The first day of fall is often very much like the last day of summer.
The calendar may say the season has changed, but it doesn’t seem any different.
And yet, as they say, “change is in the air,” you know cooler weather is coming one way or the other.
Why do I mention this?
Because the decisions we make are often like the change of season on a calendar.
We don’t see or feel any immediate change in our lives, but if we are committed to the decision, then change is indeed coming.
With that in mind, what decisions have you made recently?
Are you committed to those decisions?
Many subscribers have told me they’ve decided to master hypnosis.
The decision doesn’t guarantee the outcome, but it’s where everybody has to start.
Make your decision to stick with your commitments.
Then make them happen.
Often the biggest hurdle people have with mastering something is their commitment to it. Funny that it’s the one thing you can control, but it often feels like it’s out of your control.