Would you buy one of the most expensive hypnosis books in the world?
Maybe, maybe not.
After all, it is titled “Investigative Forensic Hypnosis.”
And it’ll set you back $113.95.
Who would buy such a book?
Criminal prosecutors, that’s who.
See in a criminal prosecution investigative forensic hypnosis can be used to get a confused witness to delve into their subconscious mind and remember the digits on a number plate…
…remember the color of an alleged assailants shoes…
…or perhaps remember other “forgotten” information that could lead to a prosecution (or acquittal).
Point is:
Not to tempt you to buy the book.
The point is to remind you of how important hypnosis is (and how seriously it is now taken) when lives, literally, are on the line.
So don’t ever allow anyone to “talk down” on hypnosis and its place in the world.
Anyone who does, is ignorant about the undoubted effectiveness of hypnosis.