Picture this: Imagine someone has a sheet of paper in front of them.
And imagine further that sheet of paper is filled up with a story in their own handwriting.
Now picture this: Onto that sheet of paper they start writing a NEW story.
And they write their NEW story over the top of the existing OLD story.
What would they end up with? A real mess right? With TWO stories written onto the same sheet of paper (one story overlapping the other) you would hardly even be able to decipher the NEW story from the OLD.
But do you know what? That’s just what most people are trying to do when they attempt to change their life for the better.
They try to create a NEW story for their life…yet they fail to “erase” their existing beliefs and programs (“writing”) that make up their OLD life story.
When you think of it like that – it’s no wonder most people have little to no success in changing their life for the better.
How could they? They never “remove” the beliefs and stories that make up the life they want to change BEFORE attempting to “re-write” their thinking, beliefs, behaviour and habits, etc.
That’s WHY Hypnosis is so brilliant at turning your life around.
Hypnosis is like an “ink eraser” and “Mount Blanc fountain pen” all-in-one.
With hypnosis you can “erase” all of your existing unwanted thoughts, beliefs, feelings and patterns of behavior – so you get back to your core-essence (i.e., “the blank sheet of paper”).
Then with hypnosis you can start “writing” the NEW ideal story of your life onto that “blank sheet of paper”.
Now that NEW story is easily “readable” by all parts of your mind – and, because of that, the changes you want will come thick and fast. That’s a given.
The only question remaining is: What do you want your NEW life story to look like? If you had a blank piece of paper in front of you now – and you could completely let go of the past – how would you want your NEW life story to read?
How would you want your life to look? What would you be doing? Where would you go? Who would you spend time with? If you can come up with an “answer” to those questions (which you most certainly can with a little imagination) then hypnosis (used on yourself) can “smooth the way” to creating that NEW life story for yourself.
And it DOESN’T have to take a lot of effort on your part.
Not when you “erase” ALL the old unwanted beliefs and programs that are keeping you “locked-in” to your current life experiences.
See, your NEW life is available to you just as soon as you start releasing all the inner limitations – your doubts, fears, worries, struggles, resistance etc. that stand in the way of “where” you are and “where” you want to be.
All you have to “DO” first of all is use the skills of self hypnosis to program yourself for the success you desire.
Remember: The ONLY “thing” that stands between you (as you are now) and your totally happy, fulfilled, IDEAL you is the “same ol’-same ol’ story” playing in your mind.
99.9% of the population don’t have the know-how or the tools to free themselves of their “old story” and the life they are locked into.
You do. You have hypnosis–a hypnosis pen and eraser.
So why not make it your goal to become as good at self-hypnosis as you can be so you’ll change your life for the better as well as the lives of any people you come into contact with.