve the management of my finances using simple management techniques; I thought at first that it would be difficult but gradual changes in my beliefs eventually enabled me to modify my behavior for the best outcome.
Rachel Chauvin
Life Coach
Boulazac, Dordogne, France
I have the 10 day master conversational hypnosis DVD's and I am part way through!
I used to see 5 clients a week and charge £75 per session.
I now have 5 clients a day, 4 days a week and have been able to raise my session fees from £75 per hour to £150 per hour.
I could only really contemplate this by knowing that my existing clients were so delighted with the weight loss results that they achieved, that they recommended me to their friends.
Since my time is a limited resource, the only way I could really continue to be "a force for good" was to charge more.