Ready for the fourth and final part of the HypnoLab training series on how to use ethical conversational hypnosis in sales?
In this informative video training, master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski reviews what you’ve covered in parts 1-3, then explores how to apply practical conversational hypnosis techniques to the sales process.
Get FREE access to this hypnosis training now to discover:
- The difference between being “nice” and trying too hard to please your sales prospect (one of these usually backfires)
- 3 factors that make the biggest impact on your sales prospect when you speak to them
- How unconscious framing helps you influence the way someone perceives your ideas
- Why it’s best for salespeople (and hypnotherapists) to avoid scripts
- What happens when your script doesn’t match the audience or social context (hint: the whole conversation feels off)
- How to find the right balance between small talk and “big talk” in your sales conversations so you build stronger rapport
Even if you don’t work in sales, the tips shared in these videos can be used to ethically enhance the way you communicate and get your big ideas across during any conversation.
A valuable skill worth learning no matter your profession, wouldn’t you agree?
Did you miss the other video trainings in this awesome series? No worries, you can catch them below:
- How To Use Ethical Conversational Hypnosis In Sales – Part 1: Social Context & The Lifecycle Of A Client
- Ethical Conversational Hypnosis In Sales – Part 2: How to Communicate Value (So Someone Feels Compelled To Talk With You!)
- How To Use Ethical Conversational Hypnosis In Sales – Part 3: Perfecting The Art Of Tonality For Better Results
To access this month’s exciting training,
log into your HypnoLab Members Area.
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