What’s the success secret of the world’s top 200 CEOs?
That’s a question a research company tried to fathom.
So they sent 200 of the world’s top CEOs a survey to complete.
The survey asked the CEOs a myriad of questions.
And what the research company found through the survey analysis was:
The 200 CEOs came from all different kinds of backgrounds.
They had completely different companies.
And, in most cases, completely different styles of operating.
In other words, there were lots of questions… and…
…LOTS of different answers.
However, ONE thing — actually the ONLY thing – that all 200 CEO’s had in common is they ALL said to the effect that:
Sounds like a strange answer for a hyper-busy CEO to admit to, doesn’t it?
But taking time, every day, to be still was the ONLY unifying principle that all those top CEOs had in common.
They had all discovered (in their own way) that great progress overflows from a state of stillness.
When their mind is still.
A still – quiet – mind is a successful mind.
Because a still – quiet – mind is a mind free of all subconscious self-sabotaging beliefs.
When your mind is busy — it’s full of thoughts and doubts about what you are able to do.
And that prevents you from “seeing” and acting on all the opportunities and options around you.
So could hypnosis be the secret to your success?