Ever had someone say to you: it’s all in your mind?
Well, where working out is concerned, that’s absolutely true.
Finding the motivation to hit the gym is all about changing the way you think.
And if your head isn’t in the right place, then your body isn’t going to be either.
It’s been said that the most important part of any workout regime is your mind.
That’s why gym hypnosis is such big news in the fitness world.
Also called gym-based hypnosis, it involves using hypnotherapy for working out.
Before you get to the weights, dumbbells, treadmills, bench presses and rowing machines.
With workout hypnosis, you can get yourself in exactly the right frame of mind so that whatever exercise routine you choose will benefit you the most.
Both physically and mentally.
It’s that extra little advantage that can give you the edge you’ve been looking for.
But what exactly is gym-based hypnosis in the first place?
What Is Gym-Based Hypnosis?
You might be surprised to hear that gym-based hypnosis is… just ordinary hypnosis.
It’s exactly the same as every other kind of hypnosis or hypnotherapy you’re likely to experience.
The difference is that it takes place in the gym.
That’s unusual, because until now places like the gym have been reserved for exercising only.
Sure, there might be a spa or pool for relaxing after your workout.
Generally speaking, though, the emphasis is on running, pushing, lifting, stretching, moving, building up a sweat to help shift body fat and replace it with muscle.
That’s great as far as it goes, but it doesn’t really address your mental health so much.
Thanks to the recent focus on wellness, more and more people are turning to hypnosis and hypnotherapy to help them get a better balance.
Here’s an example of how a hypnotherapy session might play out in a gym:
- Find somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed
- Undergo a rapid induction
- Be subject to some hypnotic suggestions
- Come out of the induction
- Test to see if the suggestions have worked
As you can see, there’s nothing here that you wouldn’t get in any other hypnosis session.
The difference is that it takes place in the gym, so you can put the hypnotic suggestions to work immediately.
What kinds of things might they be? Here are a few examples:
It can be a challenge to find the motivation to work out, especially after a full day’s work, or a full week. Hypnosis can tap into your unconscious mind and help you find good reasons for wanting to exercise, making it less of a chore and more of a rewarding experience.
Just turning up at the gym and jumping on the treadmill isn’t necessarily going to be satisfying in and of itself. It makes more sense to set proper goals for yourself, short-term and long-term, so that you’ve got something fulfilling and gratifying to aim for.
Health and well-being
You probably realize that exercise is good for you, but you also know that you should do everything in moderation and for the right reasons. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and having the right mindset will help you make the most of the exercise you take.
It’s no secret that hypnosis and hypnotherapy are powerful tools for change. They let you focus your thoughts inward so that you can literally reprogram your brain.
The techniques work a bit like meditation, but on a whole other level.
Meditation is all about focusing your mind so you can relax and de-stress. With hypnosis, however, that’s just a small part of the induction.
Once you’re relaxed and communicating with your unconscious, that’s when you’re able to address any issues you want to work on.
And that’s when your hypnotherapist will make those hypnotic suggestions that give you the power to make measurable life changes from the inside out.
What Does Gym-Based Hypnosis Do To Motivate People To Work Out?
You’ve probably heard it said that if you keep doing the same things you’ll keep getting the same results.
When it comes to motivation, there’s another problem as well.
You could have the best trainer or coach in the world, constantly inspiring you to always go the extra mile.
But unless the desire to succeed comes from within you, then chances are it won’t last.
In order to keep yourself motivated, time and time again, you need to adopt the right mindset.
And that means changing the way you think about working out – which will eventually change the way you behave.
Here’s another way to look at it. All those motivational peptalks you get from your coach or trainer are aimed at your conscious mind.
With hypnotherapy, you’re able to bypass the conscious mind and target the unconscious directly.
Your unconscious mind is the place where your experiences, dreams, emotions, memories, desires and creativity are stored.
If you think of an iceberg, your conscious mind represents the 10% floating on the surface of the water, and your unconscious the other 90% beneath the waves that you cannot normally see.
So the unconscious exists outside of your normal awareness, which is why you need to enter a hypnotic trance to be able to communicate with it.
You need to bypass the conscious, critical mind so that you can tap into the vast storehouse that holds all your resources.
And because the unconscious does what it does automatically, once you’ve influenced it in a certain way, it will automatically carry out your request.
It will automatically work to change the way you think about exercising so that the motivation to work out will seem to emerge naturally.
This is all possible because of the way hypnosis works, which typically follows this kind of pattern:
- You’ll get deeply relaxed so that you can shut out the everyday conscious world
- You’ll be given positive suggestions that target the thing you want to change
- You’ll work with visualization, affirmations, metaphors and hypnotic themes to access the unconscious mind
- You may be given post-hypnotic suggestions to help you maintain the right mindset when the session is over
The secret behind hypnosis is that it isn’t something that is done to you. It’s something that you need to participate in fully.
Hypnotherapy is a dialogue between you and the therapist, who merely helps you tune in to your unconscious mind.
Unless you are completely invested in the process, nothing will come of it.
A good workout can bring you plenty of health benefits, including the following:
- It can boost your energy
- It can help you sleep
- It can help to boost your immune system
- It can help you manage stress
Regular exercise also results in the production of endorphins, the so-called feel-good hormones, which is where the notion of the runner’s high comes from.
And if hypnotherapy can help you get motivated to do a bit of regular exercise, which offers so many positive advantages, then it’s got to be something you should seriously consider.
Recent Trends & Examples Involving Hypnotherapy In Gyms & Wellness Hubs
Since the outbreak of the global pandemic, the idea of wellness has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
People have been looking for newer and more efficient techniques they can use to look after their health, and particularly where their mental health is concerned.
That’s meant the development of new trends as well as finding new ways to use existing treatments.
For instance, you can now access hypnotherapy sessions in many gyms and wellness hubs.
Whereas previously the gym might only have been considered as a place to work out, now gymgoers are realizing they can use the power of hypnosis to help them get motivated and to plan their fitness goals.
Wellness hubs and websites are also teaching people how to use self-hypnosis to enable them to manage stress and anxiety. Being able to relax before working out makes it possible to clear the mind and focus on a single objective.
There is also evidence of hypnotherapy being used to help couples conceive by letting them:
- Get rid of stress, anxiety and depression
- Overcome any other psychological barriers
- Supercharge their mind-body connection so that conception becomes more likely
There seems to be no end to the possible uses for hypnotherapy, and the list just keeps on expanding.
In fact, the Wellness Institute highlights 3 good reasons why hypnotherapy is growing in popularity:
1. 20% of American adults are faced with a mental health challenge every year.
2. People in the 21st century don’t just want results – they want them quickly.
3. Hypnotherapy is one of the few treatments that works on just about everything and is completely safe, non-invasive and pain free.
Add to all these points the fact that you can now access hypnotherapy sessions just about anywhere, including at your local gym, and taking advantage of its power and efficiency seems like a no-brainer.
Main Takeaways
Finding the motivation to work out is all about changing the way you think.
Gym-based hypnosis helps you achieve that by letting you communicate with your unconscious mind so you can alter your thinking from the inside out.
It’s part of a new wellness trend where hypnotherapy is being offered in unusual and unexpected places.
The focus is on a person’s mental health as much as their physical health, since the one has a major influence on the other.
Hypnotherapy in the gym gives you the chance to boost your motivation, review and manage your workout goals and take a more serious approach to your overall well-being.
Gym-based hypnosis works the same as other forms of hypnosis, helping you to:
- Relax and shut out the conscious world
- Accept positive suggestions for change
- Visualize the goals you want to reach
Working out provides a number of health benefits, including boosting your energy, helping you sleep, boosting your immune system and lowering your stress and anxiety levels.
As people search for better and more effective ways to manage their physical and mental health, it’s clear that hypnotherapy will play a large and significant role.
And that’s true wherever hypnotherapy may be offered, whether in a therapist’s office or in a quiet room at your local gym.
>> If you’re interested in hypnotherapy or want to improve your practice, check out our live and online hypnosis training events.
Want to know more about hypnotherapy, but not sure what certification program is the right choice for you? Book a DISCOVERY CALL today to learn more about Hypnosis Training Academy’s hypnotherapy programs.