In this video you’ll see a student ask a question that leads to a demonstration with me.
This student was frustrated.
He’s a very good hypnotist who loves his work helping other people. But there are times when a client doesn’t give him any motivation to work with.
As in, the client won’t give any real answers to why they want to change.
So I have the student play the role of the “closed down” client – and I do a demonstration on how he as the hypnotist would allow the client to reveal their true motivation to work within a hypnosis session.
This is learning by seeing in action!
And if you missed part 1 or 2 in this Mind Bending Language Mastery series, you can catch them below:
Video #1 Mind Bending Language Mastery: Driving Questions
Video #2 Mind Bending Language Mastery: Asking Driving Questions