Many people complain to me that:
“Talking to so-and-so is like hitting a brick wall.“
When I hear those words I remember exactly how I used to feel in the same kind of situations.
It was frustrating.
And very often, demeaning.
Thankfully I NEVER have to feel like that now when dealing with a closed-down, difficult or abrasive personality.
Instead I use covert conversational hypnosis and now whenever I’m conversing with anyone (even the typical argumentative, got-to-be-my-way type of person)
I feel…
And helpful.
Yes, helpful.
Because I know I’m helping another person to display the responses and actions that will be in the best interest of everyone concerned.
That makes me feel good.
And it makes the person I’m conversing with feel good, too.
It’s a wonderful experience.
>>Related article: 4 Covert Agreement Tactics To Set A “Yes!” Mood In Hypnosis