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When you go through the NEW, Updated & Easy-To-Use “Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System”...

It’s Like Getting A Ph.D. In
“Street-Smart” Conversational
Hypnosis In Just 9 Weeks...

Just imagine the SKILLS & higher STATUS you’ll have.

Igor LedochowskiFrom: Igor Ledochowski
World's Leading Expert on Conversational Hypnosis

Dear Reader,

If you would like to know what is legitimately possible for you once you start using advanced-level conversational hypnosis from the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System – then this letter is packed with...

Real case-studies from real people who have already done amazing things with it...

And yes...

You can also do amazing things with conversational hypnosis in your life – at least you can once you’ve been given the same advanced secrets as the people mentioned below.

What kind of amazing things?

Well, take a look at what Peter Foggin did, for example:

Peter Foggin (from England) learnt conversational hypnosis at home with my Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System and immediately began "testing" it on the people who were inquiring about his hypnotherapy services.

Did it make any difference?

Well, Peter used to see (on average) 5 clients a week and charge $120 per session.

That was before he started going through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System.

Peter then reported back to me that (while only part way through the training) he couldn't stop himself from "inserting" conversational hypnosis into his phone conversations with inquirers -- it just kind of popped out of his mouth, with no thought.

What happened?

Well, by introducing some basic conversational hypnosis into his inquiry conversations, Peter was able to go from seeing (on average) 5 clients a WEEK at $120 per session; to suddenly booking in (on average) 5 clients a DAY and was able to raise his fees to $240 per session.

Oh, and he now chooses to only work 4 days a week, instead of five.


Before learning conversational hypnosis Peter worked 5 days a week and earned around $600 per week.

After learning conversational hypnosis (from my Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System) Peter chose to work just 4 days a week, and yet, his income jumped to $4800 per week.

That's quite some difference conversational hypnosis has made to Peter's life.

In fact, knowing how to use conversational hypnosis has given Peter...

More clients…

More money...

More confidence...

More time...

As well as greater capacity and skills to help other people which means…

More fulfilment.

And Peter Foggin is not a one-off case, either.

Take for example Thomas Bothur:

Thomas Bothur (who works as a salesperson in the Home Improvement business) was earning an average of $8,000 per month in commissions before learning conversational hypnosis.

After learning conversational hypnosis from me?

He's now in the same business, selling the same "product" to the same market of people... and yet... he reports he's...

Now earning an average of $15,000 in monthly commissions.

Conversational hypnosis has served me well over the years as well.

One of my most profound memories of the power of conversational hypnosis dates back to when I was starting out as an Executive Coach (at the tender age of just 27).

That career didn't start well for me!

Basically, because of my age (and lack of coaching experience), I wasn't being taken seriously by CEOs or other Executives I was approaching to hire my coaching package services (who, typically, were twice my age! Talk about age discrimination ☺).

And because of that I wasn't getting hired.

So, I decided to see if conversational hypnosis would help me in my initial phone meetings.

I tested out my "pitch" idea on a friend who had started his own Hedge Fund in the City of London. He had no interest in coaching, but agreed to let me pitch him over the phone so I could get some feedback on where I was weak and missing the mark with the Executives.

So, on the day in question, I called him up and just had a "chat" for about 30 minutes; and at the end of it I asked him what he thought.

That's when something rather disconcerting happened...

I thought my friend had hung up on me.

Then -- after what seemed like the longest silence in history -- he said:

"I don't know about anyone else, but I think I really NEED the kind of coaching you described!"

Funny thing is -- I never really described my coaching packages to him.

Well, needless to say, that experience was a game-changer for me. It finally convinced me of the true power of conversational hypnosis and how it can be used even in "serious" business-type meetings where people won't put up with flim-flam small talk.

And from that day on I never had any trouble getting CEOs to hire me for my coaching services.

Every executive I had a phone meeting with -- with the exception of one individual (who I declined to work with because I didn't like the way their company did business) -- signed up for one of my coaching packages.

I was the same person, offering the same coaching packages, to the same people -- all I "added" was conversational hypnosis and it was almost like I couldn't stop myself from getting hired!

And no, I never did any typical selling or closing tactics. In fact, I never ever even got to the "close".

All I did was use conversational hypnosis -- and to the Executives it sounded like a friendly chat. That's how conversational hypnosis sounds to other people, like a friendly chat. Yet, on a subconscious (feeling) level...


It influences people's decision making
processes like nothing else.

Conversational hypnosis is not all about making more money or sealing business deals though.

Indeed, conversational hypnosis is much "bigger" than that.

It can also be used to help people in distress.

Even pain.

Like the time I went to dinner with an M.D. doctor friend of mine...

During dinner he complained about his toothache.

It was the weekend and he had to wait until Monday for an appointment with a dentist to fix his tooth (I think he'd broken a part off, exposing the nerve).

As a doctor he'd prescribed himself some heavy duty pain killers, but they weren't working. So I had a "chat" (AKA: used conversational hypnosis) with him over dinner and, to his astonishment, the pain went away.

Then he did something really stupid!

Because he'd "forgotten" about his toothache -- he ordered a very spicy soup.

Well, instantly, the toothache flared up again.

So I laughed and looked at him very directly. I offered to take the pain away again, but only on the condition that his unconscious would DOUBLE the pain if he did anything stupid before the dentist had a chance to fix it properly.

He nodded agreement, and 60 seconds later he was stunned at how the pain (a 9 on a scale of 1-10!) had disappeared again.

He kept looking at me the whole night - he clearly knew I had done SOMETHING but he had no idea what it was or how I did it. It just seemed that I had a little chat with him and he just forgot HOW to feel any pain in the broken tooth.

My "secret" to taking away his pain?

Just the use of conversational hypnosis I teach in the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System (nothing else!).

Maybe more dentists should learn to use the conversational hypnosis I teach. That way, my student George O'Dell wouldn't need to step in and "save the day"...

Here's what George O'Dell a retired person from Las Vegas, Nevada, reported back to me:

“I have been able to use Conversational Hypnosis many times. One particular incident: I was in a dental office waiting for my appointment. The dentist was trying to work with a 6 year old with a dental problem.

"The 6 year old would not cooperate and was putting up a mighty fight in the chair. I heard all the commotion and asked to talk to the child. Using "Conversational Hypnosis" techniques I was able to calm the child and get him to willingly submit to an examination by the dentist.

"I stayed with the child throughout the examination more for the parents than the child, for he was quite relaxed and happy.”

OK now, I could go on and on with stories about my own experiences and my student's experiences of using conversational hypnosis in different situations for different purposes.

But the point is this:

The one "common thread" all the stories have in common is that...

Conversational hypnosis was actually USED

See there's a BIG difference between intellectually understanding the techniques of conversational hypnosis and... actually being able to use it spontaneously and completely naturally in any type of conversation.

When you are able to naturally use conversational hypnosis -- without even having to think about it...

That's when EVERYTHING changes for you!

And everything in life just gets so much easier.

See when conversational hypnosis is your natural way of speaking and communicating -- it's like you have the power to "part the Red Sea" in any human interaction.

One thing’s for sure: you will never be able to go back to communicating in the "old", hard way that currently limits you and will continue to limit everyone else you deal with.

That's why I created my:


It goes W-A-Y beyond just teaching conversational hypnosis as a bunch of techniques.

Its sole purpose is to take you from whatever level you’re at, to internalizing the skills of conversational hypnosis in you so you can actually go out and USE IT like it’s your “native tongue”...

In the real world.

With real people.

In your day-to-day activities and interactions.

To change people’s expectations.

To change their emotions.

To bring out the best in them.

And to have them feel good about agreeing (and acting) from your point-of-view.

You don't have to be a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist to benefit from my Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System either.

In fact, most of the people who have already gone through my Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System have jobs and careers outside of the field of hypnosis or therapy work.

Take Scott Luedkte for example.

Scott is an Information Technology Consultant (a "techie" if you like) but he now uses conversational hypnosis to get clients to take on his ideas and technical designs.

Then there's Jim Aubey -- a Pastor from Texas - who uses conversational hypnosis in a non-intrusive, friendly, comforting manner with his parishioners so he can fully understand their issues and help them change their behaviors to live the lives they really want to be living.

Then there’s Folker Rojas...

Folker Rojas (a business owner) says he had a quantum change from going through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System.

He says it's all down to the way the material is taught and how I make it just "click" in your brain so you can go out and apply conversational hypnosis right away in your personal and professional life.

But this message is about YOU and how YOU can benefit from the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System.

Well, let’s just say...

If you want to fully "own" the ability to naturally and spontaneously use ADVANCED LEVEL conversational hypnosis in your day-to-day life (so you get to enjoy all the benefits of it in all areas of your life)... the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System really will be your ticket to the good life.

The Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System does cover the basics of conversational hypnosis (so anyone can benefit from the training) – but it also goes much DEEPER into the advanced and more sophisticated elements and nuances of using conversational hypnosis when confronted by different types and personalities of people.

The overall aim of the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System is that each week (in each training module) we “move through the gears” so that – by the end of the 9 week modular training...

You’ll Be A Near Genius At
USING Conversational Hypnosis In
ANY Situation... With ANY Personality

One thing’s for sure – you will never be intimidated by anyone you ever meet again (no matter what their, status, position, or how intimidating they try to be).

You of course, can remain as nice as pie yet -- with the use of the secrets you’ll get to internalize through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System -- you’ll still come out on top... influencing even the most belligerent person round to your point of view.

Here’s something else that is unique about the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System:

It’s delivered to you as weekly modular training system... via online video modules (which you can watch, pause, rewind and view multiple times at your convenience).

So instead of getting all the training in one “jolt” through a traditional home study DVD program – the training of the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System is...

Divided up into easily-digestible “bite-size”
training that progressively builds upon itself
to take you to mastery level

You will never get overwhelmed.

You will never get off-track.

You will maintain a sense of progress through the training.

And you will learn at a pace that is ideally suited to how the human brain absorbs, memorizes and internalizes new information.

Plus, you also get the chance to practice the principles of conversational hypnosis and the secrets you will be learning – each week, in-between each training module.

Accordingly, each week your knowledge and your skills of advanced conversational hypnosis will build upon the previous week.

And by the end of all the weekly modular trainings...

You’ll Be An Absolute Genius At USING
Conversational Hypnosis In ANY Situation...
With ANY Personality

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

There are 9 main training modules included in the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System – including:

Main Training: Module #1 (Week 1):

In this first module (4 hours and 46 minutes of training videos) some of the elements and principles of conversational hypnosis you will learn how to apply to your personal interactions, include:

How to present yourself as an authority figure the hypnotic subject respects and obeys...


You’ll notice a difference in your ability to influence after the very first training module in the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System...

Where before, maybe you didn’t know how to get going with conversational hypnosis when it would have helped you most... now you’ll just naturally find yourself using advanced-level conversational hypnosis as your “native tongue.”

Where once you may have struggled and got frustrated not quite knowing how to direct your conversations using conversational hypnosis... often getting completely off-course and knocked off your stride... now you’ll be so much more confident, assertive and assured at using conversational hypnosis to get your issues cleared up as soon as possible.

And when in the past, you just felt a little “gun shy” about using conversational hypnosis (for fear of messing up)... now you’ll enjoy using conversational so much you’ll find yourself on a...

Continual “winning streak” in all your
personal interactions

Would all that make you feel like you’ve finally got some control over your life?

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System


Main Training: Module #2 (Week 2):

In the 2nd module (4 hours and 55 minutes of training videos) you’ll learn...

Rapport secrets few people will ever know...

Secrets of compliance "triggers" that Virtually guarantee others to agree with you...


By the way...

Some of the world’s best and most fanatical students of human influence have already secretly gone through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System.

I cannot name them because of the high-level positions they hold but they have been able to carve out supremely enviable lifestyles through the use of conversational hypnosis techniques...

While remaining completely “normal,”
modest & generous in character

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

Main Training: Module #3 (Week 3):

In these video training modules (4 hours and 18 minutes) – you will learn:

How to combine multiple covert
strategies into a seamless trance...

How to get paid to hypnotize yourself...


The great thing about conversational hypnosis (in the way you'll be taught to USE it throughout the "Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System" modules) is that NOBODY will ever know you're using it.

Not the person you are talking to.

Nor anybody else listening in.

All that anyone will "pick up on" is that you sound genuinely understanding are respective of the person you are conversing with.

What they will NEVER realize is that - at an unconscious level -- YOU are directing their unconscious, their emotions and ultimately their decision around to the outcome you want to achieve from the interaction.

It's Stealth Hypnotic Influence At It's Best!

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

Main Training: Module #4 (Week 4):

In video training module 4 (5 hours and 20 minutes) – you will be coached in:

How politicians use out-framing to
garner support...

The "hypnotic reversal" technique that melts away resistance in any interaction...


As far as giving yourself a real and practical advantage in life -- an advantage you can rely on day-in and day-out -- I cannot think of anything that comes anywhere close to touching conversational hypnosis.

Everyday you HAVE to talk to people everyday, anyway.

So conversational hypnosis becomes IMMEDIATELY PRACTICAL in your day-to-day-life.

And the results you get back (in terms of the favorable responses, decisions and actions from the people you talk to when using conversational hypnosis) are...


To you.

And to the people around you (like say your work colleagues) who watch on in dis-belief as clients, customers and even bosses seem to be currying favor with you.

In fact, the only potential downside of using conversational hypnosis is...

Colleagues At Work Will Likely Get Jealous Of The Way You Can Get People To Agree To Things They Never Can!

But don't worry - just use conversational hypnosis in your interactions with jealous work colleagues and that downside is taken care of as well!

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

Main Training: Module #5 (Week 5):

Here’s what you’ll discover in module 5 (4 hours and 32 minutes of training videos) :

What gamblers can teach you about
negotiating like an expert...

How to destroy any "closing" technique...


By the way:

Here's an influence secret you can "file away" and adapt to your situation any time you choose:

Any time you give somebody an option between choices -- always present to them the higher value option first.

Then when you present the alternate option you make them aware that (if they choose the alternate option) they will be losing out on the privilege of having some of the status and benefits of choosing the higher value option.

People (as a general rule) do not like having things taken away from them after they have mentally given thought (imagination!) to owning and enjoying them.

Of course, use this secret wisely and only when what you have to offer is right for the person you are talking with AND is of great value.

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

Main Training: Module #6 (Week 6):

Module 6 (3 hours and 50 minutes of training videos) drills into you:

How to make telling hypnotic stories
an effortless habit...


Have you ever found yourself in a position where you're the guilty party and you know the net is closing in on you?

Most of us have in one-way or another (even if it's just getting found out that you were the one who ate the last piece of cake!).

Well, what would you do if you were in this situation:

Years ago on the Welsh rugby tour of Australia (before Skype and mobile phones) someone in the Welsh camp was using the team phone to call home to Wales and racked up a horrendous telephone bill.

The Welsh team manager asked for the guilty party to make themselves known.

Nobody did.

So the Welsh team manager was forced into the position of looking at the phone records to track the number that had been called in Wales.

The next day (when all the Welsh team were seated on the team bus) the manager stood up at the front of the bus and told everyone he had now tracked the number and, therefore knew who the guilty person was.

He said he'd give them one last chance to make themselves known, before he had to name-and-shame them himself.

Nobody on the team bus owned up.

So the manager was put into the unfortunate position of having to name the guilty party.

The manager said, "The number that has been called that has caused us a horrendous telephone bill is the number 044-1893-876549, to a Mrs. Jones."

There was silence.

All eyes swung round to the player Jones.

What did Jones do?

He shot up out of his seat and called out:

"Who the hell has been calling my wife!?"

Huge laughter followed. The tension completely dissolved with a “frame-flip”.

The point?

This: The right words... used at the right time... can dissolve just about any high-tense situation or "stand off" in a relationship.

And the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System gives you the very best training there is on how to use words to make everything come out all right in any personal interaction. Register for it now to give yourself the verbal tools and the skills to melt away any relationship problems at home or at work.

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

Main Training: Module #7 (Week 7):

Here’s what you will be let in on in online video module 7 (3 hours and 16 minutes) :

How to infuse your stories with believability so your conclusions are easily accepted...

You've probably read studies that have proven people make decisions subconsciously a few seconds before they realize it consciously. 

Well, that all sounds good on paper; but how do you actually get to DIRECTLY INFLUENCE another person's decisions at the subconscious level?

Few, if any, people can tell you that.

But I do. In fact, the entire Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System is geared to SHOWING you exactly how to do it in a gentle, unassuming manner.

That's why I'm so excited for you when you go through module 7.

It's one of my favorites.

It's a module you’ll want to go through again and again.

It's the module that will make you so versatile in the art of threading engaging (and hypnotically influential) stories into your conversations.

For now - let me just say this:

If you are aware enough -- you will notice that people are always giving you "material" for your story. 

When someone mentions something to you in a conversation -- THAT is just story "jump off point."

In other words, YOU don't need to lead a wildly exciting life to tell wildly interesting (and hypnotically influential) stories.

All you really need is to LISTEN to certain "key words" people say in their conversation to you -- and all the storytelling secrets in module 7 to create your hypnotically influential storytelling skills.

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

Main Training: Module #8 (Week 8):

Here’s what’s in store for you in module 8 (4 hours and 37 minutes of training videos) :

How to encourage people to ask
you to influence them...

How to hypnotically solve any problem...


In case it has not already become obvious -- using conversational hypnosis is NOT actually that difficult.

It just takes a certain awareness, the right mindset and knowing how certain words and ways of speaking impact the unconscious responses of the person you are talking to.

In fact, once you start USING conversational hypnosis on a regular basis (which is the entire aim of the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery Systemyou will actually find it MORE DIFFICULT to go back to the way most people communicate.

I mean... 

Once You Are Able To Communicate In A Way
Everyone "Eats Up" And Loves You For --
Would You Go Back To Your Old Way Of
"Hit & Miss" Communicating?

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

Main Training: Module #9 (Week 9):

And in the final training module (2 hours and 13 minutes of training videos) you get the secrets to...

The critical difference between learning
conversational hypnosis and actually
doing it in the real world...

A simple exercise that lets you “own”
the conversational hypnosis skills you've
been honing over the past weeks...


Is that everything you get?


Those are the 9 main modules we've just covered -- but you also get 2 additional weeks of training that come in the form of the two bonuses that are detailed next (plus even more after that!)​

Click here to get started with the
Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System

BONUS Training: #10 (Week 10):

V.I.P Roundtable Question & Answers:

Here’s a quick preview of some of the secrets you’ll learn in this V.I.P. Roundtable Question & Answers bonus module 10 (3 hours and 44minutes of training videos) :

Two techniques you must master
for covert hypnosis to work...


BONUS Training: #11 (Week 11):

7 In-Depth Hypnosis
Demonstration breakdowns:

These 7 conversational hypnosis demonstrations are broken down, step-by-step, with my commentary so you can see EXACTLY how I am using conversational hypnosis and why I say the words I do.

This bonus module 11 (7 hours and 19 minutes of training videos) will be like getting personalized coaching and point-by-point commentary from me – delivered right to you for easy and repeatable viewing.



This bonus alone is MORE than the entire investment!

Now listen:

While the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System is completed in only 9 weeks of structured and highly focused “bite-sized” the 2 extra bonus weeks, I will tell you now: you will find yourself further assimilating many of the advanced conversational hypnosis secrets LONG AFTER completion of the training itself.

And that is as it should be.

Because through repeated usage of the advanced conversational hypnosis secrets (and the breakthroughs in influence you will undoubtedly experience) you will likely get very excited about...

Really “pushing the boundaries” of advanced-level conversational hypnosis in your own life

And who knows – maybe then it will be YOU who is breaking new ground on what is possible with conversational hypnosis.

But that’s not all!

Because if you are act now and enroll in this exciting program you’ll also receive a…


That’s right.

In 2016 we’ll be running (for the first time in SIX years!) the elite 9 DAY Conversational Hypnosis Mastery Certification Training.

And they’ll be run in the USA in September and in Europe and Australia in October! So wherever you are on the planet you should be able to get to one of those events.

They will be FULL Certification events too, so you'll be a...

Certified Conversational Hypnosis Mastery
System Graduate

I think you’ll find that graduating from the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System will prove to be worth a great deal to you – in terms of increased income, career enhancement opportunities and all-round status and respect!

In fact, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if graduating from the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System (and all the influence and status advantages that will give you) ended up…

Paying You Back For The Rest Of Your Life

Now, if I was to add up the main training, the bonus trainings and the bonus ticket, the entire value of this program would easily be $5000.

However you won’t have to invest anywhere near that though to go through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System.

Nowhere near!

Actually, I think you’ll really like this:

The investment to go through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System (the best investment you could make in your personal and career development, by the way!) is just 6 simple installments of $149.

Just 6 simple instalments of $149 to put you in the position of being a high status individual who will forever be able to use advanced-level conversational hypnosis to positively influence others in all manner of ways

And best of all:

You can go through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System 100% risk free.

Satisfaction GuaranteedIf you are not 100% satisfied that you are in the most advanced conversational hypnosis training -- just let me know within 60 Days, and you will receive a full and prompt refund on your investment (so far) and you will never be billed again.

That means you can take your time to see if the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System is right for you.

That way, all the risk is on my shoulders. And you are fully in the “driver’s seat” in terms of how you want to progress once the training is under way.

But I urge you to hurry.

The Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System will be attracting my very best students and lots of other name recognizable hypnosis trainers too!

What I’m saying is...

Who knows when we will reach capacity on the allocated spaces on the training – I suspect it will be very soon.

So, right now, while I’m still handing out bonus live tickets...

Get Started Today With This Proven System

Conversational Hypnosis Mastery
“It's Like Getting A Ph.D. In “Street-Smart”
Conversational Hypnosis In Just 9 Weeks”


Igor, I want to master conversational hypnosis! I'm excited to learn how to elegantly hypnotize others in my day-to-day conversations with natural ease.

I understand:

I’ll get access each week to a new exciting module of the main training. There are 9 main training modules delivered over 9 weeks.

I’ll also get access to TWO Bonus Training Modules on Week 10 and Week 11. Week 11 includes Igor doing in-depth point-by-point conversational hypnosis demonstration break downs!

Plus I’ll get FULL Transcripts to the main training modules AND the bonus training modules too.

ADDED BONUSES: I’ll also receive 3 Bonus Coaching Webinars and 3 Bonus Coaching Question & Answer Sessions. Naturally these will be recorded if I miss any of them PLUS they will be transcribed for me too.

My investment is just 6 monthly installments of only $149.

I have 60 full days with a 100% guarantee to try out this program. If I'm not completelyhappy during these 60 days, I can get a full 100% refund. No questions asked.

Conversational Hypnosis Mastery  
On that basis, I'm clicking the "Add-To-Cart" button below now so I can register before the training begins...

$5000+ Just $149 x 6 or $744

Currently OFF The Market




Igor Ledochowski

Certified Success Life Coach & Trainer
Author Of Over Different 70 Training Products & Seminars
Author Of The Best Selling, "The Deep Trance Training Manual"
Accredited & Certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
Internationally Acclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer
Certified Master Hypnotist & Trainer

Bonus Coaching Webinars and Q&AsP.S. If you sign up for the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System before the end of TODAY you’ll also be granted FREE access to 3 Bonus Coaching Webinars AND 3 Bonus Coaching Question and Answer Sessions.

You see I want to go even further, to really make sure you get this vital area of hypnosis “handled”.

So at the end of Week 3, Week 6 and Week 9 of the main training I’ll be delivering Coaching Webinars and Coaching Question & Answer sessions for you as well!

So if you have questions along the way, they’ll get answered!

And all the bonus webinars and question and answer sessions will be recorded and transcribed for you.

PPS. Here are some video-clip comments from people who have already gone through the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery System:

"...Far, Far Beyond My Expectations! ... and This Course Is More Directly Real World Applicable Than Anything I've Ever Come Across..."


Scott Luedtke
Information Technology Consultant
Fresno, California, USA

"Igor's Style Of Teaching Is So Superior To Many That I Have Had...You Will Become An Excellent, Excellent Conversational Hypnotist"


Jim Aubey,

Beaumont, TX

"Igor Taught It In Such A Way That I Could Incorporate It, Absorb It And Use It Effortlessly


 Kristin Rivas
Seattle USA

"How Do I Like, the Course...It's Beyond Liking It! ...It's a Life Changing Event"


 Ralph Huntington
IT Consultant
Albany, New York, USA

"I Learned That Hypnosis Was A Way Of
Thinking, Of Being In The World,
And Suddenly It All Got Easier!"


 Tim McNickle
Executive & Business Coach
San Rafael, CA

"I'm Considered A Seminar Junkie...From All
The Instructors I've EVER Had, Igor Would
Be In the Top One Or Two"


 Bill Suiter
NLP Practitioner
San Rafael, CA

"...The Second Day Of This Program,
Wow, I was Surprised... I went Out And
I Felt I Had A Quantum Change!"


 Folker Rojas
Business Owner
Buckeye, AZ

"...For Me This Has Been A Real
Transformational Experience"


 Geoff Blades
New York City, NY

"...Before You Know It You Have Entire Skills That You've Internalized In A Whole New Way"


 Eric Rosen
Hypnotherapist & Senior Copywriter
San Jose, CA

"...Great Insights, Very Useful Things. It's Set Up
So That You Really Acquire The Skills And
Apply Them Very Quickly


 Stephane Mutz
Cuverville Calvados FRANCE

Get Started Today With This Proven System

Conversational Hypnosis Mastery
“It's Like Getting A Ph.D. In “Street-Smart”
Conversational Hypnosis In Just 9 Weeks”


Igor, I want to master conversational hypnosis! I'm excited to learn how to elegantly hypnotize others in my day-to-day conversations with natural ease.

I understand:

I’ll get access each week to a new exciting module of the main training. There are 9 main training modules delivered over 9 weeks.

I’ll also get access to TWO Bonus Training Modules on Week 10 and Week 11. Week 11 includes Igor doing in-depth point-by-point conversational hypnosis demonstration break downs!

Plus I’ll get FULL Transcripts to the main training modules AND the bonus training modules too.

ADDED BONUSES: I’ll also receive 3 Bonus Coaching Webinars and 3 Bonus Coaching Question & Answer Sessions. Naturally these will be recorded if I miss any of them PLUS they will be transcribed for me too.

My investment is just 6 monthly installments of only $149.

I have 60 full days with a 100% guarantee to try out this program. If I'm not completelyhappy during these 60 days, I can get a full 100% refund. No questions asked.

Conversational Hypnosis Mastery  
On that basis, I'm clicking the "Add-To-Cart" button below now so I can register before the training begins...

$5000+ Just $149 x 6 or $744

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