hypnotism learning
Want To Learn Hypnosis? Here’s What To Expect At A Live Hypnosis Training Course
So, you want to learn hypnosis. But not sure what to expect during a live hypnosis training course?
One thing you can be sure of is that you’ll be coming in and out of hypnotic trance!
Pretty cool, right?
But the other is…
Whatever your skill level, you’ll be able to find a hypnosis training course to suit you.
What To Expect When You Learn Hypnosis At A Live Hypnosis Training Course For Beginners
There are hypnotism learning courses available for anyone who wants to learn hypnosis – whether you’ve been practicing for 20 years learning hypnotherapy or you’re curious to start.
But even if you’ve had training in the past, it’s normal to still experience some nervous excitement when you learn how to hypnotize.
You still have to make the effort and put yourself out there to learn hypnosis and learn how to hiptonize. And that could mean you might be:
- Feeling awkward at first
- Mixing with a group of people you don’t know
- Doing things in an unfamiliar setting
- Working on techniques you may feel uncomfortable with
- Struggling to understand some of the concepts and techniques
- Lacking confidence in your ability to learn
But to be honest, learning hypnotism for most people experience most of these things when they do anything for the first time, especially when they start learning hypnotism.
There are things you can take comfort from, though. Like the fact that you’ll be in a group of like-minded people.
And that you’ll be able to experiment to your heart’s content.
The main thing to remember, though, is to have fun.
Realize that you’re going to make mistakes when you start to learning hypnotism; and that’s for you in order to learn hypnosis which is in a pragmatic way.
You might do stuff that makes you feel silly. You might not get the results you want as quickly as you’d hoped.
Well, guess what? That happens to everybody.
As long as you can accept that these things are all part of the learning curve, you’ll be fine.
So enjoy the process of learning hypnotism . Make it fun and it won’t even feel like “learning” – which is exactly the way children learn things.
Learning the Basics: Go Slowly & Take Small Steps
Hypnosis learning can take a long time to learn everything there is to know about hypnosis.
In that sense, it’s more of a marathon than a 100-yard dash.
And the best way to learn hypnotism is to take your time and make sure you’ve got the techniques under your belt.
Why? Because many of the things you learn will be cumulative, where one thing leads on to another.
For example, before you can put someone in a trance, you need to be able to bypass their critical factor. You’ll learn how to do that quite early on in your course.
But before you can do that, you need to be able to get their attention. You can’t jump ahead and try to bypass their critical factor before you get their attention because they won’t be focused on what you’re doing.
Like any new skill, in order to learn hypnosis and learn how to hypnotize, you need to build it up slowly, a piece at a time, practicing each new element until it’s easy and automatic.
This is the beauty of attending a live hypnosis or hypnotherapy training course – you get the opportunity to practice hypnosis techniques over and over again with other hypnotists-in-training.
As a novice, you can most definitely learn hypnosis using online hypnosis training courses as long as you set aside some time where you can practice with someone – as hypnosis is about communication between two people.
Whether you get this practice at a live training course, over the phone with a mentor or through an online training course (especially if they offer “practice rooms” where you can test out your skills with a trained hypnotist and other students) – the main thing is to carve out a time for yourself where there’s zero distractions.
This is the advantage of attending a live training event – as there’s no internet, kids, bosses, clients or Netflix distractions in the training room! You can dedicate yourself fully to the course and the experience.
That said, if you’re dedicated, hypnosis learning can absolutely still be done if you do decide to learn at home. It just requires commitment and you find a few people you can practice with (and receive feedback from).
>> Want to attend your first hypnosis training course with some knowledge under your belt? Discover how to put anyone into a hypnotic trance with the How To Do Instant Inductions home study course to get a rock solid foundation for mastering hypnotic inductions. Plus, everyone else will be blown away by your knowledge and excited to practice and learn from you!
Be A Certified Hypnotherpist: Hypnosis Training From a Hypnosis School
If you want to learn hypnosis in a rock-solid and comprehensive hypnosis training program, you can enroll in the Hypnosis Diploma School.
This is an interactive four-year study course (you can also opt for the two-year fast-track) done online to get a Diploma In Hypnosis as well as having the option of becoming a Certified Professional Hypnotherapist, a Certified Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnotist, and a Certified Advanced Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis.
What To Expect At A Live Hypnosis Training Course For Intermediates
Taken hypnosis training courses in the past?
If you’re looking to attend an intermediate course, then you’re probably a bit more up to speed about what you might expect.
You’re probably already a little more fluent, but you may still be uncertain about your abilities or simply want to continue to learn hypnosis in a controlled group setting.
An intermediate course can bring you lots of benefits, such as helping you to:
As an intermediate hypnotist, you’re halfway there. Or at least a good part of the way.
You’ve probably got enough skills to be able to help people, although maybe not enough confidence.
And you’ll also be aware of all the things you still need to learn.
That means you’ll probably spend a large part of your course doing hands-on hypnosis.
You’ll most likely progress in a fashion similar to this:
- Review techniques you should already have under your belt
- Learn new techniques one at a time (and relate them to what you already know)
- Put the new techniques into practice working with other members of the group
If you’re an intermediate, then you’ll know the score. Learn how to hypnotize by understanding that hypnosis is something you do with other people. It isn’t something you just read about or talk about. There are also a lot of considerations like doing it ethically.
Your course provider will probably recommend that you practice your new techniques away from the group as well when you’re not in class.
That could be when you’re out shopping, when you’re in your hotel, or when you’re just walking down the street for no particular reason.
The more you practice what you learn, the better you’ll become. The smoother your hypnotic language will flow, and the easier you’ll find it to get people to respond to you.
Learn hypnosis by actually doing it.
Mastering a Hypnosis Routine: It’s All About Your Hypnosis Subject
Why are you learning hypnosis in the first place? Most likely it’s so that you can help people.
And that means that they are your main priority.
If you’re an intermediate hypnotist, then you’re probably pretty serious about learning. You aren’t simply trying to pick up a few hypnotic tricks, just so you can look clever.
Hypnosis is a fantastic tool that can be used to help people cope with a massive number of issues. That’s one of its main functions.
And that’s why you put people into a trance. So you can do your change work with them.
It might be that they simply want to enjoy deep and peaceful relaxation. Or it could be that they need help with something more serious.
Either way, hypnosis gives you the tools to do that.
You Still Need To Go Slowly
Your mentor will probably suggest taking on as many clients as you can.
The more practice you get, the better. That’s the way to learn hypnosis. But it will be a lot easier for you if you start off small when learning hypnosis.
Certain issues are naturally easier to deal with in your hypnosis learning. Helping people quit smoking, for example, or coping with stress.
These things are relatively easy to resolve. And when you do, you’ll gain more confidence.
Resolving them will also get results for your clients, who will spread the word. And as you learn more and more techniques, you’ll feel able to tackle more complex issues.
If a career in hypnosis is something you want to pursue, then you should probably attend a course that offers certification at the end of it.
Having skills and getting results will help you master the techniques.
Get A Hypnosis Certification
But a certificate will also tell prospective clients that you actually know what you’re doing. That means they’ll have faith in your abilities from the start, which might make it even easier for you to work your magic on them.
If practicing hypnosis professionally and learning hypnotherapy is your goal, look for a credible hypnosis certification program.
The big advantage of getting into a hypnosis certification program aside from gaining trust and credibility from your clients and community, you will be made aware of the legal and ethical aspects of this field.
>> If you want to level up your hypnosis practice and learn more about hypnosis certification programs, check out this article: Do You Need A License To Practice Hypnosis?— 2nd Edition
What To Expect At An Advanced Hypnosis Course
If you’re interested in attending an advanced hypnosis training course, then you’re probably already a decent hypnotist.
You’re more likely to be confident in your abilities and to have achieved plenty of success with clients. So what can you hope to gain by further study?
>> Interested in learning Erickson’s secrets? Registrations are now open for our Ericksonian Hypnosis DOUBLE Certification Training with Master Hypnotists, Martijn Groenendal and Jonny Dupre.
This unique training will bring everything (all aspects, techniques, principles, and nuances) about Ericksonian-style hypnosis together so you can use it all in a very practical way. Don’t miss out – reserve your seat now.
Improving Your Hypnosis Practice: Go For Advanced Training
By its very nature, advanced training is all about depth. It gives you the opportunity to appreciate the subtleties behind the various techniques you use.
It’s also a good idea to review your hypnosis techniques and ask questions, just to make sure you haven’t overlooked anything. Or forget a step or two.
You’ll probably be in a group of people with a skill set similar to your own. That’s good for camaraderie and for group practice, but it shouldn’t influence you too much.
Developing Your Own Style
One of the things you should be striving for is to develop your own style as you deeper in your hypnotism learning journey. A room full of hypnotists might know all the steps required to perform a revivification, for example, but that doesn’t mean they’ll all do it in the same way.
Their body language will be different, as will their tone of voice. And their language.
You’re an individual, and people will be coming to see you get help for two reasons:
- Because you’re a qualified hypnotist
- Because you’re YOU
Remember that your style and personality are an integral part of everything you do. So they need to be nurtured and developed in the same way as the various techniques you use.
At this stage in your development, you can expect any advanced course to give you support and encouragement. This is especially important if you intend to do hypnosis full-time.
Yes, you should expect to learn new things on your course. You should also expect the instructor to be up-to-date with the most recent developments in the field.
Here are more frequently asked questions from people who want to learn hypnosis and some resources to look into:
Can you really hypnotize a person?
Yes. It might be intimidating at first but it is possible with the right techniques and methods used.
To know more about how to hypnotize someone for the first time and put your newly-acquired hypnosis skills to a test, read the article How To Hypnotize Someone For The First Time: Discover The Simple Step-By-Step Guide To Inducing A Hypnotic Trance (2nd Edition)
How can I learn hypnosis for free?
If you are not sure yet if you want to commit fully in a hypnosis training or if you want to see if hypnosis is really your cup of tea, you can go for hypnosis programs with Free Trial.
There are also free premium hypnosis resources you can avail online like the Hypnotic Language Shortcut System
How long does it take to learn hypnosis?
Every person has their own learning pace. Some learn hypnosis in a very short span of time, and some take a lot of time, even years.
It actually depends on various reasons such as the methods you use to learn the techniques. Some also depend on the quality of instruction. Above all, it depends on how often you practice.
Because as mentioned, hypnosis is learned in a pragmatic way. You need to do it in order to learn it.
And of course if you have the time, dedication, and commitment to your hypnosis practice.
To discover more about what it takes to learn hypnosis, check out the article How Long Does It Take To Learn Hypnosis? (And Master It Like Nobody’s Business!)
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Hypnosis is such a valuable life tool – whether you learn it for pleasure or you aspire to go professional. But as with learning any new skill, it’s totally normal to experience nerves or to doubt your ability when starting out in learning hypnosis. This is all part of the process!
But once you move beyond this, hypnosis is fun and surprisingly easy to learn. Whether you decide to learn it by attending live hypnosis training events or by doing a few online training courses – with some dedication, patience and a curiosity to learn – there is no reason for you not to learn hypnosis and become a skilled hypnotist.
>>If you’d like to discover more about hypnosis training courses, check out our in-depth guide: “What Type Of Hypnosis Training Should I Do?” The Ultimate Guide For Novices, Intermediates & Seasoned Professionals (PLUS: Videos & Further Training Resources).
Discover advice and course recommendations from master hypnotists Igor Ledochowski and Karsten Küstner, as well as loads of other useful info about becoming a hypnotist in this comprehensive article
Here are also some of the top hypnosis training and certification programs you can get into:
>> First Class Hypnotherapy (for intermediate to advanced level)
>> Conversational Hypnosis Certification (get certified as a hypnotherapist with the International Professional Conversational Hypnotherapists (IAPCH)