There’s no way around it:
Confidence is essential for accomplishing tasks and leading a fulfilling life. In areas where you have enough confidence, you move forward without much hesitation.
But what happens when you face a project or a dream, and confidence is absent? How do you overcome self-doubt and insecurities? Let’s explore this together.
Understanding Confidence
Confidence typically stems from competence. When you’re good at something, you naturally feel confident about it. Think about the tasks you perform daily without giving them a second thought—they don’t require a conscious effort for you to feel confident because you already are.
However, developing confidence in new areas where you might lack experience and competence can be challenging. Here are two strategies to help you build confidence when you need it most:
- Lower the Risk: Treat new endeavors like a game. When playing a game, the stakes are low, and you feel freer to take risks because the consequences don’t matter as much. By lowering the perceived risk of a new task, you reduce the amount of confidence needed to start.
- Increase Your Competence: This might seem paradoxical, but you can increase your competence even before you begin. This is where unconscious priming comes in. Your unconscious mind operates on a story. If the story is one of confidence, it will nudge your behaviors towards competence, thereby fostering confidence. Conversely, if the story is one of self-doubt, fear, or insecurity, it will have the opposite effect.
How To Change Your Self-Perception With Self-Hypnosis
To change your story, imagine meeting your unconscious mind in a calming and safe environment—perhaps an old armchair by the fireplace, a walk in nature, or sitting by a campfire.
The context is important as it sets the stage for an honest and introspective conversation with your unconscious.
Your unconscious mind has always looked after you, shielding you from harm and helping you when you least expected it. However, simply asking it to change the story might not work.
Instead, you need to show your unconscious how to change the story by identifying the current narratives and replacing them with more empowering ones.
Here’s how to identify and replace limiting stories and beliefs with more empowering ones instead:
- Identify Current Stories: Encourage your unconscious mind to bring forward memories where a lack of confidence emerged. These stories are the foundation of your current self-doubt and insecurities. It’s important to unearth these memories, even if they are unpleasant, to understand their impact on your current mindset.
- Recall Positive Memories: Alongside these negative stories, your unconscious also holds memories of success and accomplishment. Think of moments when you completed a project, received recognition, or taught someone something new. These positive memories are evidence of your competence and can help build a new, empowering narrative.
- Gather Resources: As your unconscious mind revisits these positive memories, it can identify the qualities, skills, and attitudes that led to your successes. These resources are crucial for developing a new story based on your real-life experiences and strengths.
Stepping Into a New Self-Image
The more you practice these self-hypnosis techniques, the more you’ll encourage your unconscious mind to gather these positive qualities and form a new self-image.
This new image should reflect your strengths, resilience, determination, and accomplishments.
Test this new self-image in different scenarios, imagining how you would operate with this newfound confidence.
Conditioning your mind to be confident involves repeatedly projecting this new self-image into various future scenarios. Whether through meditation, self-hypnosis, dreams, or daydreams, practice visualizing yourself succeeding and handling challenges with confidence.
This process will help embed the new narrative deeply into your unconscious, making confidence a natural part of your behavior.
As you continue to develop and test this new self-image, you’ll find that confidence becomes an integral part of your life.
You’ll approach your dreams and ambitious projects with a sense of curiosity and excitement, knowing that your unconscious mind is your ally in this journey.