If you can, cast your mind back to your initial views on hypnosis.
Were they positive, negative or indifferent?
For example, did you think that hypnosis could be used to help others transition into becoming happier, better people as a result of overcoming any limiting beliefs or issues?
Or did you think it was some type of creepy black magic, leaving you to wonder: “Is hypnosis mind control?”
Unfortunately, the latter category is not an uncommon one.
Part of the reason for this stigma boils down to how hypnosis has at times been portrayed in the media… aka the villain hypnotist using their powers unethically.
Yes it’s true, whenever there’s a powerful tool – such as hypnosis – the temptation will be there for a very small minority to use it for their own personal gain.
But let me assure you, these extreme situations are very rare.
And bad guys aside, one significant fact still gets in the way of the whole “mind control” theory… Hypnosis cannot be used to make you do anything that goes against your own will, values and ethics.
Your unconscious mind simply won’t let it.
To learn exactly why your unconscious always has your back, check out the short video above where master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski explains all.