It’s a fair amount, no?
But once you start to subtract the hours you spend sleeping, working, looking after the kids and so forth, you’re not left with much time (or energy) to do hobbies, study or whatever else your heart desires.
That said, with the right tools, it is possible to get substantially more out of the time you do have.
In this month’s hypnosis interview with Dr. Sara Pugh, the founder and creator of The Busy Superhuman, she shares how she teaches clients to optimize their brains and nervous systems to enhance performance.
And given that Sara is a bit of a superhuman herself, the proof is in the pudding when it comes to her methodology.
You see, Sara isn’t just a hypnotist. (In fact, she’s also a stage hypnotist). Hypnosis credentials aside, she’s also got a doctorate in Molecular Mechanisms and Biophysics, and began her career as a research scientist.
However, when NLP and hypnosis caught her attention, she decided to leave academia behind in favor of a career as a hypnotist, movement and neurological therapist.
But given her scientific background, Sara brings something different to the game… her tremendous insight into the brain’s neurology during hypnosis.
Sara and uses this powerful knowledge to teach people how to reach their full potential by “bio-hacking” their brain and body to improve performance and efficiency.
Plus, Sara shares valuable advice for aspiring stage hypnotists on how to book your first show, and make your performance flow smoothly.
Yep, she sure is one superhuman, so you won’t want to miss this inspiring hypnosis interview.
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