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The Money In Your Mind program has been a TOTAL REVELATION and TRULY INDISPENSABLE!
Igor shows you how you can turn your life around from poverty into riches, without going into the risky business of stocks or real estate or any other risky business . . .
This program shows how to become financially free just by changing our MINDSET about Wealth!
That's all it takes!
A few simple changes in thinking that everyone should be aware of but no one ever teaches us!!
This course made me realize I was thinking with a 'poverty mindset' . . . and by simply getting insight and doing the enjoyable and powerful exercises, my life already started to shift, DRAMATICALLY!
It is like getting access to that 95% of our brain that we don't get access to by using only our conscious mind.
It is so powerful that my whole financial situation started to turn around for the better!
And I have only started!
I am truly grateful for this INCREDIBLY powerful program . . .
And it's so much easier than I’d ever expected!
Anyone can do it, no matter what your current financial situation is, your education level or background.
If everyone would have access to these tools, poverty would no longer exist . . . and everyone would be able to live a life of abundance, both material and non-material.
Ellen Bok
Alternative Healthcare Practitioner
Krabi, Thailand
Even though I followed several courses in NLP and Hypnosis I still got a lot of new ideas from The Power of Conversational Hypnosis.
This is stuff I use daily in just about everything I do - from writing sales letters to communicating with all kinds of people.
This course has definitely improved my communication skills and my power to change situations - for myself and to help others.
I use "The Power of Self Hypnosis" for everything I can think of: improving public speaking skills, personal development, relationships, & networking.
Using the approach to regression I learned from the Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy training, I've been able to help my friend overcome her overeating problem, which consecutively helped her to reduce her smoking habit too (which wasn't even the problem she wanted to help with in the beginning).
Jakub Lanc
Student Brno
Czech, Czech Republic
One customer, who has bought my car, complained that he smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day from 17 years of age and he is 38 years old now.
He admits that he is suffering from cough, and cannot quit.
However, he mentioned his 15 years of his son, as his pride.
Suddenly, he has seen my hypnotherapist diploma on the wall and was asking if I could help him?
It was my first experience.
The client was a Ukrainian.
I talked with him for 20 minutes, in Russian, tried to follow the protocol of Igor with some selected methods which were the most comprehensible to the client.
A month later the client came to Holland and said that he has quit smoking.
In addition, every time when he is coming on business to Holland now, he turns to me for any advice...
Although relatively recently trained in the art of hypnosis friends are claiming to see life more clearly after talking problems through with me.
Slowly it dawned on me that the insights learned from the Mindbending Language Course had become integrated with my thinking.
Without any conscious effort on my part I was offering alternative ways at looking at what seemed to be, at the time, insurmountable problems.
One friend in particular now declares, when she hears anybody complaining, 'Talk to Morag, she will sort you out!'.
The Money in Your Mind program should be a must in all secondary schools - if only to help prevent the high levels of debt that the young people seem to get themselves into.
Morag Campbell
English Teacher
La Villa Joyosa, Alicante, Spain
Over the years I have been a certified and practicing psychotherapist in Canada, my main benefit gleaned from Igor's vast catalogue of training materials and techniques has basically been one thing - the confidence to trust in my client's own innate abilities to heal themselves.
No other training materials have been able to filter through my critical consciousness with such marvelous impact as those presented in audio format, using the passionate training style of Mr. Igor Ledochowski, someone to whom I am greatly indebted.
Thanks Igor - keep feeding us your magic.
David Fairweather
Psychotherapist / Workshop Facilitator
Vaughan, ON, Canada
I have the 10 day master conversational hypnosis DVD's and I am part way through!
I used to see 5 clients a week and charge £75 per session.
I now have 5 clients a day, 4 days a week and have been able to raise my session fees from £75 per hour to £150 per hour.
I could only really contemplate this by knowing that my existing clients were so delighted with the weight loss results that they achieved, that they recommended me to their friends.
Since my time is a limited resource, the only way I could really continue to be "a force for good" was to charge more.
I've found the Lifelong Success affirmations have built a new level of confidence with me, the previous lack of which seems to have been at the root of my long history of procrastination, which is quite quickly disappearing from my life.
Tom Head-Rapson
Telecomms Entrepreneur
Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
Two very cool stories...
1. After watching The Money in Your Mind program, I've managed to triple my yearly income in just a year and IT'S STILL INCREASING!
2. I've managed to use techniques I learned in the Power of Conversational Hypnosis program to start influencing and persuading my way into meeting and working with celebrities such as Blue Man Group!
Travis Hawkins
Professional Certified Hypnotist
Lebanon Junction, KY, USA
I purchased the Conversational Hypnosis package expressly to help one client who had experienced extreme abuse as a child and was experiencing understandable difficulty sleeping as she was having frightening nightmares based on her childhood trauma.
This spiraled into difficulty keeping haunting images from affecting her during the day.
Even after listening to the first audio, I was able to help her immediately find a peaceful sleep filled night for the first time in her life.
The Power of Self Hypnosis was wonderful and gave a depth of insight I had not experienced anywhere else.
The Power of Conversational Hypnosis course was amazing because it was not only valuable in a clinical setting, but in everyday life.
Terry Mizell
Fort Worth, TX, USA