I’m here in Amsterdam at the Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy program.
We’re about halfway through and people are having a blast – even the “veterans” that have been through many live seminars with us are saying that they think this is the best course we’ve ever produced! 🙂
I am very happy to hear that because Milton Erickson has always been a hero of mine.
It’s not just his amazing hypnosis talent that inspired me, but also the great respect with which he treated his patients.
I think that 100 years from now we’ll still be learning important lessons from his work!
The one I would like to leave you with today is one that I think has really struck a chord with everyone here: there is no failure or resistance in hypnosis – only an unconscious response telling you how you need to treat the person to succeed.
One student was frustrated that he could not get an arm levitation – two people had tried and failed with him – and that left HIM feeling like a failure.
5 minutes later he was deep in trance, arm floating up to his face and laughing in disbelief that not only was he a very capable hypnotic subject in that way – once the “failure” mindset was removed he went on to demonstrate a great deal of skill in experiencing other deep trance phenomena!
So the thought for the day is: never leave you subjects with the idea of a limitation.
Always end on a success that they can celebrate – it will open the doors to the unconscious and even greater results in the future.