It’s that time of year again where people start thinking about how they’d like the next year to look.
Perhaps it’s a new job, relationship or the prospect of relocating abroad that’s simmering in your mind?
Whatever it is, everyone has the tools to radically transform their lives – especially if you’re a hypnotist!
And one of the best ways to turn your goals into reality and design the type of life you want for yourself is through self-hypnosis.
This idea of “lifestyle design” is done by visualizing your goals during self-hypnosis so they fast become a reality. Let’s not forget: Thoughts really do become things, so by cultivating the right ones, you have it in you to achieve whatever you set your mind to.
Self-Hypnosis Changing Life: The Power Of Lifestyle Design Through Self-Hypnosis
I once knew a woman who was using self-hypnosis on a regular basis to help transform her life. Everyday, she would work on herself little by little, focusing on her dreams and goals using self-hypnosis.
Sometimes she listened to pre-recorded tracks, but most times she would simply close her eyes and imagine exactly the kind of life she wanted to be living.
This went on for several months. She was determined to change her life. Every time she went for a walk or got on the treadmill, she used her self-hypnosis program. After a while, she wondered if it was really working and she was starting to get concerned.
It all came to a head one day, after she returned from a two-week vacation to visit her in-laws in California. The day after she returned to work, she was told by her employer that they no longer had a need for her role. Now in light of this, you might be asking yourself, what happened?
What happened was her self-hypnosis worked – a little too well! Her unconscious mind knew she was desperately unhappy in her corporate job, so it made some changes!
Well it took her a little longer to figure everything out, but eventually she started to realize that her unconscious had done her a great big favor.
She ended up going back to school to get her master’s degree in psychology and she also became a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Before she knew it, she was living exactly the kind of life she had always longed for, a life where she made her own hours and spent her days doing what she loved.
Now I apologize for the fact that this was a long story, but it was an important one to tell because it helps you better understand how powerful your mind really is.
How To Use Self-Hypnosis To Change Your Life
One of the easiest ways to hypnotize yourself is to strain your eyes on a spot on the wall or ceiling, and then either mentally take yourself down a series of steps to deepen the trance, or use other deepening techniques like counting from 20 down to 0. Then start visualizing the kind of life you want for yourself, bearing in mind the following tips and tricks:
- Discard the old theories of what you should do… and focus on what you want to be doing, and what puts a smile on your face
- Re-examine your goals… and abandon the status quo
- Think about what kind of life you want to be living… and how you can move into it
- Think about your “perfect day” and what it entails
- Think about what kind of a difference you want to make in the world
- Think about what it is that “buzzes” you?
- Focus in on your biggest dreams and goals… and see yourself living them in your mind
In order to live the life of your dreams, you have to trust your unconscious mind, even when the universe pulls the rug out from underneath you – as it’s usually done for a reason!
As just like the woman in the story, you better be careful what you wish for, because once you start using self-hypnosis to design your ideal life, you’ll get it!
There is no limit to what kind of life you can create. The more detail you create in your mind, the better and stronger the process works.
Simply close your eyes, relax and go through your ideal day. Don’t limit yourself to old ways of thinking. Challenge yourself to think differently.
Your life is about your choices, your goals and decisions. You call the shots. You can choose to enjoy each and every precious moment doing only those things you feel passionate about. You’re 100% unique and talented in your own special way. You have the right to lead this kind of life doing those things you love and experiencing incredible joy along the way.
You’re the only person that can design your life absolutely perfectly and the New Year is the perfect time to start working on a new dream.
If you’re already living your ideal life, in every way, that’s awesome! However, most people have at least a few things they want to change or improve, so now’s the perfect time to start.
The Story Of The Mystery Cat
Getting back to the story of the young woman, she got so good at manifesting she even manifested a cat out of thin air! Now she really wasn’t looking for a cat, she just dared her unconscious to send her one on a bet.
More specifically, she asked for a sign that things would soon be improving in her life. She then asked her unconscious to send her a basket of kittens – or a cat – as a sign that her message had been received. She figured this was a crazy thing to ask for and if she got it, the message would be perfectly clear.
She didn’t think much more about it until a week or so later, when this beautiful little white female cat appeared at her back door freezing, hungry and wet. She wasn’t sure if she was homeless or not, so she opened the door and let the cat in.
At the time, the temperatures outside were hovering around 15 to 20 fahrenheit, so she was worried the cat would freeze to death, and the idea of that broke her heart.
Being a compassionate and lovely person, she took the cat in. Thinking back, she couldn’t believe what had happened but she was pretty sure her unconscious played a role in it!
Well several weeks later, the cat was still there, living the good life with her other cat Mo. Mo and the new cat became fast friends and they are still best buddies.
The story of the mystery cat, is a wonderful heartwarming story that proves that self-hypnosis really does work.
If you have ever wanted to hit the reset button, and start over, believe me when I say your unconscious will support you! There is no time like the present to start living the life you’ve always wanted.