Everyone wants to live a perfect day.
Singer Lou Reed even came out with a hit song called “Perfect Day” telling the lyrical story of what his perfect day would involve.
But how do you live a perfect day?
And how do you live a perfect day, day after day after day? That’s what everyone wants, right? And there’s no shortage of “success guru’s” with techniques and tools for living the perfect day.
One such exercise is to imagine you only have a few days left to live – and then imagine what you would do with your days (in those last few days) if money was no object.
An entertaining exercise but somewhat distorted from reality for most people nonetheless.
Because even if you could do everything you wanted in a day if money were no object – how long would it be before that “ultimate day” became routine and boring for you?
And let’s face it:
You probably couldn’t just up-sticks from a job, business or family commitments to go off and live your ideal lifestyle at the drop of a hat could you?
You’ve probably got to earn money.
You’ve probably got to support or contribute to a family.
And, no matter how rich or famous you get, you still have to pay your taxes and deal with other less than ideal issues from time to time as well.
So let’s approach the matter of a perfect day from another angle.
Let’s start by asking ourselves what is a day anyway? I guess you could say it’s a period of 24 hours.
And I guess you could also say it is a period of time in which you fit a “compartment” of your life whereupon you DO things, you INTERACT with places and people, and you INVOLVE yourself in different situations and activities.
But let’s look a little deeper…
Let’s ask the question again:
What exactly is a day anyway?
“Look” closely and you’ll realize it is in reality a stream of THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS.
And if you have really bad thoughts and emotions (sensations) throughout the day – you have what you would define as a bad day.
On the other hand, if you have really good thoughts and emotions (sensations) throughout the day – you have what you would define as a really good day.
So, a perfect day is really a series of perfect THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS throughout the period of a day.
Therefore, you could be forced to shovel poop all day long, be fed cold beans, and be confined to a small damp cell for living quarters – and, if you maintained perfect THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS throughout the day, you would, by extension, have a PERFECT DAY.
So, contrary to popular belief, the quality of your day is NOT dependent upon you DOING the perfect things or hanging out with the perfect people.
It is, instead, dependent solely upon you maintaining perfect THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS throughout the day (no matter what you are doing, or not doing).
Postulating forward, we can now see (based on truth) that a PERFECT LIFE is simply a series of days whereupon you maintain perfect THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS.
The question that then arises is:
How do you manage to maintain perfect THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS throughout each day so you EXPERIENCE a perfect day (no matter what you have to do, where you have to be,
or who you have to deal with)?
The answer: You have to release all your negative thoughts and feelings so you are naturally joyful throughout your day no matter what commitments you have or what is going on around you.
And the best way to rid yourself (and others) of those negative thoughts and feelings about your life? Hypnosis, of course.
In other words, with hypnosis you have the “key” that gives you access to The Perfect Day Formula. How lucky you are!
Yep, I know. It all sounds too easy to be true. But hypnosis, especially self-hypnosis, is really an effective way to replace negative feelings with the feel good type that can see you through any day!