Got a special guest for you…
In this edition of Interview With A Hypnotist, the spotlight is turned on the Hypnosis Training Academy’s co-creator and master hypnotist – Igor Ledochowski.
If you’ve ever been curious how (or why) Igor went from being a lawyer in a prestigious law firm, to following his heart into hypnosis – then you won’t want to miss this interview.
Listen to discover how Igor experimented with hypnosis as a teenager and how he used it to succeed in University… and then land his first job at a prestigious law firm!
Igor also shares his early days of law – and how his heart was being pulled into a different world – hypnosis.
Curious to follow this path, he created his first hypnosis manual and had a BIG moment of insight that inspired him to create his own hypnotherapy model – conversational hypnosis.
And then as the saying goes… the rest is history!
Don’t miss this rare chance to get a glimpse into Igor’s journey and to discover the invaluable lessons he’s learned along the way, including the one thing he wished he had done differently…
Jump right in and listen to this month’s exciting interview!
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