Given how effective hypnosis is at curing a variety of ailments – emotional, physical and mental – it isn’t surprising that it’s starting to be recognized as a powerful form of treatment for Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD).
While PTSD is still a fairly new diagnosis, with scientific studies still being carried out to identify the best form of treatment, research is pointing towards hypnosis when paired with therapeutic intervention.
The article On Use of Hypnosis for Treatment of PTSD highlights how hypnosis is used to treat PTSD:
“Hypnosis is used with treatment in a stair stepped approach. It is first used to allow the patient to learn to relax and regain control in situations outside of therapy. Specific suggestions are instilled in the patient to allow them to quickly call on these coping strategies when needed.
“Next, it is used to find resolution in the trauma. During this time, the patient will be able to use reframing and integration techniques to see the trauma in a new light. This step in hypnosis can also allow the patient to dissolve self-blame and restructure the event in a way that allows for closure and a decrease in exaggerated recreations during flashbacks.
“In the final step of hypnosis, the patient is able to learn to maintain stability and solidify coping and relaxation mechanisms in daily life. They will be able to distract their thoughts from the trauma and regain control over their daily life. If used correctly, hypnosis along with therapy can alleviate the daily retraumatizing symptoms that a patient must endure. When used shortly after the trauma has occurred, the effects of hypnosis can be seen in very few sessions.”
It’s said that 10% of the population are affected by PTSD and the triggers vary depending on the person, but the common thread is that symptoms can often be deliberating, and very difficult to treat. Therefore these findings are very reassuring for both the hypnosis community, and those suffering from PTSD.
To learn more about how hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be used to treat other conditions such stress and anxiety, check out the below related articles: