This post is about sex.
Kind of.
Here’s what I mean:
In tapes made for her psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Greenson, sex-symbol Marilyn Monroe reveals a great insight into how our own mind prevents us from experiencing the ultimate bliss we are all capable of experiencing.
Here’s what she said…
“What I told you when I first became your patient is true.
“I had never had an orgasm.
“I well remember you said an orgasm happens in the mind, not the genitals.
“You said there was an obstacle in my mind that prevented me from having an orgasm.
“That it was buried in my subconscious.”
Want to know something wacky (but true) you won’t read about in any sex instruction manual?
It’s this:
When you release ALL the roaming thoughts, beliefs, limited ideas and helter-skelter “anti-pleasure” programs from your subconscious mind – and get in touch with your core unlimited essence – you’ll immediately feel…
…an expanse of bliss in your belly…
…your whole body will tingle with pleasure… and…
…you’ll vibrate with pure undiluted joy.
As Ramakrishna once put it:
“When a person attains (the bliss state), all pores of their skin, even the roots of their hair, become like so many sex organs, and in every pore the aspirant enjoys the immediate pleasure of
communication with life itself.”
Or, as author Stephen Levine puts it:
“In a moment of quiet, we open beyond our clinging and the mind becomes so unclouded that nothing blocks its inherent joy. “
“Its expanse is so great that waves of energy wash through the body making any satisfaction we’ve ever had, even our profoundest sexual gratification, pale by comparison.”
Well, guess what?
Hypnosis (or self-hypnosis) can peel away all the limiting beliefs that prevent you (and others) from experiencing their pure inherent joy.
Everyone on the planet wants to feel good.
Therefore, as a hypnotist you have the most valuable “product” in the world — the ability to enable people to feel good.
I hope you use your hypnosis skills to bring out the best feelings in yourself and other people.
To do so would be doing a great service to yourself and the people around you.