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Breathwork In Hypnosis: Discover The Little-Known Science Behind “Overbreathing” & Why It Increases Stress, Anxiety & Aging (Part 2)

breathwork in hypnosis part2

breathwork in hypnosis part2

Did you know that breathing too much can cause stress, panic attacks, insomnia and even damage your DNA?

In Part 2 of our series on breathwork in hypnosis, Master Hypnotists Igor Ledochowski and Jonny Dupré are back to discuss the groundbreaking science behind breathing and how it can adversely affect your body.

Listen to this enlightening training now to discover:

As a hypnotist, you’ll already have an appreciation for how important the breath is during hypnosis (especially during hypnotic trance) – so you won’t want to miss this training to hear Igor breakdown this fascinating (and little-known) research.


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