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10-Step Process To Performing Instant Inductions And Avoiding A Street Hypnosis Mishap (Includes Demo & Infographic) – 2nd Edition

instant inductions street hypnosis

instant inductions street hypnosis

Note: This article was originally published in September 2015, and has significantly been expanded to include more information on instant inductions.

If you’ve never tried an instant induction before, you might be surprised to discover how easy they are to perform.

Why are they so easy? Well, part of the answer lies in their name. They’re instant inductions, which means you can do them very quickly.

That’s important, especially if you’re doing street hypnosis as you won’t have the luxury of being able to spend 10-20 minutes getting people relaxed enough to go into trance.

So whatever you do, it’s gotta be done in a hurry.

Here are a few key reasons why instant inductions are invaluable to your practice… especially if you’re a street hypnotist:

… but there’s also a little bit more to it than that.

You see, the job of the conscious mind to keep you safe. It wants to protect you from outside forces that don’t gel with what’s already going on. And that means maintaining the status quo – because it’s known and it’s safe.

As a street hypnotist, then, you’re already at a disadvantage. The conscious mind doesn’t want to entertain anything new.

The people you’re approaching don’t necessarily want to stop and chat. They’ve got shopping to do, business to attend to, appointments to keep etc etc.

So if you actually manage to get someone to stop and agree to being your hypnosis subject – you need to work fast. And the best way to secure their attention and put them into a rather impressive trance is by using instant inductions.

To learn regarding the Hypnotic Instant Induction and the truth about hypnosis, check this foundation crash course and discover the power of hypnosis to induce a stable trance in literally a second or less.

What’s more, they give you a platform to wow people with hypnotic phenomena on the spot, for example, by “sticking” a subject’s fingers together or doing an arm levitation.

Pretty cool, right?

So, What Happens If My Instant Inductions Don’t Work?

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things just don’t work out.

There could be reasons why things might not be working as effectively as they should, which could well lead to a street hypnosis mishap. For example:

Also remember to use H+ and to “go first”. H+ means being positive and full of good intentions. Basically, you want to project your intention that a successful hypnosis session is about to take place.

And you do this by “going first.” Being setting the right mindset and tone so your subject follows suit. Essentially, you’re the conductor in their mental orchestra – you need to lead them to ensure they hit all the right “notes.”

Instant inductions eliminate the need to spend 10-20 minutes trying to relax someone into hypnosis. They make it possible for you to get right down to business.

And there’s another bonus with instant inductions: you can use them anywhere. They work just as well in hypnotherapy settings as they do in street hypnosis situations.

Here are two advantages of using instant inductions in a professional hypnotherapy session:

  1. Time is money. Hypnosis attracts a lot of people because the results can be much faster than psychotherapy. But this also means that people don’t want to spend years coming to see you… or spending thousands upon thousands to fix an issue either. So instant inductions can help you quickly get down to business so change work can then take place.
  2. Because they’re so quick, instant inductions keep people from getting too nervous or fidgety, or trying to analyze what’s going on. They find themselves in a trance before they know what’s hit them, which eliminates the potential for resistance completely.

Of course, you don’t have to be a street hypnotist to take advantage of the simplicity of an instant induction, because instant inductions can be used for a variety of purposes and on a variety of people.

You can use instant inductions as part of your everyday practice or you can use them at parties just for fun and entertainment. But if you’re planning on taking your talents out to the street, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Helpful Hints When Doing Instant Inductions:

Take note of this tips – because when you learn the techniques of advanced street hypnosis, you can hypnotize anyone, even complete strangers, in less than a minute!

Now that may sound extraordinary, but the techniques really are that simple. Even if you’re a complete beginner, you can learn how to successfully perform instant inductions just by following the step-by-step process outlined below.

Written out like this, it might look like there’s a lot to remember. But once you’ve done it a few times, you’ll discover that it’s actually a lot quicker to perform.

It’s All About Attitude

When it comes to street hypnosis – or any form of hypnosis for that matter – attitude is everything.

The key to success is to imagine yourself a little bit different – a little bit more charismatic, a little bit more relaxed and a little more outgoing.

Basically it’s you at your very best. The more you practice, the better you’ll be. You certainly don’t have to be the class clown or the super big personality, you just have to be yourself, dialed up a bit.

You can work on these techniques as part of your everyday hypnosis whenever you have a willing subject. Or you can simply try things out using a mirror. The more practice you put in, the easier you’ll find it to approach people and initiate a conversation.

Speaking of approaching people, there’s a bunch of things you can do that will make that easier as well. Here are a few suggestions:

The main thing is that you want people to participate. You can’t perform street hypnosis on lampposts, buildings or your phone… you need people! Here are some final tips on how to approach them sensibly and efficiently.

How To Approach People And Entice Them To Experience Some Street Hypnosis… Without Scaring Them Away!

Once you get talking, simply be honest. Tell them you’re a hypnotist and you want to show them how you can hypnotize them in less than a minute.

The key to success (with anything) is perseverance.

Sooner or later you’ll find a willing volunteer. And the more volunteers you work with, the more confident you’ll get, and the better you’ll become at performing instant inductions.

So what are you waiting for?

And in the meantime, if you’d like to see one of our hypnosis trainers – master hypnotist Jonny Dupre – perform some of the techniques covered in this article on two women in Las Vegas, don’t miss the engaging hypnosis demo below!


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