Street hypnosis can be A LOT of fun, right?
But aside from wowing people with hypnotic phenomena such as handshake inductions… a good hypnotist knows there’s so much more to it than that.
That there’s a more profound experience that meets the “tranced-out” eye.
… which is: you have a golden window of opportunity to give your street hypnosis subjects “hypnotic gifts.”
For example, you could covertly boost their confidence. Or plant a seed that changes their perspective… which in turn changes their life and the way they see the world, maybe even forever.
According to Igor Ledochowski (master hypnotist and co-founder of the Hypnosis Training Academy), this is the “sexy” part of street hypnosis.
There’s no doubt that things such as arm levitations are powerful tools to bypass someone’s critical mind… but what matters is what you do once you get beyond the “powerful gates” that surround their unconscious mind.
This is what “being a force for good” in the world is really all about. Using hypnosis to change someone’s life – or even just their perspective – for the better.
And in this month’s new and exciting HypnoLab training, Igor and master hypnotist Jonny Dupre share some practical strategies for giving hypnotic gifts during street hypnosis
Watch this fascinating video now to discover how to harness the power of trance training frames, such as Elman’s “Pretend Frame” and the Ericksonian “Priming Approach.”
Plus, you’ll also see Igor use “hypnotic glue” to stick Jonny’s eyes together!
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P.S. Want to see Part 1 in this series? Head on over to “September 2018” to discover the “5-Minute Rule” when giving hypnotic gifts during street hypnosis and much, much more.