Want to “pack” more productivity into your day?
Who doesn’t, right?
Well, this message will show you the best way to do it whether it’s gaining hypnosis mastery or completing any type of task…
Let’s say you’ve got a pesky work project littering your desk.
You can hardly bear to even look at it.
Because as soon as you do look at the project paperwork, you “see” endless hours of hard work in front of you.
And hey – who needs that kind of pain in their brain, right?
So how do you tackle a project like that (or indeed, any project)?
Here’s how:
You take an “attack of action” approach interspersed with regular brief rest periods.
I could get into all the body and mind biorhythm science behind the approach I’m advocating, but the bottom line is this:
Your brain can only function optimally for a period of around 25 minutes.
After that it gets fatigued and needs a “breather.”
So here’s the attack of action approach for maximum productivity:
25 minutes focused work.
That’s it.
At 25 minutes dead – take yourself away from your work.
Don’t even think about it.
Instead – for just 5 minutes – do something to oxygenate your body and mind.
Go for a brief walk.
Do some stretching.
Or jogging on the spot.
Or even some intense exercises.
Then after that 5-minute “oxygenation break” you have two choices:
1) Quit your work altogether (because you can’t be assed to do any more) and go do something different in your day.
Or, alternatively – and this is what you’ll find yourself drawn to do 90% to 95% of the time:
2) Go back for another 25 minute focused “attack of action” on your work.
Let’s say you opt for choice number 2 above.
Well, when those 25 minutes are up you immediately “distance yourself” from your work both physically and mentally and do your 5 minute “oxygenation breather” routine.
Then you have the two choices again:
Quit your work altogether, or carry on for another 25 minutes.
What you’ll find (in most instances, unless you are really tired or otherwise distracted) is you’ll naturally want to go for another 25 minute “attack of action.”
So the productivity routine can be broken down like this:
25 minutes – Attack of Action
5 minutes – Oxygenation Breather
25 minutes – Attack of Action
5 minutes – Oxygenation Breather
25 minutes – Attack of Action
5 minutes – Oxygenation Breather
25 minutes – Attack of Action
5 minutes – Oxygenation Breather
That above routine totals 2 hours.
At 2 hours it’s highly recommended to take a 30 minute break.
Preferably get a bite to eat. Get some fresh air. Maybe have a brief period of “shut eye”. Just allow your mind to relax.
Then it’s up to you if you want to jump back into the routine.
But you know what?
After 2 hours the amount of work you’ll have been able to race through will utterly amaze you.
BTW: you can use the productivity routine laid out above for just about any mental activity.
You can even use it as a way to “fast track” your mastery of hypnosis.
The routine is a really powerful and productive way to study and absorb new information.
And hey – in the beginning (when you are first experimenting with the routine) just commit yourself to the 1st 25 minute attack of action period followed by the 5 minute oxygenated breather.
In other words, don’t think beyond that time frame when you first start.
Give yourself advanced permission to quit (if you feel like it) after the first 25 / 5 minute segment.
That way you take all the pressure (and hence, all the internal resistance) off yourself.
And you’ll actually find you’ll start ENJOYING doing things that to-date you’ve been avoiding because they’ve given you that “Urrrgh” feeling.
Anyway, give the productivity routine a go.
Maybe start with your hypnosis learning.
For example:
Take a hypnosis training video.
Watch (and study with it) for 25 minutes.
Than stop it on 25 minutes dead (and I mean 25 minutes dead) and do 5 minutes of stretching etc.
And see how you feel.
You’ll probably feel like going for another 25 minutes studying with the hypnosis DVD.
And before you know it you’ll be getting through more training material (and developing your hypnosis skills) faster than you ever thought you could.
Give it a whirl.