In this edition of Interview With A Hypnotist, you’ll hear from Alberto Martinez, a 25-year-old martial arts instructor and hypnotist living in Calgary, Canada.
A elementary martial arts teacher by profession, Alberto uses hypnosis not only in a classroom setting, but in every personal interaction that he finds himself in.
You’ll get to learn about how Alberto deals with the belief system that “hypnosis is evil”, the 3 other skills that hypnosis has helped to enrich for him, and how hypnosis has empowered him to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
HTA: How did you get started in hypnosis?
AM: I actually found my way to hypnosis in a roundabout manner. At first, I dove into the world of personal development/growth. From there I discovered NLP, and began to study and experiment with that. I became fascinated by Milton Erickson and hypnosis, and began to explore it more seriously. I researched a number of different hypnosis experts, and my exploration has continued ever since.
So, in total, I’ve been studying NLP for about 7 years, hypnosis specifically for over 5 years, practicing with inductions for about 3 years, and a certified hypnotist (Omni Grad) for almost a year.
HTA: What reaction did you get from your friends/family when you became interested in hypnosis?
AM: Actually, I’ve received a variety of reactions. By far the most common response to learning that I’ve studied hypnosis is sincere curiosity. People want someone to tell them the secrets of hypnosis, to validate their quiet theories, or dispel their uncertainty.
Often, after I answer some simple questions, friends will even volunteer as practice subjects, or ask me to help them with an issue or goal. Most recently, one of my close friends wants to use hypnosis in order to develop a powerful love of leafy green vegetables.
Several times I’ve encountered people, like my friend who now wants to love spinach, who had concerns and fears such as, “hypnosis is evil because it allows you to take control of others”. After an open, congruent, and honest conversation regarding the nature of hypnosis, their concerns are generally resolved, and often they even want to experience it for themselves.
HTA: What are the biggest differences hypnosis have made in your life?
AM: Great question. If I had to select only the biggest differences hypnosis has made in my life, I would have to go with:
1) Hypnosis has allowed me to communicate more effectively and consciously with people in both my personal and professional life.
2) It has allowed me to connect with a part of myself that is crucial to living an empowered and happy life. I’ve become a lot more aware of my own triggers and unconscious patterns and therefore I am a more active participant in what my brain is up to, instead of being swung left and right by random unconscious programming.
3) Hypnosis has connected me with truly valuable tools for teaching and helping others, in a variety of situations.
4) On top of all that, it has added new dimensions to my spiritual studies, deepened my meditations, and intensified my martial arts training.
“Hypnosis has allowed me to communicate more effectively and consciously with people in both my personal and professional life.”
HTA: What do you think is the biggest myth or least understood thing about hypnosis?
AM: I believe that the biggest myth about hypnosis is that only hypnotists “do” hypnosis. The truth is that humans are accidentally and generally unknowingly doing hypnosis both on themselves and with others all the time. The well-meaning parent who unknowingly is programming their child in harmful ways, or the transformational heart-to-heart talk from one friend to another, are both having a hypnotic effect on the ones they love.
HTA: Was it hard to get started?
AM: No, it was very easy and natural. Since we are all doing hypnosis all the time, it was just a matter of noticing different things, and experimenting. There are countless moments each day to discover, practice and integrate aspects of hypnosis. Additionally, there are great teachers out there like Igor Ledochowski to provide road maps as we explore the world of hypnosis.
It was easy to get started and the end is nowhere in sight. Studying hypnosis seems like peeling an onion or eating parfait, every time I learn something new I peel back another layer only to reveal another layer I wasn’t aware of before. I think that’s the beauty of this study, that there’s always more to learn. The edge of what is known, of what is possible, keeps rolling back!
HTA: Why do you like Igor’s training programs?
AM: I’ve studied hypnosis from a number of teachers, yet I’m drawn back to Igor’s material time and time again because his teaching style is easy to understand, his content is powerful, and I find his techniques are clear and simple to implement.
Igor is a master hypnotist who honors and teaches pretty much all forms of hypnosis in a way that presents everything as a congruent system. Therefore his teaching has, for me at least, become a powerful glue that bonds the different forms of hypnosis into one wonderfully straightforward system.
I really appreciate how Igor stays clear of the “politics” of hypnosis and how he teaches with clarity, honesty and enthusiasm. He respects you and expects you to be mature enough to be trusted with the knowledge he shares with you. As a result Igor doesn’t hold back on amazing content that many hypnotists won’t or can’t teach.
HTA: How often do you use hypnosis or things you’ve learned from it?
AM: I use it in every single interaction I have, especially conversational hypnosis. What you learn and discover integrates into your communication, and you find yourself naturally understanding others better, and making choices between different ways of expressing what you really mean.
While teaching I could say, “you can’t do that yet” or I could say “soon this will be easy for you!” and my comment would impact the way the student changes dramatically.
“Everyone has a different hypnosis journey and everyone comes to hypnosis from different places, so the benefits they receive will be wonderfully personal.”
HTA: How do you think most people could benefit from hypnosis?
AM: Everyone has a different hypnosis journey and everyone comes to hypnosis from different places, so the benefits they receive will be wonderfully personal. That being said, I believe people would discover that they have the tools to free themselves from the behaviors, habits, and emotional patterns that they no longer want in their lives.
They could live life on their own terms, living in a way that is truly meaningful to them, rather than being washed along by the momentum of cultural and social influence. They could break free of the programming that is limiting them, and help others to do the same.
HTA: Any last words for people out there interested in learning hypnosis?
AM: In my estimation humanity lives on a planet more awe-inspiring, and more beautiful than we can possibly imagine. A world that desperately needs humanity to wake up, to break free of the patterns we’ve been unconsciously following, and chart a new course. I really believe that hypnosis is a tool with the power to do that.
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