The Money In Your Mind program has been a TOTAL REVELATION and TRULY INDISPENSABLE!
Igor shows you how you can turn your life around from poverty into riches, without going into the risky business of stocks or real estate or any other risky business . . .
This program shows how to become financially free just by changing our MINDSET about Wealth!
That's all it takes!
A few simple changes in thinking that everyone should be aware of but no one ever teaches us!!
This course made me realize I was thinking with a 'poverty mindset' . . . and by simply getting insight and doing the enjoyable and powerful exercises, my life already started to shift, DRAMATICALLY!
It is like getting access to that 95% of our brain that we don't get access to by using only our conscious mind.
It is so powerful that my whole financial situation started to turn around for the better!
And I have only started!
I am truly grateful for this INCREDIBLY powerful program . . .
And it's so much easier than I’d ever expected!
Anyone can do it, no matter what your current financial situation is, your education level or background.
If everyone would have access to these tools, poverty would no longer exist . . . and everyone would be able to live a life of abundance, both material and non-material.