How long is a piece of string?
That’s one of those hard-to-answer questions.
Because, no matter what length you cut it, it’s still a “piece” of string.
Even if it stretches to the moon and back.
So instead, here’s a question that’s a lot easier to answer:
What benefits can hypnosis bring you?
Plenty, depending on what you use it for.
You might choose to use hypnosis in one of the following ways:
- As a powerful tool for self-growth
- As a viable career option to help people lead more rewarding lives
- As a means of entertainment
Or, if you want to, you can combine all 3.
Whatever you decide to do with it, certain things will remain constant.
You’ll want to be the most successful hypnotist you can be.
You’ll want to keep refining and improving your skills.
You’ll want to give the best session or performance you can give, every single time.
Like an actor on a stage, you’ll want your “audience” to leave feeling satisfied.
Feeling moved.
Feeling like their life has been enriched in some way.
And to do that, you’ll need to have the right gear in your hypnosis toolbox.
5 Essential & Indispensable Hypnosis Training Tips
What makes one hypnotist better than another?
Is it their personality?
Is it their skill level?
Is it the amount of time they spend honing their craft?
Or is it that they learned their trade from an established master?
Just as in any other profession, everyone is different.
They each bring something unique to the table.
They won’t all become famous for what they do.
And for lots of reasons, not everyone will want to.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy superior hypnosis skills.
Whether you’ve got scores of followers on YouTube or not, you can still elevate your talent.
You can still raise your game to its top level.
You can still make sure you always perform at your peak, no matter what goal you have in mind.
For yourself, or for anybody else.
And here are 5 awesome hypnosis training tips and tools that will help to guarantee your success as a hypnotist:
1. Always Use H+
H+ is about wanting the best possible hypnotic experience for your subject before you begin any hypnosis. So before you start, ensure you set the right intention and “go first” by getting into the right mindset.
Part of this requires that you as the hypnotist also go into trance so that your unconscious mind is open and will work with your subject’s unconscious mind.
The other part of H+ is how you connect with the subject.
Strive to be warm, understanding, compassionate and ready to listen, listen, listen. The more you get to know them, the problem they’re facing, and how it’s affecting their lives – the easier it will be for you to help them overcome it.
H+ refers to hypnosis that’s as positive as possible. Upbeat, encouraging, motivational, productive, and results driven.
But it’s not just hypnosis – it’s hypnosis plus. And that means putting extra attention and passion into every single session. The more passionate you are about what you do, the more responsive your subjects will be.
If you’re positive, caring, passionate, warm and kind – your subjects won’t be able to help themselves. They’ll follow your lead and be much more open to making constructive changes.
2. Practice Self-Hypnosis
There are 3 good reasons why every hypnotist should practice self-hypnosis on a regular basis:
- Learning how to hypnotize yourself will naturally deepen your understanding of hypnosis. The more you understand the process, the better equipped you’ll be when it comes to hypnotizing someone else.
- In line with reason one, when you practice self-hypnosis you’ll want to set the right mood before you go into a trance. This helps with “going first” when you hypnotize someone else. Having done it for yourself, you’ll realize the importance of getting your subject into the right frame of mind before they go into a trance.
- Self-hypnosis is a valuable tool for goal setting, visualizing success and dealing with personal attitudes that are not useful in your own hypnosis career. And once again, when you’re used to setting your own goals, you’ll find it easier to help subjects set theirs. You can also relate your own experience to subjects, which will help to verify and validate the process – and the results it can bring.
To know more about self-hypnosis and how you can fine-tune your self-hypnosis practice, check out our latest programs and trainings.
3. Study Your Craft
What made Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci so significant?
It wasn’t the size of their brains or the era they lived in. They certainly weren’t born with silver spoons in their mouths. And on the face of it, they didn’t exactly have an easy time of things either.
Da Vinci was the illegitimate son of a wealthy man and a peasant girl. Being illegitimate, he didn’t even have a surname. Instead, he was known by the name of the place where he came from, which was the Tuscan town of Vinci.
Einstein’s beginnings were not much better. At age 16 he took the entrance exam for a polytechnic in Zurich. He actually failed to reach the standard criteria on the main part of the test, only getting respectable grades in physics and math.
And yet, even with the odds seemingly stacked against them, these two men rose to be giants. What was it about them that allowed them to flourish like that?
It was the fact that, whatever else was going on in their lives, they kept on learning. They kept on looking for answers. For solutions to problems. For innovative ways of doing things.
And when they discovered something new, something different, or something unusual, they used it as a springboard to growth. They didn’t just think outside the box. When necessary, they came up with a brand new box.
You can’t possibly ever know too much, can you? So you owe it to yourself to learn everything you can about hypnosis.
Proper training will help to fill in the gaps, strengthen your skills, and provide you with a solid foundation to build on.
From there, depending on your goals, you might decide to enroll in a certification program. Or attend training seminars.
Courses like these help you develop your talents and boost your confidence in your abilities. Along the way, you might also pick up a few snazzy diplomas to display on your office wall.
4. Build A Strong Support Network
No matter what stage you’re at, there’s no need for you to do things alone. One way to quickly develop as a hypnotist is to create a network of like-minded people around you.
There are lots of different approaches you can take. Some are simpler and more obvious, while others require a bit of time and dedication. Here are a few options for you to chew over:
- Join a MeetUp group in your area. If a group doesn’t exist, consider starting one yourself. It doesn’t have to be a formal affair – just a regular meet in a local coffee shop will kick things off.
- Hook up with hypnotists online.
- Connect with others on LinkedIn or Facebook. Tweet about your experiences and adventures. Use the internet to create a global network of fans, followers, and fellow enthusiasts.
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Subscribe to hypnosis websites or journals to get valuable hypnosis training tips. Find out what’s happening locally, nationally, and internationally. Stay abreast of developments so you’re always informed and up to speed.
A strong support network will provide you with feedback, give you somewhere to pick up tips and ideas, and offer you the chance to both learn from others and pass on some of your own insights.
5. Practice Being A Hypnotist
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
The same way you get to become a top-class hypnotist.
Practice, practice, practice!
You can study. You can read and research. You can pick things up by being super observant.
But you can’t truly call yourself a hypnotist unless you practice hypnosis.
Sounds obvious, but how many people forget to put their skills to use? More than you’d think.
You can’t learn to be a supreme hypnotist by attending courses, or by memorizing everything you need to know. You need time to put your knowledge to the test, and you need people to hypnotize.
But where can you find willing volunteers?
Sooner or later you’re bound to run out of people in your immediate circle. You can only practice on friends and family for so long. So what else can you do?
One way to find an almost endless supply of “guinea pigs” is to practice street hypnosis. Set aside some time, go out into the big wide world, and ask people if they’d like to help you. Some won’t, of course, but don’t be discouraged by that. Simply thank them and move on to someone else.
Another way to find people is to market your services using social media. After you’ve set up your professional page, such as Facebook, you can run ads to it advertising hypnosis sessions for even just a small fee of $20.
This will give you an opportunity to practice on many people, and is something that’s also affordable for most people.
During your first year, aim to practice with at least 100 people before you start a “real” hypnosis practice professionally.
If you want to take your hypnosis practice to the next level and establish yourself as a legitimate professional hypnotist, the Hypnosis Diploma School is for you.
Not only will this give you the experience you need, but practicing on strangers is also a great way to build your confidence and develop your rapport-building skills.
And since none of these people will know you, at least in the first instance, it doesn’t even matter if things don’t go perfectly well. It’s just a chance to test things out and find out what works.
Because the more often you do it, the better you’ll get at it, and the more amazed your potential audience will be.
If you’re interested in discovering more ways to fine-tune those hypnosis skills, check out the related articles below and get more hypnosis training tips:
>>The 10 Deadly Sins You Should Never Commit As A Professional And Ethical Hypnotherapist
>>7 Ways To Survive Your First (And Big) Hypnosis Failure